Judah Profaned the Covenant

10 Have we not all (A)one Father? Has not (B)one God created us? Why then are we (C)faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

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A stern vision is told to me;
    (A)the traitor betrays,
    and the destroyer destroys.
Go up, O (B)Elam;
    lay siege, O (C)Media;
all the (D)sighing she has caused
    I bring to an end.

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16 (A)From the ends of the earth we hear songs of praise,
    of glory to (B)the Righteous One.
But I say, “I waste away,
    I waste away. Woe is me!
For (C)the traitors have betrayed,
    with betrayal the traitors have betrayed.”

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O Lord, Be Gracious to Us

33 (A)Ah, you destroyer,
    who yourself have not been destroyed,
you traitor,
    whom none has betrayed!
When you have ceased to destroy,
    you will be destroyed;
and when you have finished betraying,
    they will betray you.

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