Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. (A)But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ (B)In your tithes and contributions.

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Honor the Lord with your wealth
    and with (A)the firstfruits of all your produce;
10 then your (B)barns will be filled with plenty,
    and your vats will be bursting with wine.

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21 They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, (A)“Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

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17 Jesus said to them, (A)“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marveled at him.

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Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
    worship the Lord in (A)the splendor of holiness.[a]

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  1. Psalm 29:2 Or in holy attire

21 (A)“To the Levites I have given every tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service that they do, their service in the tent of meeting, 22 (B)so that the people of Israel do not come near the tent of meeting, (C)lest they bear sin and die. 23 But (D)the Levites shall do the service of the tent of meeting, (E)and they shall bear their iniquity. It shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations, and among the people of Israel they shall have no inheritance. 24 For the tithe of the people of Israel, which (F)they present as a contribution to the Lord, I have given to the Levites for an inheritance. Therefore I have said of them that they shall have no inheritance (G)among the people of Israel.”

25 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 26 “Moreover, you shall speak and say to the Levites, ‘When you take from the people of Israel the tithe that I have given you from them for your inheritance, then you shall present a contribution from it to the Lord, (H)a tithe of the tithe. 27 (I)And your contribution shall be counted to you as though it were the grain of the threshing floor, and as the fullness of the winepress. 28 So you shall also present a contribution to the Lord from all your tithes, which you receive from the people of Israel. And from it you shall give the Lord's contribution to Aaron the priest. 29 Out of all the gifts to you, you shall present every contribution due to the Lord; from each its best part is to be dedicated.’ 30 Therefore you shall say to them, ‘When you have offered from it the best of it, (J)then the rest shall be counted to the Levites as produce of the threshing floor, and as produce of the winepress. 31 And you may eat it in any place, you and your households, for it is (K)your reward in return for your service in the tent of meeting. 32 And you shall (L)bear no sin by reason of it, when you have contributed the best of it. But you shall not (M)profane the holy things of the people of Israel, lest you die.’”

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22 You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you (A)rob temples?

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(A)Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

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25 He said to them, “Then (A)render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

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13 But you say, (A)‘What a weariness this is,’ and you snort at it, says the Lord of hosts. (B)You bring what has been taken by violence or is lame or sick, and this you bring as your offering! Shall I accept that from your hand? says the Lord.

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11 Israel has sinned; they have (A)transgressed my covenant that I commanded them; they have taken some of the (B)devoted things; they have stolen and lied and put them among their own belongings.

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(A)When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts.

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Now before this, (A)Eliashib the priest, who (B)was appointed over the chambers of the house of our God, and who was related to (C)Tobiah, prepared for Tobiah a large chamber where they had previously put the grain offering, the frankincense, the vessels, and the tithes of grain, wine, and oil, (D)which were given by commandment to the Levites, singers, and gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests. While this was taking place, I was not in Jerusalem, for (E)in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes (F)king of Babylon I went to the king. And after some time I asked leave of the king and came to Jerusalem, and I then discovered the evil that Eliashib had done for Tobiah, (G)preparing for him a chamber in the courts of the house of God. And I was very angry, and I threw all the household furniture of Tobiah out of the chamber. Then I gave orders, and they (H)cleansed the chambers, and I brought back there the vessels of the house of God, with the grain offering and the frankincense.

10 I also found out that (I)the portions of the Levites had not been given to them, so that the Levites and the singers, who did the work, had fled each (J)to his field. 11 (K)So I confronted the officials and said, (L)“Why is the house of God forsaken?” And I gathered them together and set them in their stations. 12 Then all Judah brought (M)the tithe of the grain, wine, and oil into the storehouses. 13 And (N)I appointed as treasurers over the storehouses Shelemiah the priest, Zadok the scribe, and Pedaiah of the Levites, and as their assistant Hanan the son of Zaccur, son of Mattaniah, (O)for they were considered reliable, and their duty was to distribute to their brothers. 14 (P)Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God and for his service.

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“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, If anyone (A)makes a special vow to the Lord involving the valuation of persons, then the valuation of a male from twenty years old up to sixty years old shall be fifty shekels[a] of silver, according to the (B)shekel of the sanctuary. If the person is a female, the valuation shall be thirty shekels. If the person is from five years old up to twenty years old, the valuation shall be for a male twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels. If the person is from a month old up to five years old, the valuation shall be for a male five shekels of silver, and for a female the valuation shall be three shekels of silver. And if the person is sixty years old or over, then the valuation for a male shall be fifteen shekels, and for a female ten shekels. And if someone is too poor to pay the valuation, then he shall be made to stand before the priest, and the priest shall value him; the priest shall value him according to what the vower can afford.

“If the vow[b] is an animal that may be offered as an offering to the Lord, all of it that he gives to the Lord is holy. 10 (C)He shall not exchange it or make a substitute for it, good for bad, or bad for good; and if he does in fact substitute one animal for another, then both it and the substitute shall be holy. 11 And if it is any unclean animal that may not be offered as an offering to the Lord, then he shall stand the animal before the priest, 12 and the priest shall value it as either good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall be. 13 (D)But if he wishes to redeem it, he shall add a (E)fifth to the valuation.

14 “When a man dedicates his house as a holy gift to the Lord, the priest shall value it as either good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall stand. 15 (F)And if the donor wishes to redeem his house, he shall add a (G)fifth to the valuation price, and it shall be his.

16 “If a man dedicates to the Lord part of the land that is his possession, then the valuation shall be in proportion to its seed. A homer[c] of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver. 17 If he dedicates his field from the year of jubilee, the valuation shall stand, 18 but if he dedicates his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall (H)calculate the price according to the years that remain until the year of jubilee, and a deduction shall be made from the valuation. 19 (I)And if he who dedicates the field wishes to redeem it, then he shall add a (J)fifth to its valuation price, and it shall remain his. 20 But if he does not wish to redeem the field, or if he has sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed anymore. 21 But the field, (K)when it is released in the jubilee, shall be a holy gift to the Lord, like a field that has been (L)devoted. The priest shall be in (M)possession of it. 22 If he dedicates to the Lord a field that he has bought, (N)which is not a part of his possession, 23 (O)then the priest shall calculate the amount of the valuation for it up to the year of jubilee, and the man shall give the valuation on that day as a holy gift to the Lord. 24 (P)In the year of jubilee the field shall return to him from whom it was bought, to whom the land belongs as a possession. 25 Every valuation shall be according to (Q)the shekel of the sanctuary: (R)twenty gerahs[d] shall make a shekel.

26 “But a (S)firstborn of animals, which as a firstborn belongs to the Lord, no man may dedicate; whether ox or sheep, it is the Lord's. 27 And if it is an unclean animal, then he shall buy it back at the valuation, (T)and add a fifth to it; or, if it is not redeemed, it shall be sold at the valuation.

28 “But (U)no devoted thing that a man devotes to the Lord, of anything that he has, whether man or beast, or of his inherited field, shall be sold or redeemed; every devoted thing is most holy to the Lord. 29 (V)No one devoted, who is to be devoted for destruction[e] from mankind, shall be ransomed; he shall surely be put to death.

30 (W)“Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's; it is holy to the Lord. 31 If a man wishes to redeem some of his tithe, he shall add a fifth to it. 32 And every tithe of herds and flocks, every tenth animal of all that (X)pass under the herdsman's staff, shall be holy to the Lord. 33 One shall not differentiate between good or bad, (Y)neither shall he make a substitute for it; and if he does substitute for it, then both it and the substitute shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.”

34 (Z)These are the commandments that the Lord commanded Moses for the people of Israel (AA)on Mount Sinai.

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  1. Leviticus 27:3 A shekel was about 2/5 ounce or 11 grams
  2. Leviticus 27:9 Hebrew it
  3. Leviticus 27:16 A homer was about 6 bushels or 220 liters
  4. Leviticus 27:25 A gerah was about 1/50 ounce or 0.6 gram
  5. Leviticus 27:29 That is, set apart (devoted) as an offering to the Lord (for destruction)

15 (A)“If anyone commits a breach of faith and sins unintentionally in any of the holy things of the Lord, (B)he shall bring to the Lord as his compensation, a ram without blemish out of the flock, valued[a] in silver shekels,[b] according to the (C)shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt offering. 16 He shall also make restitution for what he has done amiss in the holy thing and (D)shall add a fifth to it and give it to the priest. (E)And the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering, and he shall be forgiven.

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  1. Leviticus 5:15 Or flock, or its equivalent
  2. Leviticus 5:15 A shekel was about 2/5 ounce or 11 grams

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