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And having done this, they enclosed asach (a lot of) dagim, and their nets were being torn.

And they signaled for their shuttafim (partners) in the other sirah to come and help them. And they came and they filled both sirot (boats) so much that they began to sink.

And having seen this, Shimon Kefa fell down before Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, saying, Depart from me, Adoni, for an ish choteh (sinful man) am I. [BERESHIS 18:27; IYOV 42:6; YESHAYAH 6:5]

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And having done this, they enclosed asach (a lot of) dagim, and their nets were being torn.

And they signaled for their shuttafim (partners) in the other sirah to come and help them. And they came and they filled both sirot (boats) so much that they began to sink.

And having seen this, Shimon Kefa fell down before Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, saying, Depart from me, Adoni, for an ish choteh (sinful man) am I. [BERESHIS 18:27; IYOV 42:6; YESHAYAH 6:5]

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