18 But be glad and rejoice(A) forever
    in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem(B) to be a delight
    and its people a joy.

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Psalm 98

A psalm.

Sing to the Lord(A) a new song,(B)
    for he has done marvelous things;(C)
his right hand(D) and his holy arm(E)
    have worked salvation(F) for him.
The Lord has made his salvation known(G)
    and revealed his righteousness(H) to the nations.(I)
He has remembered(J) his love
    and his faithfulness to Israel;
all the ends of the earth(K) have seen
    the salvation of our God.(L)

Shout for joy(M) to the Lord, all the earth,
    burst into jubilant song with music;
make music to the Lord with the harp,(N)
    with the harp and the sound of singing,(O)
with trumpets(P) and the blast of the ram’s horn(Q)
    shout for joy(R) before the Lord, the King.(S)

Let the sea(T) resound, and everything in it,
    the world, and all who live in it.(U)
Let the rivers clap their hands,(V)
    let the mountains(W) sing together for joy;
let them sing before the Lord,
    for he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
    and the peoples with equity.(X)

Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon’s Fall

19 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude(A) in heaven shouting:

Salvation(C) and glory and power(D) belong to our God,
    for true and just are his judgments.(E)
He has condemned the great prostitute(F)
    who corrupted the earth by her adulteries.
He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.”(G)

And again they shouted:

The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.”(I)

The twenty-four elders(J) and the four living creatures(K) fell down(L) and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried:

“Amen, Hallelujah!”(M)

Then a voice came from the throne, saying:

“Praise our God,
    all you his servants,(N)
you who fear him,
    both great and small!”(O)

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude,(P) like the roar of rushing waters(Q) and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:

    For our Lord God Almighty(S) reigns.(T)

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The Seventh Trumpet

15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet,(A) and there were loud voices(B) in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become
    the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,(C)
    and he will reign for ever and ever.”(D)

16 And the twenty-four elders,(E) who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces(F) and worshiped God, 17 saying:

“We give thanks(G) to you, Lord God Almighty,(H)
    the One who is and who was,(I)
because you have taken your great power
    and have begun to reign.(J)
18 The nations were angry,(K)
    and your wrath has come.
The time has come for judging the dead,(L)
    and for rewarding your servants the prophets(M)
and your people who revere your name,
    both great and small(N)
and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

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10 “Rejoice(A) with Jerusalem and be glad for her,
    all you who love(B) her;
rejoice greatly with her,
    all you who mourn(C) over her.
11 For you will nurse(D) and be satisfied
    at her comforting breasts;(E)
you will drink deeply
    and delight in her overflowing abundance.”(F)

12 For this is what the Lord says:

“I will extend peace(G) to her like a river,(H)
    and the wealth(I) of nations like a flooding stream;
you will nurse and be carried(J) on her arm
    and dandled on her knees.
13 As a mother comforts her child,(K)
    so will I comfort(L) you;
    and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”

14 When you see this, your heart will rejoice(M)
    and you will flourish(N) like grass;
the hand(O) of the Lord will be made known to his servants,(P)
    but his fury(Q) will be shown to his foes.

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May the peoples praise you, God;
    may all the peoples praise you.(A)
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,(B)
    for you rule the peoples with equity(C)
    and guide the nations of the earth.(D)
May the peoples praise you, God;
    may all the peoples praise you.

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The Coming of Zion’s King

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!(A)
    Shout,(B) Daughter Jerusalem!
See, your king comes to you,(C)
    righteous and victorious,(D)
lowly and riding on a donkey,(E)
    on a colt, the foal of a donkey.(F)

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How beautiful on the mountains(A)
    are the feet of those who bring good news,(B)
who proclaim peace,(C)
    who bring good tidings,
    who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
    “Your God reigns!”(D)
Listen! Your watchmen(E) lift up their voices;(F)
    together they shout for joy.(G)
When the Lord returns(H) to Zion,(I)
    they will see it with their own eyes.
Burst into songs of joy(J) together,
    you ruins(K) of Jerusalem,
for the Lord has comforted(L) his people,
    he has redeemed Jerusalem.(M)
10 The Lord will lay bare his holy arm(N)
    in the sight of all the nations,(O)
and all the ends of the earth(P) will see
    the salvation(Q) of our God.

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13 Shout for joy,(A) you heavens;
    rejoice, you earth;(B)
    burst into song, you mountains!(C)
For the Lord comforts(D) his people
    and will have compassion(E) on his afflicted ones.(F)

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23 Sing for joy,(A) you heavens, for the Lord has done this;
    shout aloud, you earth(B) beneath.
Burst into song, you mountains,(C)
    you forests and all your trees,(D)
for the Lord has redeemed(E) Jacob,
    he displays his glory(F) in Israel.

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In that day(A) they will say,

“Surely this is our God;(B)
    we trusted(C) in him, and he saved(D) us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
    let us rejoice(E) and be glad in his salvation.”(F)

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In that day(A) you will say:

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;(B)
    make known among the nations(C) what he has done,
    and proclaim that his name is exalted.(D)
Sing(E) to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;(F)
    let this be known to all the world.
Shout aloud and sing for joy,(G) people of Zion,
    for great(H) is the Holy One of Israel(I) among you.(J)

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