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Israel Does Not Follow God

57 All the good people are gone,
    and no one even noticed.
The loyal followers were gathered up,
    but no one knows why.

The reason they were gathered up
    is that trouble is coming.
But peace will come too,
    and those who trust him will get to rest in their own beds.

“Come here, you children of witches.
    Your father committed adultery,
    and your mother was unfaithful.
You are children out of control, full of lies.
    You make fun of me.
You make faces
    and stick out your tongue at me.[a]
All you want is to worship false gods
    under every green tree.
You kill children by every stream
    and sacrifice them in the rocky places.
You love to worship the smooth rocks in the rivers.
    You pour wine on them to worship them.
You give sacrifices to them, but those rocks are all you get.
    Do you think this makes me happy?
You make your bed on every hill
    and high mountain.[b]
You go up to those places
    and offer sacrifices.
You hide the things that help you remember me
    behind the doors and doorframes.[c]
You were with me,
    but you got up to go to them.
You spread out your bed
    and gave yourself to them.[d]
You love their beds
    and enjoy looking at their naked bodies.[e]
You use your oils and perfumes
    to look nice for Molech.
You sent your messengers to faraway lands,
    and this will bring you down to the place of death.[f]
10 All of them made you tired,
    but you never gave up.
You found new strength,
    because you enjoyed them.
11 You did not remember me.
    You did not even notice me!
So who were you worrying about?
    Who were you afraid of?
    Why did you lie?
Look, I have been quiet for a long time.
    Is that why you didn’t honor me?
12 I could tell about your ‘good works’ and all the ‘religious’ things you do,
    but that will not help you.
13 When you need help,
    you cry to those false gods that you have gathered around you.
    Let them help you!
But I tell you, the wind will blow them all away.
    A puff of wind will blow them all away.
But the one who depends on me
    will get the land I promised
    and enjoy my holy mountain.[g]

The Lord Will Save His People

14 Clear the road! Clear the road!
    Make the way clear for my people!

15 God is high and lifted up.
    He lives forever.
    His name is holy.
He says, “I live in a high and holy place,
    but I also live with people who are humble and sorry for their sins.
I will give new life to those who are humble in spirit.
    I will give new life to those who are sorry for their sins.
16 I will not accuse my people forever.
    I will not always be angry.
If I continued to show my anger,
    then the human spirit, the life I gave them, would die before me.
17 Israel’s evil greed made me angry,
    so I punished them.
I turned away from them
    because I was angry.
But they continued to do wrong.
    They did whatever they wanted.
18 I have seen their way of life, but I will heal them.
    I will guide and comfort them and those who mourn for them.
19 I will teach them a new word: peace.
    I will give peace to those who are near and to those who are far away.
I will heal them.”
    The Lord himself said this.

20 But evil people are like the angry ocean.
    They cannot be quiet and peaceful.
They are angry, and like the ocean,
    they stir up mud.
21 My God says,
    “There is no peace for evil people.”

People Must Be Told to Follow God

58 Shout as loud as you can and don’t stop.
    Shout like a trumpet!
Tell the people what they did wrong.
    Tell the family of Jacob about their sins.
They still come every day to worship me,
    acting as if they want to learn my ways.
They pretend to be a nation that lives right
    and obeys the commands of their God.
They ask me to judge them fairly.
    They want their God to be near them.

They say, “We fast to show honor to you. Why don’t you see us? We starve our bodies to show honor to you. Why don’t you notice us?”

But God says, “You do things to please yourselves on those special days of fasting. And you punish your servants, not your own bodies. You are hungry, but not for food. You are hungry for arguing and fighting, not for bread. You are hungry to hit people with your evil hands. This is not the way to fast if you want your prayers to be heard in heaven! Do you think I want to see people punish their bodies on those days of fasting? Do you think I want people to look sad and bow their heads like dead plants? Do you think I want people to wear mourning clothes and sit in ashes to show their sadness? That is what you do on your days of fasting. Do you think that is what the Lord wants?

“I will tell you the kind of day I want—a day to set people free. I want a day that you take the burdens off others. I want a day when you set troubled people free and you take the burdens from their shoulders. I want you to share your food with the hungry. I want you to find the poor who don’t have homes and bring them into your own homes. When you see people who have no clothes, give them your clothes! Don’t hide from your relatives when they need help.”

If you do these things, your light will begin to shine like the light of dawn. Then your wounds will heal. Your “Goodness” will walk in front of you, and the Glory of the Lord will come following behind you. Then you will call to the Lord, and he will answer you. You will cry out to him, and he will say, “Here I am.”

Stop causing trouble and putting burdens on people. Stop saying things to hurt people or accusing them of things they didn’t do. 10 Feel sorry for hungry people and give them food. Help those who are troubled and satisfy their needs. Then your light will shine in the darkness. You will be like the bright sunshine at noon.

11 The Lord will always lead you and satisfy your needs in dry lands. He will give strength to your bones. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring that never goes dry.

12 Your cities have been destroyed for many years, but you will rebuild them and their foundations will last for a long time. You will be called “Fence Fixer” and “Builder of Roads and Houses.”

13 That will happen when you stop sinning against God’s law about the Sabbath and when you stop doing things to please yourself on that special day. You should call the Sabbath a happy day. You should honor the Lord’s special day by not saying and doing things that you do every other day of the week. 14 Then you could enjoy the Lord. As the Lord himself says, “I could carry you up to the highest mountain and let you enjoy the land that I gave to your father Jacob.”

Evil People Should Change Their Lives

59 Look, the Lord’s power is enough to save you. He can hear you when you ask him for help. It is your sins that separate you from your God. He turns away from you when he sees them. That’s because your hands are covered with blood from the people you murdered. You tell lies and say evil things. You can’t be trusted, even in court. You lie about each other and depend on false arguments to win your cases. You create pain and produce wickedness. You hatch evil, like eggs from a poisonous snake. Anyone who eats the eggs will die. And if you break one of them open, a poisonous snake will come out.

Your lies are like spider webs. They cannot be used for clothes, and you cannot cover yourself with them.

Your hands are always busy sinning and hurting others. Your feet run toward evil. You are always ready to kill innocent people. You think of nothing but evil. Everywhere you go you cause trouble and ruin. You don’t know how to live in peace. You don’t do what is right and fair. You are crooked, and anyone who lives like that will never know true peace.

Israel’s Sin Brings Trouble

All fairness and goodness is gone.
There is only darkness around us,
    so we must wait for the light.
We hope for a bright light,
    but all we have is darkness.
10 We are like people without eyes.
    We walk into walls like blind people.
We stumble and fall as if it was night.
    Even in the daylight, we cannot see.
    At noontime, we fall like dead men.
11 We are always complaining;
    we growl like bears and moan like doves.
We are waiting for justice,
    but there is none.
We are waiting to be saved,
    but salvation is still far away.
12 That’s because we committed crimes against our God.
    Our own sins speak out against us.
We know we are guilty.
    We know we have sinned.
13 We rebelled against the Lord
    and lied to him.
We turned away from our God
    and left him.
We planned to hurt others
    and to rebel against God.
From hearts filled with lies,
    we talked about it and made our plans.
14 We pushed Justice away.
    Fairness stands off in the distance.
Truth has fallen in the streets.
    Goodness is not allowed in the city.
15 Loyalty is gone,
    and people who try to do good are robbed.

The Lord looked and saw there was no justice.
    He did not like what he saw.
16 He did not see anyone speak up for the people.
    He was shocked to see that no one stood up for them.
So with his own power he saved them.
    His desire to do what is right gave him strength.
17 He put on the armor of goodness,
    the helmet of salvation,
the uniform of punishment,
    and the coat of strong love.[h]
18 He will give his enemies the punishment they deserve.
    They will feel his anger.
He will punish all his enemies.
    People along the coast will get the punishment they deserve.
19 People from the west to the east will fear the Lord
    and respect his Glory.
He will come quickly, like a fast-flowing river
    driven by a wind[i] from the Lord.
20 Then a redeemer[j] will come to Zion
    to save the people of Jacob who have turned away from sin.

21 The Lord says, “As for me, this is the agreement that I will make with these people. I promise my Spirit that I put on you and my words that I put in your mouth will never leave you. They will be with you and your children and your children’s children, for now and forever.

God Is Coming

60 “Jerusalem, get up and shine![k]
    Your Light is coming!
    The Glory of the Lord will shine on you.
Darkness now covers the earth,
    and the people are in darkness.
But the Lord will shine on you,
    and his Glory will appear over you.
Then the nations will come to your light.
    Kings will come to your bright sunrise.
Look around you!
    See all the people gathering around.
Those are your sons coming from far away,
    and your daughters are there beside them.

“At that time you will see your people,
    and your faces will shine with happiness.
First, you will be afraid,
    but then you will be excited.
All the riches from across the seas will be set before you.
    The riches of the nations will come to you.
Herds of camels from Midian and Ephah
    will cross your land.
Long lines of camels will come from Sheba.
    They will bring gold and incense.
    People will sing praises to the Lord.
People will collect all the sheep from Kedar and give them to you.
    They will bring you rams from Nebaioth.
You will offer those animals on my altar,
    and I will accept them.
I will make my wonderful Temple
    even more beautiful.
Look at the people.
    They are rushing toward you like clouds quickly crossing the sky.
    They are like doves flying to their nests.
The faraway lands are waiting for me.
    The great cargo ships are ready to sail.
They are ready to bring your children from faraway lands.
    They will bring silver and gold with them
to honor the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel.
    He has done wonderful things for you.
10 Children from other lands will rebuild your walls.
    Their kings will serve you.

“When I was angry, I hurt you,
    but now I want to be kind to you.
    So I will comfort you.
11 Your gates will always be open.
    They will not be closed, day or night.
    Nations and kings will bring their wealth to you.
12 Any nation or kingdom that does not serve you
    will be destroyed.
13 All the great things of Lebanon will be given to you.
    People will bring pine trees, fir trees, and cypress trees to you.
These trees will be used for lumber
    to make my Holy Place[l] more beautiful.
This place is like a stool in front of my throne,
    and I will honor it.[m]
14 In the past, people hurt you,
    but they will bow down before you.
In the past, people hated you,
    but they will bow down at your feet.
They will call you ‘The City of the Lord’s,’
    ‘Zion of the Holy One of Israel.’

15 “People hated you.
    You were left all alone with no one passing through.
But I will make you great from now on.
    You will be happy forever and ever.
16 Nations will give you what you need,
    like a child drinking milk from its mother.
But you will ‘drink’ riches from kings.
    Then you will know that it is I, the Lord, who saves you.
    You will know that I, the Great God of Jacob, protect you.

17 “You now have copper,
    but I will bring you gold.
You now have iron,
    but I will bring you silver.
I will change your wood into copper
    and your rocks into iron.
I will change your punishment into peace.
    And those who punished you will be replaced with those who are kind to you.
18 There will never again be news of violence in your country.
    People will never again attack your country and steal from you.
You will name your walls, ‘Salvation’
    and your gates, ‘Praise.’

19 “The sun will no longer be your light during the day.
    The light from the moon will no longer be your light at night.
The Lord will be your light forever.
    Your God will be your glory.
20 Your sun will never go down again.
    Your moon will never again be dark.
That’s because the Lord will be your light forever,
    and the dark days of mourning will end.

21 “All your people will be good.
    They will get the land forever.
They are the young plant in my garden[n]
    that will grow to be a wonderful tree.
    I made them with my own hands.[o]
22 The smallest family will become a large family group.
    The smallest tribe will become a powerful nation.
When the time is right,
    I, the Lord, will come quickly.
    I will make these things happen.”

The Lord’s Message of Freedom

61 The Spirit of the Lord God is on me. The Lord has chosen me to tell good news to the poor and to comfort those who are sad. He sent me to tell the captives and prisoners that they have been set free. He sent me to announce that the time has come for the Lord to show his kindness, when our God will also punish evil people. He has sent me to comfort those who are sad, those in Zion who mourn. I will take away the ashes on their head, and I will give them a crown. I will take away their sadness, and I will give them the oil of happiness. I will take away their sorrow, and I will give them celebration clothes. He sent me to name them ‘Good Trees’ and ‘The Lord’s Wonderful Plant.’

Then the old cities that were destroyed will be rebuilt. Those ancient ruins will be made new, as they were in the beginning.

Then your enemies will come to care for your sheep, and their children will work in your fields and in your gardens. You will be called, ‘The Lord’s Priests,’ ‘The Servants of our God.’ You will be proud of all the riches that have come to you from all the nations on earth.

In the past, other people shamed you and said bad things to you. You were shamed much more than any other people. So in your land you will get two times more than other people. You will get the joy that continues forever. That’s because I am the Lord and I love justice. I hate stealing and everything that is wrong. So I will give the people what they deserve. I will make an agreement with my people forever. Their descendants will be known throughout the earth, and everyone will know their children. Whoever sees them will know that the Lord has blessed them.

God’s Servant Brings Salvation

10 The Lord makes me very happy.
    I am completely happy with my God.
He dressed me in the clothes of salvation.
    He put the victory coat on me.
I look like a man dressed for his wedding,
    like a bride covered with jewels.
11 The earth causes plants to grow,
    and a garden makes the seeds planted there rise up.
In the same way, the Lord God will make goodness and praise
    grow throughout the nations.


  1. Isaiah 57:4 make faces … at me This probably refers to the god Bel, which is usually shown making a face and sticking out his tongue.
  2. Isaiah 57:7 every hill and high mountain The people worshiped false gods in these places. The people thought these false gods would give them good crops and more children.
  3. Isaiah 57:8 doorframes The Israelites were supposed to put special things on their doorframes to help them remember God. See Deut. 6:9.
  4. Isaiah 57:8 gave yourself to them Or “and made agreements with them.”
  5. Isaiah 57:8 naked bodies This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word also means “memorial,” as in Isa. 56:5.
  6. Isaiah 57:9 this will … death Or “You even send them down to Sheol.”
  7. Isaiah 57:13 holy mountain Mount Zion, one of the mountains Jerusalem was built on.
  8. Isaiah 59:17 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.
  9. Isaiah 59:19 wind Or “spirit.”
  10. Isaiah 59:20 redeemer Someone who sets a person free by paying their debt.
  11. Isaiah 60:1 Jerusalem … shine Or “Jerusalem, my light, get up!”
  12. Isaiah 60:13 my Holy Place This probably means the Temple in Jerusalem.
  13. Isaiah 60:13 I will honor it Or “I will give it glory.”
  14. Isaiah 60:21 young plant … garden See Isa. 4:1 and 5:7.
  15. Isaiah 60:21 They are … hands Or “They are the plant I planted, which I made with my own hands, to show how wonderful I am.”

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