Isaiah 15-18
New International Version
A Prophecy Against Moab(A)
15 A prophecy(B) against Moab:(C)
Ar(D) in Moab is ruined,(E)
destroyed in a night!
Kir(F) in Moab is ruined,
destroyed in a night!
2 Dibon(G) goes up to its temple,
to its high places(H) to weep;
Moab wails(I) over Nebo(J) and Medeba.
Every head is shaved(K)
and every beard cut off.(L)
3 In the streets they wear sackcloth;(M)
on the roofs(N) and in the public squares(O)
they all wail,(P)
prostrate with weeping.(Q)
4 Heshbon(R) and Elealeh(S) cry out,
their voices are heard all the way to Jahaz.(T)
Therefore the armed men of Moab cry out,
and their hearts are faint.
5 My heart cries out(U) over Moab;(V)
her fugitives(W) flee as far as Zoar,(X)
as far as Eglath Shelishiyah.
They go up the hill to Luhith,
weeping as they go;
on the road to Horonaim(Y)
they lament their destruction.(Z)
6 The waters of Nimrim are dried up(AA)
and the grass is withered;(AB)
the vegetation is gone(AC)
and nothing green is left.(AD)
7 So the wealth they have acquired(AE) and stored up
they carry away over the Ravine of the Poplars.
8 Their outcry echoes along the border of Moab;
their wailing reaches as far as Eglaim,
their lamentation as far as Beer(AF) Elim.
9 The waters of Dimon[a] are full of blood,
but I will bring still more upon Dimon[b]—
a lion(AG) upon the fugitives of Moab(AH)
and upon those who remain in the land.
16 Send lambs(AI) as tribute(AJ)
to the ruler of the land,
from Sela,(AK) across the desert,
to the mount of Daughter Zion.(AL)
2 Like fluttering birds
pushed from the nest,(AM)
so are the women of Moab(AN)
at the fords(AO) of the Arnon.(AP)
3 “Make up your mind,” Moab says.
“Render a decision.
Make your shadow like night—
at high noon.
Hide the fugitives,(AQ)
do not betray the refugees.
4 Let the Moabite fugitives stay with you;
be their shelter(AR) from the destroyer.”
The oppressor(AS) will come to an end,
and destruction will cease;(AT)
the aggressor will vanish from the land.
5 In love a throne(AU) will be established;(AV)
in faithfulness a man will sit on it—
one from the house[c] of David(AW)—
one who in judging seeks justice(AX)
and speeds the cause of righteousness.
6 We have heard of Moab’s(AY) pride(AZ)—
how great is her arrogance!—
of her conceit, her pride and her insolence;
but her boasts are empty.
7 Therefore the Moabites wail,(BA)
they wail together for Moab.
Lament and grieve
for the raisin cakes(BB) of Kir Hareseth.(BC)
8 The fields of Heshbon(BD) wither,(BE)
the vines of Sibmah(BF) also.
The rulers of the nations
have trampled down the choicest vines,(BG)
which once reached Jazer(BH)
and spread toward the desert.
Their shoots spread out(BI)
and went as far as the sea.[d](BJ)
9 So I weep,(BK) as Jazer weeps,
for the vines of Sibmah.
Heshbon and Elealeh,(BL)
I drench you with tears!(BM)
The shouts of joy(BN) over your ripened fruit
and over your harvests(BO) have been stilled.
10 Joy and gladness are taken away from the orchards;(BP)
no one sings or shouts(BQ) in the vineyards;
no one treads(BR) out wine at the presses,(BS)
for I have put an end to the shouting.
11 My heart laments for Moab(BT) like a harp,(BU)
my inmost being(BV) for Kir Hareseth.
12 When Moab appears at her high place,(BW)
she only wears herself out;
when she goes to her shrine(BX) to pray,
it is to no avail.(BY)
13 This is the word the Lord has already spoken concerning Moab. 14 But now the Lord says: “Within three years,(BZ) as a servant bound by contract(CA) would count them,(CB) Moab’s splendor and all her many people will be despised,(CC) and her survivors will be very few and feeble.”(CD)
A Prophecy Against Damascus
17 A prophecy(CE) against Damascus:(CF)
“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
but will become a heap of ruins.(CG)
2 The cities of Aroer(CH) will be deserted
and left to flocks,(CI) which will lie down,(CJ)
with no one to make them afraid.(CK)
3 The fortified(CL) city will disappear from Ephraim,
and royal power from Damascus;
the remnant of Aram will be
like the glory(CM) of the Israelites,”(CN)
declares the Lord Almighty.
4 “In that day(CO) the glory(CP) of Jacob will fade;
the fat of his body will waste(CQ) away.
5 It will be as when reapers harvest the standing grain,
gathering(CR) the grain in their arms—
as when someone gleans heads of grain(CS)
in the Valley of Rephaim.(CT)
6 Yet some gleanings will remain,(CU)
as when an olive tree is beaten,(CV)
leaving two or three olives on the topmost branches,
four or five on the fruitful boughs,”
declares the Lord, the God of Israel.
7 In that day(CW) people will look(CX) to their Maker(CY)
and turn their eyes to the Holy One(CZ) of Israel.
8 They will not look to the altars,(DA)
the work of their hands,(DB)
and they will have no regard for the Asherah poles[e](DC)
and the incense altars their fingers(DD) have made.
9 In that day their strong cities, which they left because of the Israelites, will be like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth.(DE) And all will be desolation.
10 You have forgotten(DF) God your Savior;(DG)
you have not remembered the Rock,(DH) your fortress.(DI)
Therefore, though you set out the finest plants
and plant imported vines,(DJ)
11 though on the day you set them out, you make them grow,
and on the morning(DK) when you plant them, you bring them to bud,
yet the harvest(DL) will be as nothing(DM)
in the day of disease and incurable(DN) pain.(DO)
12 Woe to the many nations that rage(DP)—
they rage like the raging sea!(DQ)
Woe to the peoples who roar(DR)—
they roar like the roaring of great waters!(DS)
13 Although the peoples roar(DT) like the roar of surging waters,
when he rebukes(DU) them they flee(DV) far away,
driven before the wind like chaff(DW) on the hills,
like tumbleweed before a gale.(DX)
14 In the evening, sudden(DY) terror!(DZ)
Before the morning, they are gone!(EA)
This is the portion of those who loot us,
the lot of those who plunder us.
A Prophecy Against Cush
18 Woe(EB) to the land of whirring wings[f]
along the rivers of Cush,[g](EC)
2 which sends envoys(ED) by sea
in papyrus(EE) boats over the water.
Go, swift messengers,
to a people tall and smooth-skinned,(EF)
to a people feared far and wide,
an aggressive(EG) nation of strange speech,
whose land is divided by rivers.(EH)
3 All you people of the world,(EI)
you who live on the earth,
when a banner(EJ) is raised on the mountains,
you will see it,
and when a trumpet(EK) sounds,
you will hear it.
4 This is what the Lord says to me:
“I will remain quiet(EL) and will look on from my dwelling place,(EM)
like shimmering heat in the sunshine,(EN)
like a cloud of dew(EO) in the heat of harvest.”
5 For, before the harvest, when the blossom is gone
and the flower becomes a ripening grape,
he will cut off(EP) the shoots with pruning knives,
and cut down and take away the spreading branches.(EQ)
6 They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey(ER)
and to the wild animals;(ES)
the birds will feed on them all summer,
the wild animals all winter.
7 At that time gifts(ET) will be brought to the Lord Almighty
from a people tall and smooth-skinned,(EU)
from a people feared(EV) far and wide,
an aggressive nation of strange speech,
whose land is divided by rivers(EW)—
the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the Lord Almighty.(EX)
- Isaiah 15:9 Dimon, a wordplay on Dibon (see verse 2), sounds like the Hebrew for blood.
- Isaiah 15:9 Dimon, a wordplay on Dibon (see verse 2), sounds like the Hebrew for blood.
- Isaiah 16:5 Hebrew tent
- Isaiah 16:8 Probably the Dead Sea
- Isaiah 17:8 That is, wooden symbols of the goddess Asherah
- Isaiah 18:1 Or of locusts
- Isaiah 18:1 That is, the upper Nile region
Hebrews 10
New International Version
Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All
10 The law is only a shadow(A) of the good things(B) that are coming—not the realities themselves.(C) For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect(D) those who draw near to worship.(E) 2 Otherwise, would they not have stopped being offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins.(F) 3 But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins.(G) 4 It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats(H) to take away sins.(I)
5 Therefore, when Christ came into the world,(J) he said:
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
but a body you prepared for me;(K)
6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings
you were not pleased.
7 Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll(L)—
I have come to do your will, my God.’”[a](M)
8 First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them”(N)—though they were offered in accordance with the law. 9 Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.”(O) He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy(P) through the sacrifice of the body(Q) of Jesus Christ once for all.(R)
11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices,(S) which can never take away sins.(T) 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins,(U) he sat down at the right hand of God,(V) 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.(W) 14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect(X) forever those who are being made holy.(Y)
15 The Holy Spirit also testifies(Z) to us about this. First he says:
16 “This is the covenant I will make with them
after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them on their minds.”[b](AA)
17 Then he adds:
18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.
A Call to Persevere in Faith
19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence(AC) to enter the Most Holy Place(AD) by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way(AE) opened for us through the curtain,(AF) that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest(AG) over the house of God,(AH) 22 let us draw near to God(AI) with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings,(AJ) having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience(AK) and having our bodies washed with pure water.(AL) 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope(AM) we profess,(AN) for he who promised is faithful.(AO) 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,(AP) 25 not giving up meeting together,(AQ) as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another(AR)—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.(AS)
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning(AT) after we have received the knowledge of the truth,(AU) no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire(AV) that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.(AW) 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God(AX) underfoot,(AY) who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant(AZ) that sanctified them,(BA) and who has insulted the Spirit(BB) of grace?(BC) 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d](BD) and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[e](BE) 31 It is a dreadful thing(BF) to fall into the hands(BG) of the living God.(BH)
32 Remember those earlier days after you had received the light,(BI) when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering.(BJ) 33 Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution;(BK) at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated.(BL) 34 You suffered along with those in prison(BM) and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.(BN) 35 So do not throw away your confidence;(BO) it will be richly rewarded.
36 You need to persevere(BP) so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.(BQ) 37 For,
38 And,
“But my righteous[g] one will live by faith.(BT)
And I take no pleasure
in the one who shrinks back.”[h](BU)
39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.
- Hebrews 10:7 Psalm 40:6-8 (see Septuagint)
- Hebrews 10:16 Jer. 31:33
- Hebrews 10:17 Jer. 31:34
- Hebrews 10:30 Deut. 32:35
- Hebrews 10:30 Deut. 32:36; Psalm 135:14
- Hebrews 10:37 Isaiah 26:20; Hab. 2:3
- Hebrews 10:38 Some early manuscripts But the righteous
- Hebrews 10:38 Hab. 2:4 (see Septuagint)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.