Sirach 44:1-14
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
44 Let us now praise famous men,
and our fathers in their generations.
2 The Lord apportioned to them[a] great glory,
his majesty from the beginning.
3 There were those who ruled in their kingdoms,
and were men renowned for their power,
giving counsel by their understanding,
and proclaiming prophecies;
4 leaders of the people in their deliberations
and in understanding of learning for the people,
wise in their words of instruction;
5 those who composed musical tunes,
and set forth verses in writing;
6 rich men furnished with resources,
living peaceably in their habitations—
7 all these were honored in their generations,
and were the glory of their times.
8 There are some of them who have left a name,
so that men declare their praise.
9 And there are some who have no memorial,
who have perished as though they had not lived;
they have become as though they had not been born,
and so have their children after them.
10 But these were men of mercy,
whose righteous deeds have not been forgotten;
11 their prosperity will remain with their descendants,
and their inheritance to their children’s children.[b]
12 Their descendants stand by the covenants;
their children also, for their sake.
13 Their posterity will continue for ever,
and their glory will not be blotted out.
14 Their bodies were buried in peace,
and their name lives to all generations.
- Sirach 44:2 Heb: Gk created
- Sirach 44:11 Heb Compare Vg Syr: The Greek of this verse is uncertain
Sirach 7:9-17
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
9 Do not say, “He will consider the multitude of my gifts,
and when I make an offering to the Most High God he will accept it.”
10 Do not be fainthearted in your prayer,
nor neglect to give alms.
11 Do not ridicule a man who is bitter in soul,
for there is One who abases and exalts.
12 Do not devise[a] a lie against your brother,
nor do the like to a friend.
13 Refuse to utter any lie,
for the habit of lying serves no good.
14 Do not prattle in the assembly of the elders,
nor repeat yourself in your prayer.
15 Do not hate toilsome labor,
or farm work, which were created by the Most High.
16 Do not count yourself among the crowd of sinners;
remember that wrath does not delay.
17 Humble yourself greatly,
for the punishment of the ungodly is fire and worms.[b]
- Sirach 7:12 Heb: Gk plow
- Sirach 7:17 The Hebrew text reads for the expectation of man is worms
The Revised Standard Version of the Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1965, 1966 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.