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43 You know that these elders have perjured themselves in their testimony against me. And now I am condemned to die, even though I bear no guilt in regard to any of their wicked charges against me.” 44 And the Lord heard her cry.

45 Susanna Rescued and Acquitted. As Susanna was being led off to the place of execution, God stirred up the holy spirit of a young man named Daniel, 46 inspiring him to shout out in protest, “I will bear no responsibility for the death of this woman.”

47 On hearing this, all the people turned toward him and asked, “What do you mean by that?” 48 Standing in their midst, he replied: “Are you complete fools, O Israelites, in condemning a daughter of Israel without making a thorough investigation to determine the truth? 49 Reopen the inquiry, for they have testified falsely in her regard.”

50 All the people hurried back, and the remaining elders said to Daniel, “Come and sit with us and explain your thoughts, since God has given you the wisdom of an elder.” 51 He replied, “Separate these two men and keep them far apart from one another while I question them.”

52 After they had been separated, Daniel summoned one of them and said, “You have grown ever more wicked with age. Behold, the sins you committed in the past are coming to the light: 53 pronouncing unjust sentences, condemning innocent people, and acquitting those who were guilty, although the Lord has said, ‘You must not put an innocent and righteous person to death.’ 54 [a]Now, then, if you really saw this woman, tell me under what tree you observed her and the young man lying together.” He replied, 55 “Under a mastic tree.” Daniel replied, “Excellent. That lie will cost you your head, for the angel of God has already received the sentence from God and will cut you in two.”

56 Placing that elder off to the side, Daniel then commanded the other one to be brought forward. “Offspring of Canaan, not of Judah,” Daniel said to him, “beauty has seduced you and lust has perverted your heart. 57 This is the manner in which you have been treating the daughters of Israel, and because of their terror they gave in to you. However, here is a daughter of Judah who would not put up with your iniquity. 58 [b]Now, then, tell me under what tree you discovered them lying with each other.” 59 He replied, “Under an oak tree.” “Indeed,” said Daniel. “That lie will also cost you your life. The angel of God is waiting with a sword to split you in two and to destroy both of you.”

60 Then the entire assembly gave forth a great shout of thanksgiving and blessed God, who saves those who hope in him. 61 And they rose up against the two elders whom Daniel had convicted on the basis of their own perjured testimony and inflicted on them the identical penalty that they in their wickedness had intended to inflict on their neighbor. 62 In accordance with the law of Moses, they put them to death. Thus an innocent life was spared that day.

63 Hilkiah and his wife praised God for their daughter Susanna, as did her husband Joakim and all her relatives, inasmuch as she had been declared innocent of a shameful deed. 64 And from that day forward Daniel was held in the highest esteem among the people.

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  1. Daniel 13:54 Under what tree: in Greek there is a play on the words for the tree (“mastic tree”) and the sentence passed (“will cut you in two”).
  2. Daniel 13:58 Again, a play on the words for the tree (“an oak”) and the sentence (“split [or, sawn] in two”).