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Ñˈoom cwentaa ntquieeˈ ntmaaⁿˈnnˈaⁿ: Ñˈoom na tja tsjoom Éfeso

Tsoti Jesús no̱o̱ⁿ:

—ˈU Juan, catseiljeiˈ ñˈoommeiiⁿ, catseicwanomˈ joonaˈ na mˈaaⁿ ángel na machˈee cwenta tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ tsjoom Éfeso. Catsuˈ: “Nmeiiⁿ ñˈoom na matseina̱ⁿ nnco̱ na tooˈndye ntquieeˈ cancjuu tsˈo̱o̱ ntyjaya. Ja mˈaaⁿya quiiˈntaaⁿ ntquieeˈ xjo sˈom cajaⁿ na cwicañjoomˈ nlca: Mantyjiiya chiuu waa tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaⁿya na cwilˈaˈyoˈ, ndoˈ cantyja na cwilaˈjnda̱ˈyoˈ na ticaˈndyencˈuaaˈndyoˈ. Mantyjiiya na ticuaaya nquiuˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na tia nnˈaⁿndye. Ndoˈ jnda̱ jliuˈyoˈ chiuu laxmaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na cweˈ cwilˈaya na cwiluiindye apóstoles, jnda̱ jliuˈyoˈ na cantundye naⁿˈñeeⁿ. Ntyjiiya na tˈmaⁿ nˈomˈyoˈ ndoˈ na cwilaˈquii nˈomˈyoˈ meiiⁿ tˈmaⁿ nawiˈ cwiwiˈnomˈyoˈ. Meiⁿ tîcwintqueⁿˈyoˈ na cwilaˈjnda̱ˈyoˈ na cwindyeˈntjomˈyoˈ no̱o̱ⁿ. Sa̱a̱ waa na ntyjiiya ñˈeⁿndyoˈ: tacantyjaaˈ nˈomˈyoˈ ja chaˈxjeⁿ quia to̱ˈjndyeeˈyoˈ na jeeⁿ jnda nquiuˈyo ñˈeⁿndyo̱. Cjaañjoomˈ nˈomˈyoˈ chaˈtso na ñelˈajndyeeˈyoˈ ndoˈ jeˈ tacolˈaˈyoˈ, calcweˈ nˈomˈyoˈ. Calˈaˈnndaˈyoˈ yuu na ya chaˈxjeⁿ na ñelˈaˈjndyeeˈyoˈ, Ee xeⁿ ticalˈaˈyoˈ na ljoˈ, quia joˈ nncua̱caño̱o̱ⁿya ˈo ndoˈ nncwjiˈa xjo na ñjoomˈ sca quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ. Sa̱a̱ waa cwii na jeeⁿ majoˈndyo cantyja ˈnaⁿˈyoˈ. Mˈaⁿˈyoˈ na jndooˈyoˈ tsˈiaaⁿ na laˈxmaⁿ nnˈaⁿ tmaaⁿˈ na jndyu nicolaítas, ndoˈ mati nnco̱ jndo̱ya ljoˈ na cwilˈana. ˈÑeeⁿ ˈo na ñeˈcandyeˈyoˈ, candyeˈyaˈyoˈ ñˈoom na matseineiⁿ Espíritu Santo nda̱a̱ ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ cwentaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom quia tso: ˈÑeeⁿ juu na jnda̱a̱ jnaⁿñe ñequio natia, nñequiaya na nlquii ta̱a̱ˈ tsˈoom na mañequiaanaˈ na wandoˈ tsˈaⁿ. Juu tsˈoomˈñeeⁿ meintyjeeˈnaˈ xcweya paraíso cwentaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.”

Ñˈoom na tja tsjoom Esmirna

Tsoti Jesús no̱o̱ⁿ:

—Catseiljeiˈ ñˈoommeiiⁿ, catseicwanomˈ joonaˈ na mˈaaⁿ ángel na machˈee cwenta tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿna tsjoom Esmirna. Catsuˈ: “Ñˈoommeiiⁿ matseina̱ⁿ ja, na mˈaaⁿya najndyee ndoˈ mˈaaⁿya na macanda̱. Ja meiiⁿ na jnda̱ tˈio̱ sa̱a̱ jeˈ jnda̱ mawando̱ˈxco̱. Mantyjiiya chiuu waa na mˈaⁿˈyoˈ ndoˈ nawiˈ tˈmaⁿ na cwiwinomˈyoˈ. Ndoˈ ntyjiiya cantyja na wantyˈiaandyo mˈaⁿˈyoˈ sa̱a̱ jo nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom laxmaⁿˈyoˈ na tyandyoˈ. Ntyjiiya ñˈoom wiˈ na cwilue nnˈaⁿ nacjoˈyoˈ. Naⁿˈñeeⁿ tuiindyena na judíos sa̱a̱ cantyja na cwilˈana machˈeenaˈ na meiⁿchjoo nchii joˈ joona. Joona laˈxmaⁿna tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na matseitjom Satanás cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ. 10 Tintyueˈyoˈ cwii nawiˈ na manntjomˈyoˈ. Ee queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta, mawaa xjeⁿ na cwantindyoˈ ˈo nntsaˈyoˈ wˈaancjo ncˈe na ta̱a̱ˈ tsˈom tsaⁿjndii. Ee ñeˈcaljeiiⁿ chiuu nˈomˈyoˈ. Nntjomˈyoˈ nawiˈñeeⁿ cwii qui xuee sa̱a̱ caljooˈndyoˈtyeⁿˈyoˈ na ñeˈcwii calaˈtiuuˈyoˈ meiiⁿ ñequio joˈ cwjeˈyoˈ, quia joˈ ja nñequiaya na nntoˈñoomˈyoˈ na ticantycwii na cwitandoˈyoˈ. 11 ˈÑeeⁿ ˈo na ñeˈcandyeˈyoˈ, candyeˈyaˈyoˈ ñˈoom na matseineiⁿ Espíritu Santo nda̱a̱ ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ: ˈÑeeⁿ juu na jnda̱a̱ jnaⁿñe ñequio natia, juu na jnda̱ we ndiiˈ na nncueˈ tsˈaⁿ, xocatˈuiinaˈ jom.”

Ñˈoom na tja tsjoom Pérgamo

12 Tsoticheⁿ Jesús no̱o̱ⁿ:

—Catseiljeiˈ ñˈoommeiiⁿ, catseicwanomˈ joonaˈ na mˈaaⁿ ángel na machˈee cwenta tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ cwentaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na mˈaⁿ tsjoom Pérgamo. Catsuˈ: “Luaa ñˈoom na matsjo̱o̱ nnco̱ na maleiñˈo̱ⁿya xjo na ta̱a̱ we ntyja: 13 Mantyjiiya chiuu waa na mˈaⁿˈyoˈ ndoˈ na majoˈto cwicˈeⁿˈyoˈ quiiˈntaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na matsa̱ˈntjom tsaⁿjndii. Ntyjiiya na tyeⁿ cwileiˈñˈomˈyoˈ xueya ndoˈ tyootjeiˈndyoˈ cantyja na cwilaˈyuˈyoˈ ñˈeⁿndyo̱ meiiⁿ na xcwe quiiˈ tsjomˈyoˈ jlaˈcueeˈ nnˈaⁿ tiˈxˈiaaˈyoˈ Antipas. Jom ñequio na xcweeˈ tsˈoom tyocwjiˈyuuˈñê cantyja ˈnaⁿya nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na cwindyeˈntjom nnom tsaⁿjndii na maxjeⁿ macˈeⁿ joˈ joˈ. 14 Sa̱a̱ niom ntˈom na ntyjiiya ñˈeⁿndyoˈ, ee mˈaⁿ cwantindyoˈ ˈo na cwileiˈñˈomˈtyeⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom na tˈmo̱ⁿ Balaam. Jom tˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nnom Balac ñˈoom na sˈaanaˈ na jlaˈtjo̱o̱ndye nnˈaⁿ Israel nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Ee tsoom na ya na calaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena ˈnaⁿ na cweˈ nnˈaⁿ nlˈa. Ndoˈ ya na nncˈoocatsa̱ˈna seii quiooˈ jo nda̱a̱naˈ, jnda̱ joˈ nntquiina seiˈñeeⁿ. Ndoˈ tsoom na maxjeⁿ ya na cweˈ ncˈomyana ñequio ncˈiaana. 15 Mati waa cwiicheⁿ na ntyjiiya ñˈeⁿndyoˈ na mˈaⁿ ntˈomndyoˈ ˈo na cwileiˈñˈomˈtyeⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom na cwitˈmo̱o̱ⁿ tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na jndyu nicolaítas, ndoˈ ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ jeeⁿ jndo̱ya. 16 Joˈ chii calcweˈ nˈomˈyoˈ. Ee xeⁿ ticalˈaˈyoˈ na ljoˈ, tyuaaˈ nncua̱caño̱o̱ⁿya ˈo ndoˈ ñequio xjo na macaluiˈ quiiˈ ˈndyo̱ nntsˈaaya tiaˈ ñˈeⁿ cwantindyoˈ ˈo na cwitoˈñoomˈyoˈ ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ. 17 ˈÑeeⁿ ˈo na ñeˈcandyeˈyoˈ, candyeˈyaˈyoˈ ñˈoom na matseineiⁿ Espíritu Santo nda̱a̱ ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ. ˈÑeeⁿ juu na jnda̱a̱ jnaⁿñe ñequio natia, nñequiaya maná na nlcwaˈ na ticataˈjnaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ. Ndoˈ nñequiaya cwii tsjo̱ˈ canchiiˈ nnom. Nacjooˈ juunaˈ nntseiljeixco̱ xueya ndoˈ meiⁿcwii tsˈaⁿ ticaljeii ljoˈ matso ljeiiˈñeeⁿ, macanda̱ nquii tsˈaⁿ na nncoˈñom juunaˈ ntyjii.”

Ñˈoom na tja tsjoom Tiatira

18 Tsoticheⁿ Jesús no̱o̱ⁿ:

—Catseiljeiˈtiˈ ñˈoommeiiⁿ, catseicwanomˈ joonaˈ na mˈaaⁿ ángel na machˈee cwenta tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ cwentaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na mˈaⁿ tsjoom Tiatira. Catsuˈ: “Luaa ñˈoom na matseina̱ⁿ nnco̱ na cwiluiindyo̱ Jnda Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Nˈomno̱o̱ⁿ jeeⁿ xueenaˈ chaˈcwijom chom, ndoˈ ncˈa̱ caxueenaˈ chaˈcwijom sˈom wee na jnda̱ seiljuˈya tsˈaⁿ. 19 Tcuu mantyjiiya chiuu waa tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaⁿya na cwilˈaˈyoˈ ndoˈ na wiˈ nˈomˈ ncˈiaaˈyoˈ na laˈxmaⁿˈyoˈ na cwilaˈyuˈya nˈomˈyoˈ. Ndoˈ ntyjiiya na ya cwindyeˈntjomˈyoˈ no̱o̱ⁿ ndoˈ na ticaˈndyencˈuaaˈndyoˈ. Ndoˈ jeˈ canda̱a̱ˈti waa na cwilˈaˈyoˈ naquiiˈ tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaⁿya nchiiti quia to̱ˈjndyeeˈyoˈ. 20 Sa̱a̱ waa na ntyjiiya ñˈeⁿndyoˈ ee cwiñeˈquiandyoˈ na maˈmo̱ⁿ cwii yuscu ñˈoom na tisˈa quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ. Jom cweˈ matsoyaaⁿ na cwiluiiñê tsˈaⁿ na mañequiaa ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, sa̱a̱ machˈeeⁿ chaˈna tyochˈee yuscu na jndyu Jezabel. Manquiuˈnnˈaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na cwindyeˈntjom no̱o̱ⁿ. Ee maˈmo̱o̱ⁿ na wanaaⁿ na cweˈ cˈomyana ñˈeⁿ ncˈiaana, ndoˈ na calaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena ˈnaⁿ na cweˈ nnˈaⁿ nlˈa, ndoˈ ya na catquiina seiˈ na tyˈequeⁿ nnˈaⁿ jo nda̱a̱ joonaˈ. 21 Ndoˈ jnda̱ tquiaya na wanaaⁿ na calcweˈ tsˈoom jnaaⁿˈaⁿ, sa̱a̱ tiñeˈcalcweˈ tsˈoom na cweˈ mˈaaⁿyaaⁿ ñequio nnˈaⁿ. 22 Queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta, ja nntseiquio̱o̱ cwii tycu wˈii nacjoomˈm. Ndoˈ mati nquiee nnˈaⁿ na cweˈ mˈaⁿya ñˈeⁿñê, nntsˈaa na nntjoomna cwii nawiˈ tˈmaⁿ xeⁿ na ticalcweˈ nˈomna na cwilaˈjomndyena natia na machˈeeⁿ. 23 Ja nntseicwja̱ya chaˈtso nnˈaⁿ na cwiˈoontyjo̱ naxeeⁿˈeⁿ na cwiluiindye chaˈcwijom ntseinaaⁿ. Ndoˈ na ljoˈ chaˈtso ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiiˈa cwentaya nliuna na ja ntyjiitcuundyo̱ chiuu waa na matseitiuu tsˈaⁿ ñequio chiuu waa na mˈaaⁿˈ tsˈom tsˈaⁿ. Ndoˈ cantyjati na jnda̱ ñelˈaˈyoˈ, malaaˈtiˈ nñequiaya na nloˈñom ticwiindyoˈ ˈo. 24 Sa̱a̱ ntˈomndyoˈ ˈo na mˈaⁿˈyoˈ Tiatira na tyoolajomndyoˈ ñˈoom na cwindye naⁿˈñeeⁿ, meiⁿ tyoowijndo̱ˈ nˈomˈyoˈ ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ na cwiluena laˈxmaⁿnaˈ ñˈoom wantyˈiuuˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Satanás. Ndoˈ na luaaˈ waa ticatio̱o̱tya̱ xuu nacjoˈyoˈ. 25 Sa̱a̱ macanda̱ matsjo̱o̱ na caljooˈndyoˈtyeⁿˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ ñˈoom na mayuuˈ na cwileiˈñˈomˈyoˈ, hasta xjeⁿ na nncua̱ya. 26 Nda̱a̱ joo nnˈaⁿ na cwitaˈntjom na ñeˈcatsˈaa Satanás xjeⁿ joona ndoˈ cwiljooˈndyetyeⁿna cantyja ˈnaⁿya hasta na macanda̱, nñequia najndeii na matseixmaⁿ na nntsa̱ˈntjomna nnˈaⁿ na cwii cwii ndyuaa. 27 Jnda̱ tquiaa Tsotya̱ya na nntseixmaⁿya na nntsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿya. Chaˈxjeⁿ na nntiuujnda̱a̱ xuaa na mmeiⁿˈ tsˈaⁿ tsˈoomlˈeiiˈxjo, maluaaˈ nncuˈxeeⁿ nnˈaⁿ. 28 Ndoˈ nñequiaya caxjuuncoo nnom tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ. 29 ˈÑeeⁿ ˈo na ñeˈcandyeˈyoˈ, candyeˈyaˈyoˈ ñˈoom na matseineiⁿ Espíritu Santo nda̱a̱ ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ.”

To the Church in Ephesus

“To the angel[a] of the church in Ephesus(A) write:

These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand(B) and walks among the seven golden lampstands.(C) I know your deeds,(D) your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested(E) those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.(F) You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name,(G) and have not grown weary.

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.(H) Consider how far you have fallen! Repent(I) and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand(J) from its place. But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans,(K) which I also hate.

Whoever has ears, let them hear(L) what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious,(M) I will give the right to eat from the tree of life,(N) which is in the paradise(O) of God.

To the Church in Smyrna

“To the angel of the church in Smyrna(P) write:

These are the words of him who is the First and the Last,(Q) who died and came to life again.(R) I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich!(S) I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not,(T) but are a synagogue of Satan.(U) 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you,(V) and you will suffer persecution for ten days.(W) Be faithful,(X) even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.(Y)

11 Whoever has ears, let them hear(Z) what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.(AA)

To the Church in Pergamum

12 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum(AB) write:

These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword.(AC) 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me,(AD) not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness,(AE) who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.(AF)

14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you:(AG) There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam,(AH) who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols(AI) and committed sexual immorality.(AJ) 15 Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.(AK) 16 Repent(AL) therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.(AM)

17 Whoever has ears, let them hear(AN) what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious,(AO) I will give some of the hidden manna.(AP) I will also give that person a white stone with a new name(AQ) written on it, known only to the one who receives it.(AR)

To the Church in Thyatira

18 “To the angel of the church in Thyatira(AS) write:

These are the words of the Son of God,(AT) whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze.(AU) 19 I know your deeds,(AV) your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.

20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel,(AW) who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.(AX) 21 I have given her time(AY) to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.(AZ) 22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery(BA) with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds,(BB) and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.(BC)

24 Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will not impose any other burden on you,(BD) 25 except to hold on to what you have(BE) until I come.’(BF)

26 To the one who is victorious(BG) and does my will to the end,(BH) I will give authority over the nations(BI) 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter(BJ) and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[b](BK)—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I will also give that one the morning star.(BL) 29 Whoever has ears, let them hear(BM) what the Spirit says to the churches.


  1. Revelation 2:1 Or messenger; also in verses 8, 12 and 18
  2. Revelation 2:27 Psalm 2:9

Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;

19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.

20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

28 And I will give him the morning star.

29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.