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They give understanding to childish people.
    They give knowledge and good sense to those who are young.
Let wise people listen and add to what they have learned.
    Let those who understand what is right get guidance.
What I’m teaching also helps you understand proverbs and stories.
    It helps you understand the sayings and riddles of those who are wise.

If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord.
    But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction.

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Call out for the ability to be wise.
    Cry out for understanding.
Look for it as you would look for silver.
    Search for it as you would search for hidden treasure.
Then you will understand how to have respect for the Lord.
    You will find out how to know God.
The Lord gives wisdom.
    Knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.

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10 Your heart will become wise.
    Your mind will delight in knowledge.
11 Good sense will keep you safe.
    Understanding will guard you.

12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of evil men.
    It will save you from men who twist their words.

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To those who have understanding, all my words are right.
    To those who have found knowledge, they are true.
10 Choose my teaching instead of silver.
    Choose knowledge rather than fine gold.
11 Wisdom is worth more than rubies.
    Nothing you want can compare with her.

12 “I, wisdom, live together with understanding.
    I have knowledge and good sense.

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10 If you want to become wise, you must begin by respecting the Lord.
    To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.

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14 Wise people store up knowledge.
    But the mouths of foolish people destroy them.

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With their words ungodly people destroy their neighbors.
    But those who do what is right escape because of their knowledge.

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23 Wise people keep their knowledge to themselves.
    But the hearts of foolish people shout foolish things.

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Those who make fun of others look for wisdom and don’t find it.
    But knowledge comes easily to those who understand what is right.

Stay away from a foolish person.
    You won’t find knowledge in what they say.

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18 Childish people act in keeping with their foolish ways.
    But knowledge makes wise people feel like kings.

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The tongues of wise people use knowledge well.
    But the mouths of foolish people pour out foolish words.

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14 A heart that understands what is right looks for knowledge.
    But the mouths of foolish people feed on what is foolish.

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15 Those whose hearts understand what is right get knowledge.
    That’s because the ears of those who are wise listen for it.

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Getting excited about something without knowledge isn’t good.
    It’s even worse to be in a hurry and miss the way.

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27 My son, if you stop listening to what I teach you,
    you will wander away from the words of knowledge.

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12 The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge.
    But he does away with the words of those who aren’t faithful.

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Saying 12

12 Apply your heart to what you are taught.
    Listen carefully to words of knowledge.

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Saying 21

By wisdom a house is built.
    Through understanding it is made secure.
Through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with priceless and beautiful things.

Saying 22

Wise people have success by means of great power.
    Those who have knowledge gather strength.

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A country has many rulers when its people don’t obey.
    But an understanding ruler knows how to keep order.

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