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Blog / Womens Bible Cafe: Using Bible Gateway to Minister to Help Women Connect to God’s Word

Womens Bible Cafe: Using Bible Gateway to Minister to Help Women Connect to God’s Word

We were pleased and intrigued to see this Tweet recently from @WomensBibleCafe:

We think the Bible Gateway App is a great tool for Bible reading and study. But when we read about somebody using it to complete dozens of Bible studies and a theology degree, we had to know more. So we got in touch with Women’s Bible Cafe to learn a bit more about the work they do, and how the Bible Gateway App helps them do it. Here are their answers to our questions.

What is Women’s Bible Café and why did you start it?

Womens Bible Cafe: is a non-denominational online Bible study. It began in 2009 when Christine Abraham invited 14 Twitter friends to study the Bible together online, and has grown to more than 200,000 international women today. She started the ministry when she saw women in her local Bible study unable to attend. Christine is now teaching other men and women how to start their own online studies via a private coaching class.

How has Bible Gateway supported you in your online Bible studies and theological degree?

Womens Bible Cafe: Christine has been recommending Bible Gateway to her online students as an excellent resource for Bible study. Her students are encouraged to look at the different Bible translations of each verse. When shopping for Bible translations, she instructs her students to visit the site and find a translation that is easy for them to understand. Advanced students are advised to find a translation closest to the original language, such as the English Standard Version.

Christine personally uses Bible Gateway on her iPad, iPhone and desktop computer. She uses it to research material for her theology degree at Liberty University and also for personal study. Her favorite features are the multiple translations and the audio Bibles. She also uses the site for locating Bible verses for sharing on her social media accounts to encourage others. Most often she uses the site as a Bible concordance, searching keywords and related verses. She found the site very helpful when writing theology papers, such as “Are Angels Real and Do They exist Today?” Using Bible Gateway, she researched angels in the Old and New Testaments and compiled a list of supporting verses for her paper.

Why do you recommend Bible Gateway to your students?

Womens Bible Cafe: Christine recommends Bible Gateway to her students because its easy to use. While there are other sites and apps available, this one is intuitive and easy to navigate—especially for new Christians or those returning to their faith. Many of her newer students have an old family Bible, such as the King James Version, and are confused by the older language used in it. Bible Gateway’s audio Bibles are very helpful when you cannot pronounce some of the ancient geographic locations or names, like “Sennacherib.”

How do you use Bible Gateway? And how often?

Womens Bible Cafe: Christine says, “I’m using Bible Gateway daily both for personal study and ministry work. Most often I use the online version for ministry research and I use the app for personal devotion or on Sunday at church. When my pastor changes to a different Bible translation in the sermon, I can pop that new version onto my screen without carrying three heavy Bibles to church! I do the same thing at my local Bible study groups. With 12 women in the group reading Scripture, they often have six different Bible versions and the Bible Gateway App helps me read along in their translation.”

We’re thrilled that Christine and Womens Bible Cafe find Bible Gateway and the accompanying app so useful, and we wish them well in their ongoing ministry work! You can keep up with Womens Bible Cafe at their website or by following them on Twitter (@WomensBibleCafe). There’s a lot to explore on their website, from a summer book club to a huge library of Bible studies on a wide variety of topics.

[Learn about Bible Gateway Plus and try it for yourself for 30 days free!]

If you haven’t checked out the free Bible Gateway App, it’s a great way to read, study, and listen to the Bible on the go. You can learn more or download it here. And if you’ve found Bible Gateway especially useful in your work, ministry, or personal life, don’t hestitate to drop us a note on Twitter (@BibleGateway)!

Filed under App, Bible Gateway, General, News