Bible Gateway has added the Modern English Version (MEV) translation of the Bible to our library of more than 200 Bible versions (also see our Twitter List of Bible versions). The MEV “formal correspondence” translation seeks to maintain the beauty of the 400-year-old King James Version language while balancing it with fresh clarity for 21st century Bible readers.
The MEV is a translation of the Textus Receptus and the Jacob ben Hayyim edition of the Masoretic Text, using the King James Version as the base manuscript. The MEV uses capitalized references for God.
The Committee on Bible Translation began its work on the MEV in 2005 and completed it in 2013. The intent was to translate historical facts and events without distortion while translating in a way that readers of all backgrounds may understand the message that the original authors were communicating to their audiences. The goal was to translate Scripture accurately without loss, change, compromise, embellishments, or distortions of the meaning of the original text.
[Click to see all the editions of the Modern English Version Bible (Passio, 2013) in the Bible Gateway Store.]