“You bloodstained tyrant, you are an enemy of divine justice, and you have the mind of a savage! You don’t abuse me like this because I have murdered someone or acted in a way that wasn’t godly but because I protect God’s Law!”
‘Most abominable tyrant, enemy of heavenly justice, savage of mind, you are mangling me in this manner, not because I am a murderer, or as one who acts impiously, but because I protect the divine law.’
“Most abominable tyrant, enemy of heavenly justice, savage of mind, you are mangling me in this manner not because I am a murderer or as one who acts impiously but because I protect the divine law.”
“Most abominable tyrant, enemy of heavenly justice, savage of mind, you are mangling me in this manner, not because I am a murderer, or as one who acts impiously, but because I protect the divine law.”