Dictionary of Bible Themes – 5865 gestures
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5865 gestures

5865 gestures

Significant acts, bodily movements or signals which carry meaning, evoke responses or convey positive or negative feelings. They may or may not be accompanied by words or other communications.

Gestures are part of human communication

They give weight to a contract Ru 4:7 See also 2Sa 24:22-24 pp 1Ch 21:23-24; Jer 32:10-12

They add force to words 1Sa 11:7 See also Jos 7:25-26; 1Sa 15:27-28; 2Sa 12:16; Mt 21:12-13 pp Mk 11:15-17 pp Lk 19:45-46 pp Jn 2:15-16 Use of gestures illustrates the demonstrative nature of much communication in the cultures of biblical times.

Gestures often convey more than words

Gestures of joy 2Sa 6:14 There is a spontaneous and unpremeditated element in many gestures: Ge 21:6; Lev 9:24; Ac 3:8

Gestures of love 1Sa 1:5 See also Ge 37:3; 1Sa 2:19; Lk 7:46-47; Lk 10:34; Lk 15:20; Jn 15:13; Ro 5:8

Gestures of mercy Isa 6:6-7 See also 1Sa 24:10-11; 2Sa 9:1,7; Mt 18:27 Mercy itself is a gesture of love.

Gestures of worship and reverence Ex 3:5 See also Ex 3:6; Jos 5:14; Ne 8:6; Ps 63:4; Ps 134:2; Mt 2:11; Lk 5:8; Jn 11:32; Rev 1:17

Gestures of repentance Job 42:6 See also 1Ki 21:27; Ezr 10:1; Isa 22:12; Joel 2:12; Jnh 3:6-8; Mt 11:21 pp Lk 10:13; Mt 27:3-5

Gestures of sorrow and mourning 2Sa 3:31 Gestures of sorrow and mourning are very similar to those of repentance and remorse. See also 2Sa 19:4; Est 4:1; Ps 137:1; Joel 1:13; Am 5:16

Gestures of dedication Ac 22:16 See also Ge 17:10; Ex 21:6; 1Sa 20:41-42; Ne 10:35-37

Gestures of anger Lk 15:28 See also Ex 32:19; Nu 22:27; 1Sa 20:33-34; Mt 26:65 pp Mk 14:63; Ac 7:54,57; Rev 3:16

Gestures of treachery Lk 22:47-48 pp Mt 26:47-49 pp Mk 14:43-45 See also 2Sa 3:27; 2Sa 20:9-10

Gestures of contempt Shaking of the head: Ps 22:7; Ps 64:8; Mt 27:39 pp Mk 15:29 Spitting: Mt 26:67 pp Mk 14:65; Rev 3:16

Other examples of gestures

The gesture of washing hands Mt 27:24 See also Dt 21:6-7; Ps 26:6; Ps 73:13

The gesture of shaking dust from the feet Mt 10:14 pp Mk 6:11 pp Lk 9:5 See also Lk 10:11; Ac 13:51

Jesus Christ’s gesture of washing the disciples’feet Jn 13:4-5,12-15 This was a gesture of service and a lesson in both serving and being willing to accept service.

See also

8625worship, acceptable attitudes

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