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Revised Common Lectionary (Semicontinuous)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with sequential stories told across multiple weeks.
Duration: 1245 days
Common English Bible (CEB)
Psalm 58

Psalm 58

For the music leader. Do not destroy. A psalm of David, a miktam.[a]

58 Do you really speak what is right, you gods?
    Do you really judge humans fairly?
No: in your hearts you plan injustice;
    your hands do violence on the earth.

The wicked backslide from the womb;
    liars go astray from birth.
Their venom is like a snake’s venom—
    like a deaf cobra’s—one that shuts its ears
        so it can’t hear the snake charmer’s voice
        or the spells of a skillful enchanter.

God, break their teeth out of their mouths!
    Tear out the lions’ jawbones, Lord!
Let them dissolve like water flowing away.
    When they bend the bow,
    let their arrows be like headless shafts.[b]
Like the snail that dissolves into slime,
    like a woman’s stillborn child,
    let them never see the sun.
Before your pots feel the thorns,
    whether green or burned up,
    God will sweep them away![c]

10 But the righteous will rejoice when they see vengeance done,
    when they wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
11 Then it will be said:
“Yes, there is a reward for the righteous!
    Yes, there is a God who judges people on the earth.”

Jeremiah 2:23-37

23 How can you say,
    “I’m not dirty;
    I haven’t gone after Baals.”
Look what you have done in the valley;
    consider what you have done there.
You are like a frenzied young camel,
    racing around,
24     a wild donkey in the wilderness,
    lustfully sniffing the wind.
Who can restrain such passion?
    Those who desire her need not give up;
    with little effort they will find her in heat.
25 Don’t run about until your feet are blistered
    and your throat is parched.
But you say, “What’s the use?
    I have fallen in love with foreign gods,
        and I must pursue them.”
26 As a thief is ashamed when caught in his tracks,
    so the people of Israel are ashamed—
        their kings, officials, priests, and prophets—
27     when they say to a piece of wood, “You are my father,”
        and to a stone, “You gave me birth.”
They have turned their backs to me
    and not their faces.
Yet in their time of trouble they say,
    “Arise and save us!”
28 Where are the gods
        you have made for yourselves?
    Let’s see if they will come through for you in your time of trouble.
    You have as many gods, Judah,
        as you have towns.
29 Why would you bring charges against me?
You have all rebelled against me,
        declares the Lord.
30 I have disciplined your children in vain;
    they have rejected my correction.
You have devoured your prophets
    like a hungry lion.
31 People of this generation, listen closely to the Lord’s word:
Have I been a wasteland to Israel
    or a land of dense darkness?
Why then do my people say,
    “We have wandered far away;
    we’ll come to you no longer”?
32 Does a young woman forget her jewelry
    or a bride her wedding dress?
Yet you have forgotten me days without end!
33     So skilled are you at pursuing lovers[a]
        that you instruct even the most wicked.[b]
34 Your garments are stained
    with the blood of the innocent poor,
        even though you didn’t catch them
        breaking and entering.
Yet, despite all this,[c] 35 you still insist,
    “I’m innocent;
        as a result he will turn his anger away from me.”
Because you claim not to have sinned,
    I will pass judgment against you.
36 You change sides so casually!
    But Egypt will shame you
    no less than Assyria.
37 From there you will go out
    with your hands on your heads,
        because the Lord has rejected those you rely on;
        they won’t help you.

Hebrews 13:7-21

Remember your leaders who spoke God’s word to you. Imitate their faith as you consider the way their lives turned out. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Don’t be misled by the many strange teachings out there. It’s a good thing for the heart to be strengthened by grace rather than by food. Food doesn’t help those who live in this context. 10 We have an altar, and those who serve as priests in the meeting tent don’t have the right to eat from it. 11 The blood of the animals is carried into the holy of holies by the high priest as an offering for sin, and their bodies are burned outside the camp. 12 And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy with his own blood.

13 So now, let’s go to him outside the camp, bearing his shame. 14 We don’t have a permanent city here, but rather we are looking for the city that is still to come.

15 So let’s continually offer up a sacrifice of praise through him, which is the fruit from our lips that confess his name. 16 Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices.

Closing greeting and blessing

17 Rely on your leaders and defer to them, because they watch over your whole being as people who are going to be held responsible for you. They need to be able to do this with pleasure and not with complaints about you, because that wouldn’t help you. 18 Pray for us. We’re sure that we have a good conscience, and we want to do the right thing in every way. 19 I’m particularly asking you to do this so that I can be returned to you quickly.

20 May the God of peace,
        who brought back the great shepherd of the sheep,
        our Lord Jesus,
        from the dead by the blood of the eternal covenant,
21     equip you with every good thing to do his will,
        by developing in us what pleases him through Jesus Christ.
    To him be the glory forever and always. Amen.

Common English Bible (CEB)

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