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Revised Common Lectionary (Semicontinuous)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with sequential stories told across multiple weeks.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 140

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

A Prayer for the Lord's Help

Rescue me from cruel
    and violent enemies, Lord!
They think up evil plans
    and always cause trouble.
(A) Their words bite deep
like the poisonous fangs
    of a snake.

Protect me, Lord, from cruel
and brutal enemies,
    who want to destroy me.
Those proud people have hidden
traps and nets
    to catch me as I walk.

You, Lord, are my God!
    Please listen to my prayer.
You have the power to save me,
and you keep me safe
    in every battle.

Don't let the wicked succeed
    in doing what they want,
or else they might never
    stop planning evil.
They have me surrounded,
but make them the victims
    of their own vicious lies.[a]
10 Dump flaming coals on them
and throw them into pits
    where they can't climb out.
11 Chase those cruel liars away!
    Let trouble hunt them down.

12 Our Lord, I know that you
    defend the homeless
and see that the poor
    are given justice.
13 Your people will praise you
and will live with you
    because they do right.

Esther 4

Mordecai Asks for Esther's Help

When Mordecai heard about the letter, he tore his clothes in sorrow and put on sackcloth. Then he covered his head with ashes and went through the city, crying and weeping. But he could go only as far as the palace gate, because no one wearing sackcloth was allowed inside the palace. (A) In every province where the king's orders were read, the Jews cried and mourned, and they went without eating.[a] Many of them even put on sackcloth and sat in ashes.

When Esther's servant girls and her other servants told her what Mordecai was doing, she became very upset and sent Mordecai some clothes to wear in place of the sackcloth. But he refused to take them.

Esther had a servant named Hathach, who had been given to her by the king. So she called him in and said, “Find out what's wrong with Mordecai and why he's acting this way.”

Hathach went to Mordecai in the city square in front of the palace gate, and Mordecai told him everything that had happened. He also told him how much money Haman had promised to add to the king's treasury, if all the Jews were killed.

Mordecai gave Hathach a copy of the orders for the murder of the Jews and told him that these had been read in Susa. He said, “Show this to Esther and explain what it means. Ask her to go to the king and beg him to have pity on her people, the Jews!”

Hathach went back to Esther and told her what Mordecai had said. 10 She answered, “Tell Mordecai 11 there is a law about going in to see the king, and all his officials and his people know about this law. Anyone who goes in to see the king without being invited by him will be put to death. The only way that anyone can be saved is for the king to hold out the gold scepter to that person. And it's been thirty days since he has asked for me.”

12 When Mordecai was told what Esther had said, 13 he sent back this reply, “Don't think that you will escape being killed with the rest of the Jews, just because you live in the king's palace. 14 If you don't speak up now, we will somehow get help, but you and your family will be killed. It could be that you were made queen for a time like this!”

15 Esther sent a message to Mordecai, saying, 16 “Bring together all the Jews in Susa and tell them to go without eating for my sake! Don't eat or drink for three days and nights. My servant girls and I will do the same. Then I will go in to see the king, even if it means I must die.”

17 Mordecai did everything Esther told him to do.

1 Peter 1:3-9

A Real Reason for Hope

Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has given us new life and a hope that lives on. (A) God has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or be ruined or disappear.

You have faith in God, whose power will protect you until the last day.[a] Then he will save you, just as he has always planned to do. On that day you will be glad, even if you have to go through many hard trials for a while. (B) Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns.

You have never seen Jesus, and you don't see him now. But still you love him and have faith in him, and no words can tell how glad and happy you are to be saved. This is why you have faith.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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