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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Psalm 26:1-8

Protestation of Integrity and Prayer for Protection.

A Psalm of David.

26 [a](A)Vindicate me, Lord, for I have (B)walked in my integrity,
And I have (C)trusted in the Lord [b](D)without wavering.
(E)Examine me, Lord, and put me to the test;
(F)Refine my [c]mind and my heart.
For Your (G)[d]goodness is before my eyes,
And I have (H)walked in Your truth.
I do not (I)sit with [e]deceitful people,
Nor will I go with [f](J)pretenders.
I (K)hate the assembly of evildoers,
And I will not sit with the wicked.
I will (L)wash my hands in innocence,
And I will go around (M)Your altar, Lord,
That I may proclaim with the voice of (N)thanksgiving
And declare all Your [g]wonders.

Lord, I (O)love the dwelling of Your house,
And the place [h]where Your (P)glory remains.

Jeremiah 14:13-18

False Prophets

13 But I said, “Oh, Lord [a]God! Behold, the prophets are telling them, ‘You (A)will not see a sword, nor will you have famine; on the contrary, I will give you lasting (B)peace in this place.’” 14 Then the Lord said to me, “The (C)prophets are prophesying falsehood in My name. (D)I have neither sent them nor commanded them, nor spoken to them; they are prophesying to you a (E)false vision, divination, futility, and the deception of their own [b]minds. 15 Therefore this is what the Lord says concerning the prophets who are prophesying in My name, although it was not I who sent them—yet they keep saying: ‘There will be no sword or famine in this land’—(F)by sword and famine those prophets shall meet their end! 16 And the people to whom they are prophesying will be (G)thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and there will be no one to (H)bury them—neither them, nor their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters. For I will (I)pour out their own wickedness upon them.

17 You will say this word to them,
(J)Let my eyes stream down tears night and day,
And let them not cease;
For the virgin (K)daughter of my people has been crushed with a mighty blow,
With a sorely (L)infected wound.
18 If I (M)go out to the country,
There are those killed by the sword!
Or if I enter the city,
There are diseases from famine!
For (N)both prophet and priest
Have wandered around in the land that they do not know.’”

Ephesians 5:1-6

Be Imitators of God

(A)Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and (B)walk in love, just as Christ also (C)loved [a]you and (D)gave Himself up for us, an (E)offering and a sacrifice to God [b]as a (F)fragrant aroma.

But (G)sexual immorality [c]or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among you, as is proper among [d]saints; and there must be no (H)filthiness [e]or foolish talk, or vulgar joking, which (I)are not fitting, but rather (J)giving of thanks. For this you know with certainty, that (K)no sexually immoral or [f]impure or greedy person, which [g]amounts to an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom (L)of Christ and God.

(M)See that no one deceives you with empty words, for because of these things (N)the wrath of God comes upon (O)the [h]sons of disobedience.

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

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