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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
Psalm 67

Make Your Face Shine upon Us

To the choirmaster: with (A)stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song.

67 May God (B)be gracious to us and bless us
    and make his face to (C)shine upon us, Selah
that (D)your way may be known on earth,
    your (E)saving power among all nations.
(F)Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
    for you (G)judge the peoples with equity
    and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
(H)Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
The earth has (I)yielded its increase;
    God, our God, shall bless us.
God shall bless us;
    let (J)all the ends of the earth fear him!

Proverbs 2:9-15

(A)Then you will understand (B)righteousness and justice
    and equity, every good path;
10 for wisdom will come into your heart,
    and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
11 (C)discretion will (D)watch over you,
    understanding will guard you,
12 delivering you from the way of evil,
    from men of perverted speech,
13 who forsake the paths of uprightness
    to (E)walk in the ways of darkness,
14 who (F)rejoice in doing evil
    and (G)delight in the perverseness of evil,
15 men whose (H)paths are crooked,
    (I)and who are (J)devious in their ways.

Luke 19:1-10

Jesus and Zacchaeus

19 (A)He entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. And (B)he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into (C)a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for (D)I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried and came down and (E)received him joyfully. And when they saw it, they all (F)grumbled, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, half of my goods (G)I give to the poor. And if I have (H)defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it (I)fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since (J)he also is a son of Abraham. 10 For (K)the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.