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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 148

Come Praise the Lord

Shout praises to the Lord!
Shout the Lord's praises
    in the highest heavens.
All of you angels,
and all who serve him above,
    come and offer praise.

Sun and moon,
and all of you bright stars,
    come and offer praise.
Highest heavens, and the water
above the highest heavens,[a]
    come and offer praise.

Let all things praise
    the name of the Lord,
because they were created
    at his command.
He made them to last forever,
and nothing can change
    what he has done.[b]

All creatures on earth,
you obey his commands,
    so come praise the Lord!

Sea monsters and the deep sea,
fire and hail, snow and frost,
    and every stormy wind,
    come praise the Lord!

All mountains and hills,
    fruit trees and cedars,
10 every wild and tame animal,
all reptiles and birds,
    come praise the Lord!

11 Every king and every ruler,
    all nations on earth,
12 every man and every woman,
young people and old,
    come praise the Lord!

13 All creation, come praise
the name of the Lord.
    Praise his name alone.
The glory of God is greater
    than heaven and earth.

14 Like a bull with mighty horns,
the Lord protects
    his faithful nation Israel,
because they belong to him.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Isaiah 54:1-13

A Promise of the Lord's Protection

54 (A) Sing and shout,
even though you have never
    had children!
The Lord has promised that you
    will have more children
than someone married
    for a long time.
Make your tents larger!
Spread out the tent pegs;
    fasten them firmly.
You and your descendants
will take over the land
    of other nations.
You will settle in towns
    that are now in ruins.

Don't be afraid or ashamed
and don't be discouraged.
    You won't be disappointed.
Forget how sinful you were
    when you were young;
stop feeling ashamed
    for being left a widow.
The Lord All-Powerful,
the Holy God of Israel,
    rules all the earth.
He is your Creator and husband,
    and he will rescue you.

You were like a young wife,
    brokenhearted and crying
because her husband
    had divorced her.
But the Lord your God says,
    “I am taking you back!
I rejected you for a while,
but with love and tenderness
    I will embrace you again.
For a while, I turned away
    in furious anger.
Now I will have mercy
    and love you forever!
I, your protector and Lord,
    make this promise.”

The Lord Promises Lasting Peace

(B) I once promised Noah that I
would never again destroy
    the earth by a flood.
Now I have promised that I
will never again get angry
    and punish you.
10 (C) Every mountain and hill
    may disappear.
But I will always be kind
    and merciful to you;
I won't break my agreement
    to give your nation peace.

The New Jerusalem

11 (D)(E) Jerusalem, you are sad
and discouraged,
    tossed around in a storm.
But I, the Lord,
will rebuild your city
    with precious stones;[a]
for your foundation
    I will use blue sapphires.
12 Your fortresses[b]
    will be built of rubies,
your gates of jewels,
    and your walls of gems.
13 (F) I will teach your children
    and make them successful.

Revelation 21:1-7

The New Heaven and the New Earth

21 (A) I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and so had the sea. (B) Then I saw New Jerusalem, the holy city, coming down from God in heaven. It was like a bride dressed in her wedding gown and ready to meet her husband.

(C) I heard a loud voice shout from the throne:

God's home is now with his people. He will live with them, and they will be his own. Yes, God will make his home among his people. (D) He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.

Then the one sitting on the throne said:

I am making everything new. Write down what I have said. My words are true and can be trusted. (E) Everything is finished! I am Alpha and Omega,[a] the beginning and the end. I will freely give water from the life-giving fountain to everyone who is thirsty. (F) All who win the victory will be given these blessings. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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