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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Luke 1:68-79

68 Praise the Lord,
    the God of Israel!
He has come
    to save his people.
69 Our God has given us
    a mighty Savior[a]
from the family
    of David his servant.
70 Long ago the Lord promised
by the words
    of his holy prophets
71 to save us from our enemies
and from everyone
    who hates us.
72 God said he would be kind
to our people and keep
    his sacred promise.
73 He told our ancestor Abraham
74 that he would rescue us
    from our enemies.
Then we could serve him
    without fear,
75 by being holy and good
    as long as we live.

76 (A) You, my son, will be called
    the prophet of God Most High.
You will go ahead of the Lord
to get everything ready
    for him.
77 You will tell his people
    that they can be saved
when their sins
    are forgiven.
78 God's love and kindness
    will shine upon us
like the sun that rises
    in the sky.[b]
79 (B) On us who live
in the dark shadow
    of death
this light will shine
to guide us
    into a life of peace.

Malachi 4

The Day of Judgment

The Lord said:

The day of judgment is certain to come. And it will be like a red-hot furnace with flames that burn up proud and sinful people, as though they were straw. Not a branch or a root will be left. I, the Lord All-Powerful, have spoken! But for you that honor my name, victory will shine like the sun with healing in its rays, and you will jump around like calves at play. When I come to bring justice, you will trample those who are evil, as though they were ashes under your feet. I, the Lord All-Powerful, have spoken!

Don't ever forget the laws and teachings I gave my servant Moses on Mount Sinai.[a]

(A) I, the Lord, promise to send the prophet Elijah before that great and terrible day comes. He will lead children and parents to love each other more, so that when I come, I won't bring destruction to the land.

Luke 9:1-6

Instructions for the Twelve Apostles

(Matthew 10.5-15; Mark 6.7-13)

Jesus called together his twelve apostles and gave them complete power over all demons and diseases. Then he sent them to tell about God's kingdom and to heal the sick. (A) He told them, “Don't take anything with you! Don't take a walking stick or a traveling bag or food or money or even a change of clothes. When you are welcomed into a home, stay there until you leave that town. (B) If people won't welcome you, leave the town and shake the dust from your feet[a] as a warning to them.”

The apostles left and went from village to village, telling the good news and healing people everywhere.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit and