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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 77

(A psalm by Asaph for Jeduthun, the music leader.)

In Times of Trouble God Is with His People

I pray to you, Lord God,
    and I beg you to listen.
In days filled with trouble,
    I search for you.
And at night I tirelessly
lift my hands in prayer,
    refusing comfort.
When I think of you,
    I feel restless and weak.

Because of you, Lord God,
    I can't sleep.
I am restless
    and can't even talk.
I think of times gone by,
    of those years long ago.
Each night my mind
    is flooded with questions:[a]
“Have you rejected me forever?
    Won't you be kind again?
Is this the end of your love
    and your promises?
Have you forgotten
    how to have pity?
Do you refuse to show mercy
    because of your anger?”
10 Then I said, “God Most High,
    what hurts me most
is that you no longer help us
    with your mighty arm.”

11 Our Lord, I will remember
the things you have done,
    your miracles of long ago.
12 I will think about each one
    of your mighty deeds.
13 Everything you do is right,
and no other god
    compares with you.
14 You alone work miracles,
and you have let nations
    see your mighty power.
15 With your own arm you rescued
your people, the descendants
    of Jacob and Joseph.

16 The ocean looked at you, God,
and it trembled deep down
    with fear.
17 Water flowed from the clouds.
    Thunder was heard above
as your arrows of lightning
    flashed about.
18 Your thunder roared
    like chariot wheels.
The world was made bright
by lightning,
    and all the earth trembled.

19 You walked through the water
    of the mighty sea,
but your footprints
    were never seen.
20 You guided your people
    like a flock of sheep,
and you chose Moses and Aaron
    to be their leaders.

Job 5:8-27

Job, if I were you,
    I would ask God for help.
(A) His miracles are marvelous,
    more than we can count.
10 God sends showers on earth
    and waters the fields.
11 He protects the sorrowful
and lifts up those
    who have been disgraced.
* 12 God swiftly traps the wicked
13 (B) in their own evil schemes,
    and their wisdom fails.
14 Darkness is their only companion,
    hiding their path at noon.
15 God rescues the needy
from the words of the wicked
    and the fist of the mighty.
16 The poor are filled with hope,
    and injustice is silenced.

Consider Yourself Fortunate

17 (C) Consider yourself fortunate
if God All-Powerful
    chooses to correct you.
18 (D) He may cause injury and pain,
but he will bandage and heal
    your cuts and bruises.
19 God will protect you from harm,
no matter how often
    trouble may strike.

20 In times of war and famine,
    God will keep you safe.
21 You will be sheltered,
without fear of hurtful words
    or any other weapon.
22 You will laugh at the threat
    of destruction and famine.
And you won't be afraid
    of wild animals—
23 they will no longer be fierce,
and your rocky fields
    will become friendly.
24 Your home will be secure,
    and your sheep will be safe.
25 You will have more descendants
than there are blades of grass
    on the face of the earth.
26 You will live a very long life,
and your body will be strong
    until the day you die.
27 Our experience has proven
these things to be true,
    so listen and learn.

1 Peter 3:8-18

Suffering for Doing Right

Finally, all of you should agree and have concern and love for each other. You should also be kind and humble. Don't be hateful and insult people just because they are hateful and insult you. Instead, treat everyone with kindness. You are God's chosen ones, and he will bless you. The Scriptures say,

10 (A) “Do you really love life?
    Do you want to be happy?
Then stop saying cruel things
    and quit telling lies.
11 Give up your evil ways
    and do right,
as you find and follow
    the road to peace.
12 The Lord watches over
    everyone who obeys him,
and he listens
    to their prayers.
But he opposes everyone
    who does evil.”

13 Can anyone really harm you for being eager to do good deeds? 14 (B)(C) Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and don't worry about what people might do. 15 Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life.

Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope. 16 Give a kind and respectful answer and keep your conscience clear. This way you will make people ashamed for saying bad things about your good conduct as a follower of Christ. 17 You are better off to obey God and suffer for doing right than to suffer for doing wrong.

18 Christ died once for our sins.
An innocent person died
    for those who are guilty.
Christ did this
    to bring you to God,
when his body
    was put to death
and his spirit
    was made alive.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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