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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Isaiah 61:1-4

The Good News of Victory

61 (A)(B) The Spirit of the Lord God
    has taken control of me!
The Lord has chosen and sent me
to tell the oppressed
    the good news,
to heal the brokenhearted,
and to announce freedom
    for prisoners and captives.
(C) This is the year
    when the Lord God
will show kindness to us
    and punish our enemies.

The Lord has sent me
to comfort those who mourn,
    especially in Jerusalem.
He sent me to give them flowers
    in place of their sorrow,
olive oil in place of tears,
and joyous praise
    in place of broken hearts.
They will be called
    “Trees of Justice,”
planted by the Lord
    to honor his name.
Then they will rebuild cities
that have been in ruins
    for many generations.

Isaiah 61:8-11

The Lord Loves Justice

I, the Lord, love justice!
But I hate robbery
    and injustice.[a]
My people, I solemnly promise
to reward you
    with an eternal agreement.
Your descendants will be known
    in every nation.
All who see them will realize
that they have been blessed,
    by me, the Lord.

Celebrate and Shout

10 (A) I celebrate and shout
    because of my Lord God.
His saving power and justice
    are the very clothes I wear.
They are more beautiful
than the jewelry worn
    by a bride or groom.
11 The Lord will bring about
justice and praise
    in every nation on earth,
like flowers blooming
    in a garden.

Psalm 126

(A song for worship.)

Celebrating the Harvest

It seemed like a dream
when the Lord brought us back
    to the city of Zion.[a]
We celebrated with laughter
    and joyful songs.
In foreign nations it was said,
“The Lord has worked miracles
    for his people.”
And so we celebrated
because the Lord had indeed
    worked miracles for us.

Our Lord, we ask you to bless
    our people again,
and let us be like streams
    in the Southern Desert.
We cried as we went out
    to plant our seeds.
Now let us celebrate
    as we bring in the crops.
We cried on the way
    to plant our seeds,
but we will celebrate and shout
    as we bring in the crops.

Luke 1:46-55

Mary's Song of Praise

46 (A) Mary said:

With all my heart
    I praise the Lord,
47 and I am glad
    because of God my Savior.
48 God cares for me,
    his humble servant.
From now on,
all people will say
    God has blessed me.
49 God All-Powerful has done
great things for me,
    and his name is holy.
50 He always shows mercy
to everyone
    who worships him.
51 The Lord has used
    his powerful arm
to scatter those
    who are proud.
52 (B) God drags strong rulers
    from their thrones
and puts humble people
    in places of power.
53 God gives the hungry
    good things to eat,
and sends the rich away
    with nothing.
54 God helps his servant Israel
and is always merciful
    to his people.
55 (C) The Lord made this promise
    to our ancestors,
to Abraham and his family

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

16 Always be joyful 17 and never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.

19 Don't turn away God's Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don't have anything to do with evil.

23 I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 24 The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.

John 1:6-8

(A) God sent a man named John,
who came to tell
    about the light
and to lead all people
    to have faith.
John wasn't this light.
He came only to tell
    about the light.

John 1:19-28

John the Baptist Tells about Jesus

(Matthew 3.1-12; Mark 1.1-8; Luke 3.15-17)

19-20 The religious authorities in Jerusalem sent priests and temple helpers to ask John who he was. He told them plainly, “I am not the Messiah.” 21 (A) Then when they asked him if he were Elijah, he said, “No, I am not!” And when they asked if he were the Prophet,[a] he also said “No!”

22 Finally, they said, “Who are you then? We have to give an answer to the ones who sent us. Tell us who you are!”

23 (B) John answered in the words of the prophet Isaiah, “I am only someone shouting in the desert, ‘Get the road ready for the Lord!’ ”

24 Some Pharisees had also been sent to John. 25 They asked him, “Why are you baptizing people, if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet?”

26 John told them, “I use water to baptize people. But here with you is someone you don't know. 27 Even though I came first, I am not good enough to untie his sandals.” 28 John said this as he was baptizing east of the Jordan River in Bethany.[b]

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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