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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 75

(A psalm and a song by Asaph for the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.”[a])

Praise God for All He Has Done

Our God, we thank you
    for being so near to us!
Everyone celebrates
    your wonderful deeds.

You have set a time
    to judge with fairness.
The earth trembles,
    and its people shake;
you alone keep
    its foundations firm.
You tell every bragger,
    “Stop bragging!”
And to the wicked you say,
    “Don't boast of your power!
Stop bragging! Quit telling me
    how great you are.”

Our Lord and our God,
    victory doesn't come
from the east or the west
    or from the desert.
You are the one who judges.
You can take away power
    and give it to others.
You hold in your hand
a cup filled with wine,[b]
    strong and foaming.
You will pour out some
for every sinful person
    on this earth,
and they will have to drink
    until it is gone.
But I will always tell about
you, the God of Jacob,
    and I will sing your praise.

10 Our Lord, you will destroy
    the power of evil people,
but you will give strength
    to those who are good.

Zephaniah 3:1-13

Sinful Jerusalem

Too bad for that disgusting,
    corrupt, and lawless city!
Forever rebellious
    and rejecting correction,
Jerusalem refuses to trust
    or obey the Lord God.
Its officials are roaring lions,
    its judges are wolves;
in the evening they attack,
    by morning nothing is left.
Jerusalem's prophets are proud
    and not to be trusted.
The priests have disgraced
the place of worship
    and abused God's Law.
All who do evil are shameless,
but the Lord does right
    and is always fair.
With the dawn of each day,
    God brings about justice.

The Lord wiped out nations
and left fortresses
    crumbling in the dirt.
Their streets and towns
were reduced to ruins
    and emptied of people.
God felt certain that Jerusalem
would learn to respect
    and obey him.
Then he would hold back
from punishing the city
    and not wipe it out.
But everyone there was eager
    to start sinning again.

Nations Will Turn to the Lord

The Lord said:
Just wait for the day
    when I accuse you nations.
I have decided on a day,
    when I will bring together
every nation and kingdom
and punish them all
    in my fiery anger.
I will become furious
    and destroy the earth.

I will purify each language
and make those languages
    acceptable for praising me.[a]
Then, with hearts united,
everyone will serve
    only me, the Lord.
10 From across the rivers
    of Ethiopia,[b]
my scattered people,
my true worshipers,
    will bring offerings to me.

11 When that time comes,
you won't rebel against me
    and be put to shame.
I'll do away with those
    who are proud and arrogant.
Never will any of them
strut around
    on my holy mountain.
12 But I, the Lord, won't destroy
    any of your people
who are truly humble
    and turn to me for safety.
13 (A) The people of Israel who survive
will live right
    and refuse to tell lies.
They will eat and rest
    with nothing to fear.

Galatians 4:21-5:1

Hagar and Sarah

21 Some of you would like to be under the rule of the Law of Moses. But do you know what the Law says? 22 (A) In the Scriptures we learn that Abraham had two sons. The mother of one of them was a slave, while the mother of the other one had always been free. 23 The son of the slave woman was born in the usual way. But the son of the free woman was born because of God's promise.

24 All of this has another meaning as well. Each of the two women stands for one of the agreements God made with his people. Hagar, the slave woman, stands for the agreement that was made at Mount Sinai. Everyone born into her family is a slave. 25 Hagar also stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia[a] and for the present city of Jerusalem. She[b] and her children are slaves.

26 (B) But our mother is the city of Jerusalem in heaven above, and she isn't a slave. 27 (C) The Scriptures say about her,

“You have never had children,
    but now you can be glad.
You have never given birth,
    but now you can shout.
Once you had no children,
    but now you will have
more children than a woman
who has been married
    for a long time.”

28 My friends, you were born because of this promise, just as Isaac was. 29 (D) But the child who was born in the natural way made trouble for the child who was born because of the Spirit. The same thing is happening today. 30 (E) The Scriptures say, “Get rid of the slave woman and her son! He won't be given anything. The son of the free woman will receive everything.” 31 My friends, we are children of the free woman and not of the slave.

Christ Gives Freedom

Christ has set us free! This means we are really free. Now hold on to your freedom and don't ever become slaves of the Law again.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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