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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the ESV. Switch to the ESV to read along with the audio.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Ecclesiastes 1-3

Introducing the Spokesman

The words of the spokesman, the son of David and the king in Jerusalem.

The Theme

“Absolutely pointless!” says the spokesman. “Absolutely pointless! Everything is pointless.”

Life Is an Endless Circle

What do people gain from all their hard work under the sun?

Generations come, and generations go,
but the earth lasts forever.
The sun rises, and the sun sets,
and then it rushes back to the place where it will rise ⌞again⌟.
The wind blows toward the south and shifts toward the north.
Round and round it blows. It blows in a full circle.
All streams flow into the sea, but the sea is never full.
The water goes back to the place where the streams began
in order to ⌞start⌟ flowing again.

All of these sayings are worn-out phrases. They are more than anyone can express, comprehend, or understand.

Whatever has happened before will happen ⌞again⌟. Whatever has been done before will be done ⌞again⌟. There is nothing new under the sun. 10 Can you say that anything is new? It has already been here long before us. 11 Nothing from the past is remembered. Even in the future, nothing will be remembered by those who come after us.

The Spokesman Begins to Study Everything under Heaven

12 I, the spokesman, have been king of Israel in Jerusalem. 13 With all my heart I used wisdom to study and explore everything done under heaven.

The Spokesman’s General Conclusion

Mortals are weighed down with a terrible burden that God has placed on them. 14 I have seen everything that is done under the sun. Look at it! It’s all pointless. ⌞It’s like⌟ trying to catch the wind.

15 No one can straighten what is bent.
No one can count what is not there.

The Spokesman Begins to Study Life

16 I thought to myself, “I have grown wiser than anyone who ⌞has ruled⌟ Jerusalem before me. I’ve had a lot of experience with wisdom and knowledge.” 17 I’ve used my mind to understand wisdom and knowledge as well as madness and stupidity. ⌞Now⌟ I know that this is ⌞like⌟ trying to catch the wind.

18 With a lot of wisdom ⌞comes⌟ a lot of heartache.
The greater ⌞your⌟ knowledge, the greater ⌞your⌟ pain.

The Spokesman Studies Laughter

I thought to myself, “Now I want to experiment with pleasure and enjoy myself.” But even this was pointless.

I thought, “Laughter doesn’t make any sense. What does pleasure accomplish?”

The Spokesman Studies Wine

I explored ways to make myself feel better by drinking wine. I also explored ways to do ⌞some⌟ foolish things. During all that time, wisdom continued to control my mind. I was able to determine whether this was good for mortals to do during their brief lives under heaven.

The Spokesman Studies Personal Achievements

I accomplished some great things:

I built houses for myself.
I planted vineyards for myself.
I made gardens and parks for myself.
I planted every kind of fruit tree in them.
I made pools to water the forest of growing trees.
I bought male and female slaves.
In addition, slaves were born in my household.
I owned more herds and flocks
than anyone in Jerusalem before me.
I also gathered silver and gold for myself.
I gathered the treasures of kings and provinces.
I provided myself with male and female singers
and the pleasures men have with one concubine [a] after another.

So I grew richer than anyone in Jerusalem before me. Yet, my wisdom remained with me. 10 If something appealed to me, I did it. I allowed myself to have any pleasure I wanted, since I found pleasure in my work. This was my reward for all my hard work.

11 But when I turned to look at all that I had accomplished and all the hard work I had put into it, I saw that it was all pointless. ⌞It was like⌟ trying to catch the wind. I gained nothing ⌞from any of my accomplishments⌟ under the sun.

Death Is the Common Destiny of All Life

12 Then I turned ⌞my attention⌟ to experience wisdom, madness, and foolishness. For instance, what can the man who replaces the king do? Only what has already been done. 13 But I saw that wisdom has an advantage over foolishness as light has an advantage over darkness. 14 A wise person uses the eyes in his head, but a fool walks in the dark. But I have also come to realize that the same destiny waits for both of them.

15 I thought to myself, “⌞If⌟ the destiny that waits for the fool waits for me as well, then what is the advantage in being wise?” So I thought that even this is pointless.

Without God Everything Is Pointless

16 Neither the wise person nor the fool will be remembered for long, since both will be forgotten in the days to come. Both the wise person and the fool will die. 17 So I came to hate life because everything done under the sun seemed wrong to me. Everything was pointless. ⌞It was like⌟ trying to catch the wind.

18 I came to hate everything for which I had worked so hard under the sun, because I will have to leave it to the person who replaces me. 19 Who knows whether that person will be wise or foolish? He will still have control over everything under the sun for which I worked so hard and used my wisdom. Even this is pointless.

20 Then I fell into despair over everything for which I had worked so hard under the sun. 21 Here is someone who had worked hard with wisdom, knowledge, and skill. Yet, he must turn over his estate to someone else, who didn’t work for it. Even this is pointless and a terrible tragedy.

22 What do people get from all of their hard work and struggles under the sun? 23 Their entire life is filled with pain, and their work is unbearable. Even at night their minds don’t rest. Even this is pointless.

With God Even the Simplest Things Have a Point

24 There is nothing better for people to do than to eat, drink, and find satisfaction in their work. I saw that even this comes from the hand of God. 25 Who can eat or enjoy themselves without God? 26 God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to anyone who pleases him. But to the person who continues to sin, he gives the job of gathering and collecting ⌞wealth⌟. The sinner must turn his wealth over to the person who pleases God. Even this is pointless. ⌞It’s like⌟ trying to catch the wind.

Everything in God’s Own Time

Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and
a time to die,
a time to plant and
a time to pull out what was planted,
a time to kill and
a time to heal,
a time to tear down and
a time to build up,
a time to cry and
a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and
a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and
a time to gather them,
a time to hug and
a time to stop hugging,
a time to start looking and
a time to stop looking,
a time to keep and
a time to throw away,
a time to tear apart and
a time to sew together,
a time to keep quiet and
a time to speak out,
a time to love and
a time to hate,
a time for war and
a time for peace.

God Gives Mortals a Sense of Eternity

What do working people gain from their hard labor? 10 I have seen mortals weighed down with a burden that God has placed on them. 11 It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people’s minds. Yet, mortals still can’t grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end ⌞of time⌟.

12 I realize that there’s nothing better for them to do than to be cheerful and enjoy what is good in their lives. 13 It is a gift from God to be able to eat and drink and experience the good that comes from every kind of hard work.

14 I realize that whatever God does will last forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken away from it. God does this so that people will fear him.

15 Whatever has happened ⌞in the past⌟ is present now. Whatever is going to happen ⌞in the future⌟ has already happened ⌞in the past⌟. God will call the past to account.

Humans and Animals Meet the Same End

16 I saw something else under the sun:

There is wickedness where justice should be found.
There is wickedness where righteousness should be found.

17 I thought to myself, “God will judge righteous people as well as wicked people, because there is a specific time for every activity and every work that is done.” 18 I thought to myself, “God is going to test humans in order to show them that they are ⌞like⌟ animals.” 19 Humans and animals have the same destiny. One dies just like the other. All of them have the same breath ⌞of life⌟. Humans have no advantage over animals. All ⌞of life⌟ is pointless. 20 All ⌞life⌟ goes to the same place. All ⌞life⌟ comes from the ground, and all of it goes back to the ground. 21 Who knows whether a human spirit goes upward or whether an animal spirit goes downward to the earth?

22 I saw that there’s nothing better for people to do than to enjoy their work because that is their lot ⌞in life⌟. Who will allow them to see what will happen after them?

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness [a] be wasted on you. God says,

“At the right time I heard you.
On the day of salvation I helped you.”

Listen, now is God’s acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation!

Our Lives Demonstrate That We Are God’s Servants

We don’t give people any opportunity to find fault with how we serve. Instead, our lives demonstrate that we are God’s servants. We have endured many things: suffering, distress, anxiety, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights, and lack of food. ⌞People can see⌟ our purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit’s presence ⌞in our lives⌟, our sincere love, truthfulness, and the presence of God’s power. We demonstrate that we are God’s servants as we are praised and dishonored, as we are slandered and honored, and as we use what is right to attack what is wrong and to defend the truth.[b] We are treated as dishonest although we are honest, as unknown although we are well-known, as dying although, as you see, we go on living. We are punished, but we are not killed. 10 People think we are sad although we’re always glad, that we’re beggars although we make many people spiritually rich, that we have nothing although we possess everything.

11 We have been very open in speaking to you Corinthians. We have a place for you in our hearts. 12 We haven’t cut you off. Your own emotions have cut you off ⌞from us⌟. 13 I’m talking to you as I would talk to children. Treat us the same way we’ve treated you. Make a place for us in your hearts too.

Psalm 46

For the choir director; a song by the descendants of Korah; according to alamoth.[a]

46 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.
That is why we are not afraid
even when the earth quakes
or the mountains topple into the depths of the sea.
Water roars and foams,
and mountains shake at the surging waves. Selah

There is a river
whose streams bring joy to the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High lives.
God is in that city.
It cannot fall.
God will help it at the break of dawn.
Nations are in turmoil, and kingdoms topple.
The earth melts at the sound of ⌞God’s⌟ voice.

The Lord of Armies is with us.
The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah

Come, see the works of the Lord,
the devastation he has brought to the earth.
He puts an end to wars all over the earth.
He breaks an archer’s bow.
He cuts spears in two.
He burns chariots.
10 Let go ⌞of your concerns⌟!
Then you will know that I am God.
I rule the nations.
I rule the earth.

11 The Lord of Armies is with us.
The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah

Proverbs 22:15

15 Foolishness is firmly attached to a child’s heart.
Spanking will remove it far from him.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

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