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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

Common English Bible (CEB)
Isaiah 30:12-33:9

12 Therefore, the holy one of Israel says:

Because you reject this word
    and trust in oppression and cunning and rely on them,
13     your sin will be like a crack in a high wall; it bulges, about to fall:
    suddenly, in an instant, it breaks!
14 Its breaking is like the breaking of a storage jar
    that is totally shattered.
No piece from among its fragments will be large enough to take fire from a hearth,
    or to dip water from a cistern.

15 Therefore, the Lord God,
    the holy one of Israel, says:
In return and rest you will be saved;
    quietness and trust will be your strength—
    but you refused.
16 You said,
“No! We’ll flee on horses”—
    therefore, you will indeed flee—
    “and we’ll ride off; on swift steeds we will ride”—
    therefore, your pursuers will be swift.
17 One thousand will flee at the threat of one,
    and at the threat of five you will flee,
    until you are left like a flagstaff on a mountaintop,
    like a flag on a hill.
18 Nonetheless, the Lord is waiting to be merciful to you,
    and will rise up to show you compassion.
The Lord is a God of justice;
    happy are all who wait for him.

This is the way

19 People in Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer. God will certainly be merciful to you. Hearing the sound of your outcry, God will answer you. 20 Though the Lord gives you the bread of distress and the water of oppression, your teacher will no longer hide, but you will see your teacher. 21 If you stray to the right or the left, you will hear a word that comes from behind you: “This is the way; walk in it.” 22 You will defile your silver-plated idols and your gold-covered priestly vest,[a] and you will scatter them like menstrual rags. “Get out,” you will say to them.

23 God will provide rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food the ground produces will be rich and abundant. On that day, your cattle will graze in large pastures. 24 The oxen and donkeys that are working the ground will eat tasty feed spread for them with shovel and fork.

25 On every lofty mountain, and on every high hill, streams will run with water on the day of the great massacre, when the towers fall. 26 The light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter—like the light of seven days—on the day that the Lord bandages the people’s brokenness and heals the wounds inflicted by his blows.

Assyria punished

27 Look there! The Lord is coming from far away;
    his anger blazing, his smoke-cloud thick.
His lips are full of fury;
    his tongue is like a devouring fire.
28 His breath is like a raging river that reaches up to the neck,
    to shake the nations with a sieve of destruction,
    and to put a misleading rein on the people’s jaws.
29 There will be singing for you
    as on the night that people celebrate a festival.
    The heart will be joyful as it is when one goes with a flute
        to the Lord’s mountain,
        to the rock of Israel.
30 The Lord will unleash his majestic voice
    and display his crushing arm
        in furious anger, with a flame of consuming fire,
        in stormy rain and hail.
31 The Lord’s voice will terrify Assyria;
    with a rod he will smite it.
32 And every crack that is made in the foundation wall,
    which the Lord will bring down upon him,
        will be accompanied by timbrels and lyres.
The Lord will raise his arm and fight against Assyria in battle. 33 His place for burning[b] was arranged long ago;
    it is indeed made ready for a king.
God has made its wood pile wide and deep,
    fire and wood in abundance.
    The breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, ignites it.

Doom to those going to Egypt

31 Doom to those going down to Egypt for help!
    They rely on horses,
    trust in chariots because they are many,
    and on riders because they are very strong.
But they don’t look to the holy one of Israel;
    they don’t seek the Lord.
But God also knows how to bring disaster;
    he has not taken back his words.
God will rise up against the house of evildoers
    and against the help of those who do wrong.
Egypt is human and not divine;
    their horses are flesh and not spirit.
The Lord will extend his hand;
    the helper will stumble,
    those helped will fall,
    and they will all die together.

The Lord has said to me:
When the lion growls,
    the young lion, over its prey,
    though a band of shepherds is summoned against it,
    isn’t scared off by their noise
    or frightened by their roar.
So the Lord of heavenly forces will go down
    to fight on Mount Zion and on her hill.
Like birds flying aloft,
    so the Lord of heavenly forces will shield Jerusalem:
    shielding and saving, sparing and rescuing.

People of Israel, return to the one whom you have deeply betrayed! On that day, you will each reject the idols of silver and the idols of gold, which you have sinfully made for yourselves.

Assyria will fall, but not by a human sword—
    a sword not made by humans will devour them.
    They will flee before the sword;
    their young men will become forced laborers.
In horror they will flee from their stronghold;
    their officers will be terrified at the signal,
        says the Lord, whose fire is in Zion
        and whose oven is in Jerusalem.

Righteous rule

32 See here: A king rules to promote righteousness;
    rulers govern to promote justice,
    each like a shelter from the wind
    and a refuge from a storm,
    like streams of water in a wasteland,
    like the shade of a massive cliff in a worn-out land.
Then the eyes of those who can see will no longer be blind,
    the ears of those who can hear will listen,
    the minds of the rash will know and comprehend,
    and the tongues of those who stammer will speak fluently and plainly.
Then a fool will no longer be called honorable,
    nor a villain considered respectable.
Fools speak folly;
    their minds devise wickedness,
    acting irreverently,
    speaking falsely of the Lord,
    leaving the hungry empty,
    and depriving the thirsty of drink.
As for the villain, his villainies are evil.
    He plans schemes to destroy the poor with lying words,
    even when the needy speak justly.
But an honorable person plans honorable things
    and stands up for what is honorable.

Warnings to the carefree

Women of leisure, stand up! Hear my voice!
    Carefree daughters, listen to my word!
10 In a little over a year,
    the carefree will shudder,
    because the grape harvest will fail;
    the vintage won’t arrive.
11 Tremble, all of you who are at ease;
    shudder, all of you who are secure!
Strip yourselves, bare your skin,
    and tie mourning clothes around your waist,
12     beating your breasts for the pleasant fields,
    for the fruitful vine,
13     for my people’s soil
    growing barbs and thorns,
    for all the joyous houses
    in the jubilant town.
14 The palace will be deserted,
    the crowded city abandoned.
Stronghold and watchtower
    will become empty fields forever,
    suited for the pleasure of wild donkeys,
    and a pasture for flocks—
15     until a spirit from on high
    is poured out on us,
    and the desert turns into farmland, and the farmland is considered a forest.
16 Then justice will reside in wild lands,
    and righteousness will abide in farmlands.
17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace,
    and the outcome of righteousness,
    calm and security forever.
18 Then my people will live in a peaceful dwelling,
    in secure homes, in carefree resting places.
19 Even if the forest falls[c]
        and the humbled city is laid low,
20     those who sow beside any stream will be happy,
    sending out ox and donkey to graze.

Judgment and hope for the righteous

33 Doom to the destroyer left undestroyed,
    you traitor whom none have betrayed:
when you have finished destroying, you will be destroyed;
    and when you have stopped betraying, they will betray you.

Lord, show us favor;
    we hope in you.
Be our strength every morning,
    our salvation in times of distress.
At the noise, peoples fled;
    on account of your roar, nations scattered.
They gathered spoil like insects;
    they rushed upon it like a swarm of locusts.[d]
The Lord is exalted; he lives on high,
    filling Zion with justice and righteousness.
He will provide security during a lifetime:[e]
    a source of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge—
    fear of the Lord will be Zion’s treasure.[f]

But then those in Ariel[g] cried out in the streets;
    messengers of peace wept bitterly.
The highways were deserted;
    travelers left the road.
The covenant was broken;
    solemn pledges[h] were rejected;
    no one cared for humanity.
The land mourned; it wasted away;
    Lebanon was ashamed; it withered.
Sharon became like the desert,
    and Bashan and Carmel were dropping their leaves.

Galatians 5:1-12

Christ has set us free for freedom. Therefore, stand firm and don’t submit to the bondage of slavery again.

Arguments against being circumcised

Look, I, Paul, am telling you that if you have yourselves circumcised, having Christ won’t help you. Again I swear to every man who has himself circumcised that he is required to do the whole Law. You people who are trying to be made righteous by the Law have been estranged from Christ. You have fallen away from grace! We eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness through the Spirit by faith. Being circumcised or not being circumcised doesn’t matter in Christ Jesus, but faith working through love does matter.

You were running well—who stopped you from obeying the truth? This line of reasoning doesn’t come from the one who calls you. A little yeast works through the whole lump of dough. 10 I’m convinced about you in the Lord that you won’t think any other way. But the one who is confusing you will pay the penalty, whoever that may be. 11 Brothers and sisters, if I’m still preaching circumcision, why am I still being harassed? In that case, the offense of the cross would be canceled. 12 I wish that the ones who are upsetting you would castrate themselves!

Psalm 63

Psalm 63

A psalm of David, when he was in the Judean desert.

63 God! My God! It’s you—
    I search for you!
    My whole being[a] thirsts for you!
    My body desires you
        in a dry and tired land,
        no water anywhere.
Yes, I’ve seen you in the sanctuary;
    I’ve seen your power and glory.
My lips praise you
    because your faithful love
    is better than life itself!
So I will bless you as long as I’m alive;
    I will lift up my hands in your name.

I’m fully satisfied—
    as with a rich dinner.
My mouth speaks praise with joy on my lips—
    whenever I ponder you on my bed,
    whenever I meditate on you
        in the middle of the night—
    because you’ve been a help to me and I shout for joy in the protection of your wings.
My whole being clings to you;
    your strong hand upholds me.

But what about those people who want to destroy me?
    Let them go into the bowels of the earth!
10     Let their blood flow by the sword!
    Let them be food for wild jackals!
11 But the king should rejoice in God;
    everyone who swears by God should give praise
        when the mouths of liars are shut for good.

Proverbs 23:22

22 Listen to your father, who gave you life;
    don’t despise your elderly mother.

Common English Bible (CEB)

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