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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the GW. Switch to the GW to read along with the audio.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Job 16-19

Job's Reply to Eliphaz

I Have Often Heard This

16 Job said:
I have often heard this,
    and it offers no comfort.
So why don't you keep quiet?
    What's bothering you?
If I were in your place,
it would be easy to criticize
    or to give advice.
But I would offer hope
    and comfort instead.

If I speak, or if I don't,
I hurt all the same.
    My torment continues.
God has worn me down
    and destroyed my family;
my shriveled up skin proves
    that I am his prisoner.
God is my hateful enemy,
glaring at me and attacking
    with his sharp teeth.
10 Everyone is against me;
    they sneer and slap my face.
11 And God is the one
who handed me over
    to this merciless mob.

Everything Was Going Well

12 Everything was going well,
until God grabbed my neck
    and shook me to pieces.
God set me up as the target
13     for his arrows,
and without showing mercy,
he slashed my stomach open,
    spilling out my insides.
14 God never stops attacking,
15     and so, in my sorrow
I dress in sackcloth[a]
    and sit in the dust.
16 My face is red with tears,
and dark shadows
    circle my eyes,
17 though I am not violent,
    and my prayers are sincere.

18 If I should die,
I beg the earth not to cover
    my cry for justice.
19 (A) Even now, God in heaven
is both my witness
    and my protector.
20 My friends have rejected me,
    but God is the one I beg[b]
21 to show that I am right,
    just as a friend should.
22 Because in only a few years,
    I will be dead and gone.

Job Complains to God

My Hopes Have Died

17 My hopes have died,
my time is up,
    and the grave is ready.
All I can see are angry crowds,
    making fun of me.
If you, Lord, don't help,
who will pay the price
    for my release?
My friends won't really listen,
    all because of you,
and so you must be the one
    to prove them wrong.
They have condemned me,
just to benefit themselves;
    now blind their children.

You, God, are the reason
    I am insulted and spit on.
I am almost blind with grief;
    my body is a mere shadow.

People who are truly good
    would feel so alarmed,
that they would become angry
    with my worthless friends.
They would do the right thing
and because they did,
    they would grow stronger.[c]
10 But none of my friends
    show any sense.

11 My life is drawing to an end;
    hope has disappeared.
12 But all my friends can do
    is offer empty hopes.[d]
13 I could tell the world below
    to prepare me a bed.
14 Then I could greet the grave
    as my father
and say to the worms,
    “Hello, mother and sisters!”

15 But what kind of hope is that?
16 Will it keep me company
    in the world of the dead?

Bildad's Second Speech

How Long Will You Talk?

18 Bildad from Shuah[e] said:
How long will you talk?
    Be sensible! Let us speak.
Or do you think that we
    are dumb animals?
You cut yourself in anger.
Will that shake the earth
    or even move the rocks?

* (B) The lamps of sinful people
soon are snuffed out,
    leaving their tents dark.
Their powerful legs become weak,
and they stumble on schemes
    of their own doing.
* Before they know it,
they are trapped in a net,
10     hidden along the path.
11 Terror strikes and pursues
    from every side.
12 Starving, they run,
    only to meet disaster,
13 then afterwards to be eaten alive
    by death itself.

14 Those sinners are dragged
from the safety of their tents
    to die a gruesome death.
15 Then their tents and possessions
    are burned to ashes,
16 and they are left like trees,
    dried up from the roots.
17 They are gone and forgotten,
18 thrown far from the light
    into a world of darkness,
19 without any children
    to carry on their name.
20 Everyone, from east to west,
    is overwhelmed with horror.
21 Such is the fate of sinners
and their families
    who don't know God.

Job's Reply to Bildad

How Long Will You Torture Me?

19 Job said:
How long will you torture me
    with your words?
Isn't ten times enough
for you to accuse me?
    Aren't you ashamed?
Even if I have sinned,
    you haven't been harmed.
You boast of your goodness,
claiming I am suffering
    because I am guilty.
But God is the one at fault
    for finding fault with me.

Though I pray to be rescued
    from this torment,
no whisper of justice
    answers me.
God has me trapped
with a wall of darkness
    and stripped of respect.
10 God rips me apart,
    uproots my hopes,
11 and attacks with fierce anger,
    as though I were his enemy.
12 His entire army advances,
    then surrounds my tent.

I Am Forgotten

* 13 God has turned relatives
and friends against me,
14     and I am forgotten.
15 My guests and my servants
    consider me a stranger,
16 and when I call my servants,
    they pay no attention.
17 My breath disgusts my wife;
everyone in my family
    turns away.
18 Young children can't stand me,
and when I come near,
    they make fun.
19 (C) My best friends and loved ones
    have turned from me.
20 I am skin and bones—
    just barely alive.
21 My friends, I beg you for pity!
    God has made me his target.
22 Hasn't he already done enough?
    Why do you join the attack?

23 I wish that my words
could be written down
24     or chiseled into rock.
25 I know that my Protector[f] lives,
and at the end
    he will stand on this earth.
26 My flesh may be destroyed,
yet from this body
    I will see God.[g]
27 Yes, I will see him for myself,
    and I long for that moment.

28 My friends, you think up ways
to blame and torment me, saying
    I brought it on myself.
29 But watch out for the judgment,
    when God will punish you!

1 Corinthians 16

A Collection for God's People

16 (A) When you collect money for God's people, I want you to do exactly what I told the churches in Galatia to do. That is, each Sunday each of you must put aside part of what you have earned. If you do this, you won't have to take up a collection when I come. Choose some followers to take the money to Jerusalem. I will send them on with the money and with letters which show that you approve of them. If you think I should go along, they can go with me.

Paul's Travel Plans

(B) After I have gone through Macedonia, I hope to see you and visit with you for a while. I may even stay all winter, so that you can help me on my way to wherever I will be going next. If the Lord lets me, I would rather come later for a longer visit than to stop off now for only a short visit. (C)(D) I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, because there is a wonderful opportunity for me to do some work here. But there are also many people who are against me.

10 (E) When Timothy arrives, give him a friendly welcome. He is doing the Lord's work, just as I am. 11 Don't let anyone mistreat him. I am looking for him to return to me together with the other followers. So when he leaves, send him off with your blessings.

12 I have tried hard to get our friend Apollos to visit you with the other followers. He doesn't want to come just now, but he will come when he can.

Personal Concerns and Greetings

13 Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong. 14 Show love in everything you do.

15 (F) You know that Stephanas and his family were the first in Achaia to have faith in the Lord. They have done all they can for God's people. My friends, I ask you 16 to obey leaders like them and to do the same for all others who work hard with you.

17 I was glad to see Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus. Having them here was like having you. 18 They made me feel much better, just as they made you feel better. You should appreciate people like them.

19 (G) Greetings from the churches in Asia.

Aquila and Priscilla, together with the church that meets in their house, send greetings in the name of the Lord.

20 All the Lord's followers send their greetings.

Give each other a warm greeting.

21 I am signing this letter myself: PAUL.

22 I pray that God will put a curse on everyone who doesn't love the Lord. And may the Lord come soon.

23 I pray the Lord Jesus will be kind to you.

24 I love everyone who belongs to Christ Jesus.

Psalm 40:1-10

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

A Prayer for Help

I patiently waited, Lord,
    for you to hear my prayer.
You listened and pulled me
from a lonely pit
    full of mud and mire.
You let me stand on a rock
    with my feet firm,
and you gave me a new song,
    a song of praise to you.
Many will see this,
and they will honor and trust
    you, the Lord God.

You bless all of those
    who trust you, Lord,
and refuse to worship idols
    or follow false gods.
You, Lord God, have done
    many wonderful things,
and you have planned
    marvelous things for us.
No one is like you!
I would never be able to tell
    all you have done.

(A) Sacrifices and offerings
    are not what please you;
gifts and payment for sin
    are not what you demand.
But you made me willing
    to listen and obey.
And so, I said, “I am here
    to do what is written
about me in the book,
    where it says,
‘I enjoy pleasing you.
    Your Law is in my heart.’ ”

When your people worshiped,
you know I told them,
    “Our Lord always helps!”
10 When all your people met,
    I did not keep silent.
I said, “Our Lord is kind.
He is faithful and caring,
    and he saves us.”

Proverbs 22:1

The Value of a Good Reputation

22 A good reputation and respect
are worth much more
    than silver and gold.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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