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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the AMP. Switch to the AMP to read along with the audio.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Jeremiah 30:1-31:26

The Lord Will Rescue Israel and Judah

30 1-2 The Lord God of Israel said, “Jeremiah, get a scroll[a] and write down everything I have told you. Someday I will let my people from both Israel[b] and Judah return to the land I gave their ancestors.”

4-5 Then the Lord told me to say to Israel and Judah:

Screams of terror are heard,
    with no word of peace.
Can men give birth?
Then why do I see them
    looking so pale
and clutching their stomachs
    like women in labor?
My people, soon you will suffer
worse than ever before,
    but I will save you.

Now you are slaves
    of other nations,
but I will break the chains
and smash the yokes[c]
    that keep you in slavery.
Then you will be my servants,
and I will choose a king for you
    from the family of David.

* 10 (A) Israel,[d] you belong to me,
    so don't be afraid.
You deserved to be punished;
that's why I scattered you
    in distant nations.
But I am with you,
and someday I will destroy
    those nations.
11 Then I will bring you
and your descendants
    back to your land,
where I will protect you
    and give you peace.
Then your fears will be gone.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

The Lord Will Heal Israel and Judah

12 The Lord said:

My people, you are wounded
    and near death.
13 You are accused of a crime
    with no one to defend you,
and you are covered with sores
    that no medicine can cure.
* 14 Your friends have forgotten you;
    they don't care anymore.
Even I have acted like an enemy.
And because your sins
    are horrible and countless,
I will be cruel
    as I punish you.
15 So don't bother to cry out
    for relief from your pain.

16 But if your enemies try to rob
    or destroy you,
I will rob and destroy them,
and they will be led as captives
    to foreign lands.
17 No one wants you as a friend
    or cares what happens to you.
But I will heal your injuries,
    and you will get well.

The Lord Will Rescue Israel and Judah

18 The Lord said:

Israel, I will be kind to you
    and let you come home.
Jerusalem now lies in ruins,
but you will rebuild it,
    complete with a new palace.[e]
19 Other nations will respect
    and honor you.
Your homes will be filled
    with children,
and you will celebrate,
    singing praises to me.

20 It will be just like old times.
Your nation will worship me,
    and I will punish anyone
    who abuses you.
21 One of your own people
    will become your ruler.
And when I invite him
    to come near me
at the place of worship,
    he will do so.
No one would dare to come near
    without being invited.
22 You will be my people,
and I will be your God.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

23 I am furious!
And like a violent storm
    I will strike those
    who do wrong.
24 I won't calm down
until I have finished
    what I have decided to do.
Someday, you will understand
    what I mean.

Israel Will Return to God

31 The Lord said:

Israel, I promise
    that someday all your tribes
will again be my people,
    and I will be your God.
In the desert I was kind
    to those who escaped death.
I gave them peace,
    and when the time is right,
I'll do the same for you.[f]
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

The Lord Will Rebuild Israel

Some time ago, the Lord appeared to me[g] and told me to say:

Israel, I will always love you;
that's why I've been so patient
    and kind.
You are precious to me,
and so I will rebuild
    your nation.
Once again you will dance for joy
    and play your tambourines.
You will plant vineyards
on the hills of Samaria
    and enjoy the grapes.
Someday those who guard
    the hill country of Ephraim
will shout, “Let's go to Zion
and worship the Lord our God.”

Israel Will Return to Its Own Land

The Lord says:

Celebrate and sing for Israel,
    the greatest of nations.
Offer praises and shout,
    “Come and rescue
    your people, Lord!
Save what's left of Israel.”

I, the Lord, will bring
my people back from Babylonia[h]
    and everywhere else on earth.
The blind and the lame
    will be there.
Expectant mothers
    and women about to give birth
will come and be part
    of that great crowd.
They will weep and pray
    as I bring them home.
I will lead them
    to streams of water.
They will walk on a level[i] road
    and not stumble.
I am a father to Israel,[j]
    my favorite children.

10 Listen to me, you nations
    nearby or across the sea.
I scattered the people of Israel,
    but I will gather them again.
I will protect them like a shepherd
    guarding a flock;
11 I will rescue them from enemies
    who could overpower them.
12 My people will come
    to Mount Zion
    and celebrate;
their faces will glow
    because of my blessings.
I'll give them grain, grapes,
and olive oil,
    as well as sheep and cattle.
Israel will be prosperous
and grow like a garden
    with plenty of water.
13 Young women and young men,
together with the elderly,
    will celebrate and dance,
because I will comfort them
and turn their sorrow
    into happiness.
14 I will bless my people
with more food
    than they need,
and the priests will enjoy
    the choice cuts of meat.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

The Lord Offers Hope

15 (B) In Ramah[k] a voice is heard,
    crying and weeping loudly.
Rachel mourns for her children[l]
and refuses to be comforted,
    because they are dead.
* 16 But I, the Lord, say
    to dry your tears.
Someday your children
will come home
    from the enemy's land.
Then all you have done for them
    will be greatly rewarded.
17 So don't lose hope.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

18 The people of Israel[m] moan
    and say to me,
“We were like wild bulls,
but you, Lord, broke us,
    and we learned to obey.
You are our God—
    please let us come home.
19 When we were young,
    we strayed and sinned,
but then we realized
    what we had done.
We are ashamed and disgraced
    and want to return to you.”

20 People of Israel,
you are my own dear children.
    Don't I love you best of all?
Though I often make threats,
I want you to be near me,
    so I will have mercy on you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

21 With rock piles and signposts,
mark the road well,
    my dear people.
The road by which you left
    by will now lead you home.
22 Will you ever decide
    to be faithful?
I will make sure that someday
    things will be different,
as different as a woman
    protecting a man.[n]

The Lord Will Bring Judah Home

23 The Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, said:

I promise to set the people of Judah free and to lead them back to their hometowns. And when I do, they will once again say,

“We pray that the Lord
    will bless his home,
the sacred hill in Jerusalem
    where his temple stands.”

24 The people will live in Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah. Some will be farmers, and others will be shepherds. 25 Those who feel tired and worn out will find new life and energy, 26 and when they sleep, they will wake up refreshed.[o]

1 Timothy 2

How To Pray

First of all, I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless them all, and tell God how thankful you are for each of them. Pray for kings and others in power, so we may live quiet and peaceful lives as we worship and honor God. This kind of prayer is good, and it pleases God our Savior. God wants everyone to be saved and to know the whole truth, which is,

There is only one God,
and Christ Jesus
    is the only one
who can bring us
    to God.
Jesus was truly human,
and he gave himself
    to rescue all of us.
God showed us this
    at the right time.

(A) This is why God chose me to be a preacher and an apostle of the good news. I am telling the truth. I am not lying. God sent me to teach the Gentiles about faith and truth.

I want everyone everywhere to lift innocent hands toward heaven and pray, without being angry or arguing with each other.

(B) I would like for women to wear modest and sensible clothes. They should not have fancy hairdos, or wear expensive clothes, or put on jewelry made of gold or pearls. 10 Women who claim to love God should do helpful things for others, 11 and they should learn by being quiet and paying attention. 12 They should be silent and not be allowed to teach or to tell men what to do. 13 (C) After all, Adam was created before Eve, 14 (D) and the man Adam wasn't the one who was fooled. It was the woman Eve who was completely fooled and sinned. 15 But women will be saved by having children,[a] if they stay faithful, loving, holy, and modest.

Psalm 87

(A psalm and a song by the clan of Korah.)

The Glory of Mount Zion

Zion was built by the Lord
    on the holy mountain,
and he loves that city
more than any other place
    in all of Israel.
Zion, you are the city of God,
and wonderful things
    are told about you.

Egypt,[a] Babylonia, Philistia,
    Phoenicia,[b] and Ethiopia[c]
are some of those nations
    that know you,
and their people all say,
    “I was born in Zion.”

God Most High will strengthen
    the city of Zion.
Then everyone will say,
    “We were born here too.”
The Lord will make a list
    of his people,
and all who were born here
    will be included.

All who sing or dance will say,
    “I too am from Zion.”

Proverbs 25:18-19

18 Telling lies about friends
    is like attacking them
with clubs and swords
    and sharp arrows.
19 A friend you can't trust
    in times of trouble
is like having a toothache
    or a sore foot.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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