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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

The Voice (VOICE)
Jeremiah 22:1-23:20

22 Eternal One (to Jeremiah): Go down to the palace of the king of Judah and say to him, “Hear the word of the Eternal. Listen, O king of Judah, who sits on David’s throne. Listen, you advisors of the king. Listen, you people who walk through these city gates. This is what the Eternal has to say: ‘Do what is just and right. Rescue those poor ones being robbed by the extortionists. Protect the outsiders, orphans, and widows in your land from any oppression, for they have no one. Stop the violence and the shedding of innocent blood in this place. If you do what I say, there will always be a king on the throne in Jerusalem. The descendants of David will ride through these gates leading a great processional of chariots and horses, of advisors and subjects. But if you refuse My words of warning, I swear by My name and all that I am that this palace of yours will be laid to waste.’”

This is what the Eternal says concerning the king of Judah and his household.

Eternal One: You are as precious to Me as the lush forests of Gilead;
        you are like the cedars on the summit of Lebanon.
    But I swear I will make you into a wilderness—stripped of trees
        with cities that lie empty and lifeless.
    I will unleash destroyers against you—
        ruthless men with fearful weapons.
    They will cut down your best trees
        and throw them on the fire.

When other nations pass by the ruins of Jerusalem, they will ask each other, “Why did the Eternal destroy this great city?” The answer they will hear is the one you already know: “Because these people violated the covenant they had made with the Eternal their God by worshiping and serving other gods.”

10 Do not cry for the one who is dead; do not mourn for him.
    Cry instead for the living one going into exile
For he will not come back again,
    he will never see his home again.

11 This is a word of the Eternal for Shallum (son of Josiah), who succeeded his father as king of Judah and went from this place into exile:

Eternal One: He will never return, 12 and he will die in that land of captivity, never to see this place again.

13     Woe to the one[a] who builds his palace on the proceeds of unrighteousness,
        who adds upper rooms on the gains of injustice,
    Who forces his own people to labor for nothing,
        who refuses to pay them for all their hard work.
14     He thinks to himself, “I will build a huge palace
        with a large second story and many windows.
    I will panel the walls with the best cedar
        and paint it red to impress everyone.
15     Do you become king because you have more cedar than another?
        Your father, so different from you, had plenty to eat, plenty to drink.
    Didn’t he live his life as a righteous and fair man?
        And look how well he did.
16     He stood up for the poor and needy;
        then things went well for him and the people.
    Isn’t this what it means to know Me?
17     But you are so different: your eyes are focused and your heart is set
        on one goal: deceitful personal gain.
    You make the innocent pay with their blood;
        you violently oppress them and take what is not yours.

18 So this is what the Eternal says
    regarding Jehoiakim (son of Josiah), king of Judah:

Eternal One: Upon his death, no one in his family will weep and say,
        “Oh my brother, oh my sister—our loved one is gone.”
    Nor will any of his subjects weep and say,
        “Our leader is gone; our great king is gone.”
19     No, he will be buried like a dead donkey—his body dragged away
        and dumped outside Jerusalem’s gates in the trash heap.

20     (to Jerusalem) Go to the mountains of Lebanon and cry out.
        Run to Bashan and the peaks of Abarim, and cry out loudly
    Because all of your lovers have been destroyed.
21     I warned you when things were going well,
        but you said to Me, “I will not listen.”
    You have treated Me this way since the days of your youth;
        you have never listened to My voice.
22     All your shepherds will be driven away by the wind,
        and your lovers will be led into captivity.
    In that moment, you will be covered with shame,
        humiliated because of your evil ways.
23     You who live in Lebanon,
        safe and nestled among the cedars—
    How you will cry in anguish when the judgment comes,
        like the anguish and pain of a woman giving birth.

24 As surely as I live, I declare the following about Coniah (son of Jehoiakim), king of Judah: Even though you were a signet ring on My right hand, I have torn you away. 25 I will drop you into the hands of those who want you dead, those you fear—Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) and his Chaldean army. 26 I will cast you and your mother into another country, where you were not born. It will be there, in that foreign land, where you will die. 27 Though they will long to come back to this land you call home, they will never return.

28 Is this man, Coniah, a broken and worthless pot?
    Is he like something tossed on the garbage heap that no one wants?
Why are he and his children being thrown out—
    no, hurled out into a foreign land?
29 O land, land, land!
    You must hear the word of the Eternal!

30 Eternal One: Write in the record that this man is childless and disgraced.
        As long as he lives, none of his children will succeed him
    And sit on the throne of David
        and rule over Judah again.

23 Eternal One: Woe to the shepherds who slaughter and scatter the sheep of My pasture! This is what I, the Eternal God of Israel, have to say about the shepherds tending My people:

You have scattered My flock, driven them far away, and failed miserably at being their caregivers. So look! I will punish you for your negligence, for the careless evil you’ve done. I will personally gather the remnant of My sheep from the lands where I have driven them. I will bring them back to their home pasture where they will be fruitful and multiply. I will appoint new, responsible shepherds to take care of them, and My sheep will no longer have to be afraid. These new, responsible shepherds will make sure that none of My sheep go missing.

Watch! The days are coming when I will raise up a righteous Branch of David—an heir of his royal line—who will rule justly, act wisely and make things right again in the land. During His reign, Judah will be redeemed and Israel will be a safe place again. The name he is called will tell the story: The Eternal Is Our Righteousness!

So be ready and watch carefully. The days are coming when no one will say any longer, “As the Eternal lives, who brought the people of Israel out of slavery in the land of Egypt.” Instead, they will say, “As the Eternal lives, who brought the people of Israel out of exile in the lands of the north and out of all other countries where He had scattered them.” Then the Israelites will live securely in their own land.

The shepherd-leaders and shepherd-teachers of God’s people have misled them, and the results have been disastrous. Now God intervenes. God Himself, personally, gathers His exiles from wherever He scattered them and places them under the guidance and tutelage of new shepherds, responsible leaders who will bring them home once again safe and secure. As if that is not enough, God will fulfill the covenant He made with King David hundreds of years earlier and establish a righteous branch of David to reign from Jerusalem. This king will be everything the earlier kings of Judah were not: just, fair, and wise. The restoration of God’s exiles and the installation of this new king—God’s anointed—will be so glorious, so momentous that it will change the course of history. It will surpass God’s rescue of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt.

Jeremiah’s prophecy of this coming king inspires many to look and long for God’s Anointed One, His Messiah, from among the sons of David. Indeed, some of the earliest followers of Jesus will find in Him the fulfillment of these hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

As for the false prophets:
    Deep in my chest, my heart is broken.
I am shaken to the core, like a man who is drunk,
    overcome by too much wine
All because of the Eternal,
    all because of His holy words.

10 Eternal One: The land is full of adulterers;
        surely the curse is in effect and the land mourns.
    The pastures in the wilderness are all dried up,
        for they have set an evil course,
        and their might is not right.
11     For even the prophets and priests are ungodly;
        I have witnessed them perform wicked acts in My temple.
12     Now this path they are on will become treacherous, and they will slip and slide;
        they will stumble and fall into the darkness, driven into the gloom.
    For in the year of their punishment,
        I will bring them to ruin.

13     I saw something repulsive
        among the prophets of Samaria:
    They prophesied in the name of Baal
        and led My people, Israel, away from Me.
14     I have seen something horrible among the prophets of Jerusalem:
        worship that is adulterous and deceitful.
    They inspire and encourage people to even more evil;
        now no one turns back from his sin.
    The citizens of Jerusalem remind Me of the wicked people
        who once lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.

15 So this is what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has to say about those prophets:

Eternal One: Watch, I will give them bitter food to eat and poisoned water to drink,
        because the prophets of Jerusalem have released their ungodliness
    And it has spread into all the land.

16 These are the words of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies.

Eternal One: When these prophets “prophesy” to you, filling you with empty hopes, do not listen to one word! They do not speak for Me. They speak of visions they have only imagined. 17 They keep saying to those who openly reject My word, “Don’t worry, the Eternal has promised you peace.” And to those stubborn souls who go their own way, they say, “Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you.”

18 Which one of these false prophets has stood in the presence of the Eternal
    and heard His voice or seen His plan?
Who of them has paid attention to His word and truly listened?

19 Behold, the storm of the Eternal’s wrath will now break open,
    swirling down out of the sky like a whirlwind onto the heads of the wicked.
20 The Eternal’s anger will not relent until He has carried out His most fervent plans.
    You will understand all of this in the days to come.

2 Thessalonians 1

Paul, Silvanus,[a] and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians that gathers in God our Father and in the Lord Jesus the Anointed. May grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus the Anointed be with you.

Brothers and sisters, we cannot help but thank God for you, which is only appropriate because your faith is growing and expanding and because the love demonstrated by each and every one of you is overflowing for one another. So, of course, we’ve proudly bragged about you within circles of God’s people at other churches near and far because, even in the grip of much persecution and affliction, you’ve stood firm in your faith and have persevered. Your sufferings prove that God’s judgment is right! The result: your sufferings have made you worthy—worthy of the kingdom of God, which is the very reason why you are suffering in the first place! It is only right that God would repay with trouble those who have troubled you 7-8 and give relief to all of you still bandaging your wounds, as well as to all the rest of us. On that day—when the clouds draw back displaying His powerful heavenly messengers in a fiery blaze, Jesus the Lord will appear from heaven dealing out perfect justice to anyone who doesn’t know God and anyone who disobeys the good news of our Lord Jesus. And what’s to become of them? They’ll pay for what they’ve done; their punishment will be eternal destruction. And what’s worse? They’ll be banished from the Lord’s presence and glorious power. 10 On that day when He comes, all the saints in heaven and on earth will celebrate the glory of His power, and all who believe will stand and be amazed—this includes you because you believed us when we testified on His behalf. 11 All this is why we are constantly praying for you, so God will make you worthy of the great calling you have received from Him and will give you the power to accomplish every good intention and work of faith. 12 Then the great name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified through your lives, and you will be glorified in Him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, our Liberating King.

Psalm 83

Psalm 83

A song of Asaph.

O True God, do not be quiet any longer.
    Do not stay silent or be still, O God.
Look now, Your enemies are causing a commotion;
    those who hate You are rising up!
They are conniving against Your people,
    conspiring against those You cherish.
They say, “Join us. Let’s wipe the entire nation off the face of the earth
    so no one will remember Israel’s name.”
They are all in it together, thinking as one,
    and making a pact against You:
The people of Edom and Ishmael;
    the Moabites and the Hagrites;
Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek;
    Philistia with the residents of Tyre.
And the powerful Assyrians have joined the alliance
    to add their strength and support the descendants of Lot: Moab and Ammon.


Do to these nations what You did to Midian,
    to Sisera and Jabin at the raging waters of Kishon.
10 They were destroyed at En-dor;
    they became like dung, fertilizer for the ground.
11 Make their rulers like Oreb and Zeeb,
    all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
12 Who schemed, “We should own the meadows of the True God,
    let’s take them!”

13 O my God, blow them away like a tumbleweed,
    scatter them like dust in a whirlwind.
14 As a wildfire charges through the forest
    or a flame sprints up the mountainside,
15 Send Your raging winds to chase them, hunt them down,
    and terrify them with Your storm.
16 Redden their faces in shame
    so that they will turn and seek Your holy name, Eternal One.
17 May they face disappointment and anxiety forever;
    may they be ashamed and die.
18 May they know that You and You alone,
    whose name is the Eternal,
    are the Most High, the Supreme Ruler over all the earth.

Proverbs 25:11-14

11 A well-spoken word at just the right moment
    is like golden apples in settings of silver.
12 To an attentive ear, constructive criticism from a truly wise person
    is like an earring or jewelry made of fine gold.

13 Like a cooling snow that breaks the heat of a harvest day,
    so is the messenger who is faithful to those who sent him,
    for he refreshes the soul of his masters.

14 Like clouds and wind that bring no rain,
    so is one who boasts of gifts promised but never delivered.

The Voice (VOICE)

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.