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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)
1 Kings 2:1-3:2

David’s Charge to Solomon

The day of David’s death was approaching, so he gave the following commands to his son Solomon:

I am about to go the way of all the earth. Now, be strong and act like a man! Fulfill your duties to the Lord your God. Walk in his ways. Keep his statutes, his commands, his ordinances, and his decrees as they are written in the Law of Moses, so that you may have success in everything you do and everywhere you turn, in order that the Lord may keep this word that he spoke to me: “If your sons are careful to walk before me faithfully with their whole heart and soul, then you will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.”

Furthermore, you know what Joab son of Zeruiah did to me—what he did to two commanders of the army of Israel, to Abner son of Ner and Amasa son of Jether. He killed them, spilling blood in peacetime as if it were happening in war. He spattered that blood on the belt around his waist and on the sandals on his feet, as if it were war. Deal with him according to your wisdom, but do not let his gray hair go down to the grave in peace.

Keep faith with[a] the sons of Barzillai from Gilead, and let them eat at your table, because they did the same for me when I fled from your brother Absalom.

Watch out for Shimei son of Gera from Bahurim of the tribe of Benjamin, since he is still with you. He cursed me bitterly on the day I went to Mahanaim. But when he came down to meet me at the Jordan, I swore to him by the Lord, “I will not kill you with the sword.” But now, do not leave him unpunished, for you are a wise man. You will know what you should do to him. Bring his gray hair down to the grave in blood.

David’s Death

10 David rested with his fathers and was buried in the City of David. 11 David was king over Israel for forty years. He was king in Hebron for seven years, and he was king in Jerusalem for thirty-three years.

Adonijah Schemes Against Solomon

12 Solomon was seated on the throne of his father David, and his kingship was firmly established.

13 Adonijah son of Haggith came to Solomon’s mother Bathsheba. She said to him, “Do you come in peace?”

“Yes, in peace,” he answered. 14 Then he said, “May I have a word with you?”

She said, “Yes. Speak up.”

15 He said, “You know that the kingship was mine, and all Israel looked for me to be king. But things changed, and the kingship went to my brother instead, because the Lord gave it to him. 16 But now, I am asking you for one request. Do not turn me away.”

She said, “Tell me what it is.”

17 He said, “Ask King Solomon (for he will not turn you down) to give me Abishag from Shunem as my wife.”

18 Bathsheba said, “Very well, I will speak to the king for you.”

19 So Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him on behalf of Adonijah. The king met her and bowed down to her. Then he sat on his throne and also set up a throne for the king’s mother, and she sat at his right hand.

20 She said, “I am asking you for one small request. Do not turn me down.”

The king answered her, “Ask, mother, for I will not turn you down.”

21 She said, “Please give Abishag from Shunem to your brother Adonijah as his wife.”

22 King Solomon answered his mother, “Why do you ask for Abishag from Shunem to be given to Adonijah? You might as well ask for the kingship for him. After all, he is my brother, my older brother! Yes, request it for him and for Abiathar the priest and for Joab son of Zeruiah!”

23 Then King Solomon swore by the Lord, “May God punish me severely and double it,[b] if Adonijah does not pay with his life for this request that he has made! 24 Now, as surely as the Lord lives, who has appointed me and seated me on the throne of my father David and has established my house just as he said he would, Adonijah will die today!” 25 Then King Solomon gave an order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he struck down Adonijah and killed him.

Solomon Makes His Kingship Secure

26 To Abiathar the priest the king said, “Go to your estate in Anathoth because you deserve to die. But I will not kill you today because you carried the Ark of the Lord God before my father David and because you shared in all my father’s sufferings.” 27 So Solomon drove Abiathar out from serving as priest for the Lord to fulfill the word of the Lord which had been spoken against the house of Eli in Shiloh.

28 When the news reached Joab, he fled to the Tent of the Lord and held on to the horns of the altar, for he had supported Adonijah, although he had not supported Absalom. 29 When King Solomon was told that Joab had fled to the Tent of the Lord and that he was there by the side of the altar, Solomon sent word to ⎣Joab, saying, “What happened to you that caused you to flee to the altar?” Joab said, “Because I was afraid of you, I fled to the Lord.” So Solomon sent word to⎦ Benaiah son of Jehoiada, “Go! Strike him down!”[c]

30 Benaiah went to the Tent of the Lord and called to Joab, “The king says, ‘Come out!’”

Joab answered, “No. I will die here.”

So Benaiah reported back to the king, “This is what Joab said, and this is how I responded.”

31 The king said to him, “Do just as he said. Strike him dead and bury him. Remove from me and from my father’s house the blood that Joab shed without cause. 32 The Lord has brought the blood he shed back on his own head, because he struck down two men who were more righteous and better than he was. He killed them with the sword, but my father David did not know about it. The blood of Abner son of Ner, commander of the army of Israel, and Amasa son of Jether, commander of the army of Judah, 33 has come back on Joab’s head and on the heads of his descendants forever. But for David and his descendants and his house and his throne, there will be peace forever from the Lord.”

34 So Benaiah son of Jehoiada went up and struck him down and killed him. He buried him at his house in the wilderness. 35 Then the king put Benaiah son of Jehoiada in Joab’s place over the army. He placed Zadok the priest into Abiathar’s position.

36 The king summoned Shimei and said to him, “Build a house for yourself in Jerusalem and live there. Do not go out of the city—ever! 37 On the day you go out and cross the Kidron Valley, you can be sure that you will die. Your blood will be on your own head.”

38 Shimei said to the king, “Your decision is good. Your servant will do just as my lord the king has said.” So Shimei lived in Jerusalem for some time. 39 At the end of three years, two of Shimei’s slaves fled to Achish son of Ma’akah, the king of Gath. Shimei was told, “Listen! Your slaves are in Gath.”

40 So Shimei saddled his donkey and went to Achish of Gath to look for his slaves. Then he brought them back from Gath.

41 Solomon was told that Shimei had left Jerusalem and had gone to Gath and returned. 42 The king summoned Shimei and said to him, “Did I not swear to you by the Lord and warn you that you could be sure that on the day you dared to go out of Jerusalem you would die? And didn’t you answer me, ‘Your decision is good. I have heard what you said’? 43 Why then did you not keep your oath to the Lord and obey the command I gave you?” 44 The king also said to Shimei, “In your heart you know all the evil that you did to my father David. Now the Lord has brought your evil back on your own head. 45 Now may King Solomon be blessed, and may David’s throne be firmly established before the Lord forever.”

46 Then the king gave a command to Benaiah son of Jehoiada. He went out and struck down Shimei and killed him. In this way the kingship was firmly established in the hands of Solomon.

The Beginning of Solomon’s Reign

Solomon had made a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt. He married Pharaoh’s daughter and brought her into the City of David until he had finished building his own house, the Lord’s house, and the wall around Jerusalem.

The people were still offering sacrifices at the high places[d] because a house for the Name of the Lord had not yet been built in those days.

Acts 5

Ananias and Sapphira

Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. With his wife’s knowledge, he kept back part of the proceeds for himself. Then he brought a portion of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? Was it not yours before it was sold? And after it was sold, was not the money at your disposal? How could you plan such a thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.”

When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died. Great fear gripped everyone who heard about it. The young men got up and wrapped up his body. Then they carried him out and buried him.

About three hours later, his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this how much you got for the land?”

“Yes,” she said, “that was the price.”

Then Peter said to her, “How could you two agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of those who buried your husband are standing at the door, and they will carry you out too!”

10 Instantly she fell down at his feet and died. When the young men came in, they found her dead. Then they carried her outside and buried her beside her husband. 11 Great fear gripped the whole church and all who heard about these things.

Many Miracles

12 Many signs and wonders were done among the people through the hands of the apostles. With one mind, they all continued meeting in Solomon’s Colonnade. 13 No one else dared to join them, but the people held them in high regard. 14 More and more believers in the Lord were added to their group, large numbers of both men and women. 15 As a result, people were even carrying the sick into the streets and laying them on cots and mats so that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on some of them. 16 Crowds also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem,[a] bringing the sick and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and all of them were healed.

On Trial Before the Sanhedrin

17 The high priest rose up, along with his associates (that is, the party of the Sadducees), because they were filled with envy. 18 They arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. 19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, brought them out, and said, 20 “Go, stand in the temple and keep on telling the people the whole message about this life.” 21 After they heard this, they entered the temple courts at daybreak and began to teach.

When the high priest and his associates arrived, they called together the Sanhedrin (that is, the whole council of elders of the people of Israel). Then they sent orders to the jail to have the apostles brought in. 22 But when the officers arrived, they did not find them in the prison. They returned and reported, 23 “We found the prison securely locked and the guards standing at the doors, but when we opened them, we found no one inside!” 24 When the captain of the temple guard and the chief priests heard these words, they were puzzled about them, wondering what could have happened.

25 Then someone came and reported to them, “Look! The men you put in prison are standing in the temple courts and teaching the people.”

26 Then the captain went with the officers and brought the apostles in without force, because they were afraid that the people might stone them. 27 After they brought them in, they had them stand before the Sanhedrin. The high priest asked them, 28 “Did we not give you strict orders not to teach in this name?[b] Look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you are determined to bring this man’s blood down on us!”

29 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you arrested and killed by hanging him on a cross. 31 God exalted him to his right hand as Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and the forgiveness of sins. 32 We are witnesses[c] of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”

33 When they heard this, they were furious and began making a plan to put them to death.[d] 34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law who was highly respected by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men[e] be put outside for a little while.

35 Then he said to them, “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you are about to do with these men. 36 Some time ago Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, all his followers were scattered, and it all came to nothing.

37 “After him, Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and led many[f] people in a revolt. He also was killed, and all his followers were scattered.

38 “So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and leave them alone! For if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them.[g] Perhaps you might even be found to be fighting against God!”

40 They were convinced by him. They summoned the apostles, beat them, ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for the Name.[h] 42 Every day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.

Psalm 125

Psalm 125

Mount Zion Cannot Be Shaken

A song of the ascents.

Those Who Trust in the Lord Cannot Be Shaken

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion.
It cannot be shaken. It will stand forever.
As Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains,
so the Lord surrounds his people from now to eternity.
No, the scepter of wickedness will not rest
    on the land assigned to the righteous,
so that the righteous do not reach out their hands toward evil.
Do good, O Lord, for the good
and for those who are upright in their hearts.
But those who turn to their crooked ways—
the Lord will send them away with the evildoers.
Peace be on Israel.

Proverbs 16:25

Advice for a Wise Son

25 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but it ends up being the road to death.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.