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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

Good News Translation (GNT)
Jeremiah 16:16-18:23

The Coming Punishment

16 The Lord says, “I am sending for many fishermen to come and catch these people. Then I will send for many hunters to hunt them down on every mountain and hill and in the caves among the rocks. 17 I see everything they do. Nothing is hidden from me; their sins do not escape my sight. 18 I will make them pay double for their sin and wickedness, because they have defiled my land with idols that are as lifeless as corpses, and have filled it with their false gods.”

Jeremiah's Prayer of Confidence in the Lord

19 Lord, you are the one who protects me and gives me strength; you help me in times of trouble. Nations will come to you from the ends of the earth and say, “Our ancestors had nothing but false gods, nothing but useless idols. 20 Can people make their own gods? No, if they did, those would not really be gods.”

21 “So then,” says the Lord, “once and for all I will make the nations know my power and my might; they will know that I am the Lord.”

The Sin and Punishment of Judah

17 The Lord says, “People of Judah, your sin is written with an iron pen; it is engraved on your hearts with a diamond point and carved on the corners of your altars. Your people worship at the altars and the symbols that have been set up for the goddess Asherah by every green tree and on the hilltops and on the mountains in the open country. I will have your enemies take away your wealth and your treasures because of all the sins you have committed[a] throughout your land. You will have to give up[b] the land I gave you, and I will make you serve your enemies in a land you know nothing about, because my anger is like a fire, and it will burn forever.”

Various Sayings

The Lord says,

“I will condemn those
    who turn away from me
and put their trust in human beings,
    in the strength of mortals.
He is like a bush in the desert,
    which grows in the dry wasteland,
    on salty ground where nothing else grows.
Nothing good ever happens to him.

“But I will bless the person
    who puts his trust in me.
(A)He is like a tree growing near a stream
    and sending out roots to the water.
It is not afraid when hot weather comes,
    because its leaves stay green;
it has no worries when there is no rain;
    it keeps on bearing fruit.

“Who can understand the human heart?
    There is nothing else so deceitful;
    it is too sick to be healed.
10 (B)I, the Lord, search the minds
    and test the hearts of people.
I treat each of them according to the way they live,
    according to what they do.”

11 The person who gets money dishonestly
    is like a bird that hatches eggs it didn't lay.
In the prime of life he will lose his riches,
    and in the end he is nothing but a fool.

12 Our Temple is like a glorious throne,
    standing on a high mountain from the beginning.

13 Lord, you are Israel's hope;
    all who abandon you will be put to shame.
They will disappear like names written in the dust,[c]
    because they have abandoned you, the Lord,
    the spring of fresh water.

Jeremiah Asks the Lord for Help

14 Lord, heal me and I will be completely well; rescue me and I will be perfectly safe. You are the one I praise!

15 The people say to me, “Where are those threats the Lord made against us? Let him carry them out now!”

16 But, Lord, I never urged you to bring disaster on them;[d] I did not wish a time of trouble for them. Lord, you know this; you know what I have said. 17 Do not be a terror to me; you are my place of safety when trouble comes. 18 Bring disgrace on those who persecute me, but spare me, Lord. Fill them with terror, but do not terrify me. Bring disaster on them and break them to pieces.

On Observing the Sabbath

19 The Lord said to me, “Jeremiah, go and announce my message at the People's Gate, through which the kings of Judah enter and leave the city; then go to all the other gates of Jerusalem. 20 Tell the kings and all the people of Judah and everyone who lives in Jerusalem and enters these gates, to listen to what I say. 21 (C)Tell them that if they love their lives, they must not carry any load on the Sabbath; they must not carry anything in through the gates of Jerusalem 22 (D)or carry anything out of their houses on the Sabbath. They must not work on the Sabbath; they must observe it as a sacred day, as I commanded their ancestors. 23 Their ancestors did not listen to me or pay any attention. Instead, they became stubborn; they would not obey me or learn from me.

24 “Tell these people that they must obey all my commands. They must not carry any load in through the gates of this city on the Sabbath. They must observe the Sabbath as a sacred day and must not do any work at all. 25 Then their kings and princes will enter the gates of Jerusalem and have the same royal power that David had. Together with the people of Judah and of Jerusalem, they will ride in chariots and on horses, and the city of Jerusalem will always be filled with people. 26 People will come from the towns of Judah and from the villages around Jerusalem; they will come from the territory of Benjamin, from the foothills, from the mountains, and from southern Judah. They will bring to my Temple burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and incense, as well as thank offerings. 27 But they must obey me and observe the Sabbath as a sacred day. They must not carry any load through the gates of Jerusalem on that day, for if they do, I will set the gates of Jerusalem on fire. Fire will burn down the palaces of Jerusalem, and no one will be able to put it out.”

Jeremiah at the Potter's House

18 The Lord said to me, “Go down to the potter's house, where I will give you my message.” So I went there and saw the potter working at his wheel. Whenever a piece of pottery turned out imperfect, he would take the clay and make it into something else.

Then the Lord said to me, “Don't I have the right to do with you people of Israel what the potter did with the clay? You are in my hands just like clay in the potter's hands. If at any time I say that I am going to uproot, break down, or destroy any nation or kingdom, but then that nation turns from its evil, I will not do what I said I would. On the other hand, if I say that I am going to plant or build up any nation or kingdom, 10 but then that nation disobeys me and does evil, I will not do what I said I would. 11 Now then, tell the people of Judah and of Jerusalem that I am making plans against them and getting ready to punish them. Tell them to stop living sinful lives—to change their ways and the things they are doing. 12 They will answer, ‘No, why should we? We will all be just as stubborn and evil as we want to be.’”

The People Reject the Lord

13 The Lord says,

“Ask every nation if such a thing
    has ever happened before.
    The people of Israel have done a terrible thing!
14 Are Lebanon's rocky heights ever without snow?
    Do its cool mountain streams ever run dry?
15 Yet my people have forgotten me;
    they burn incense to idols.
They have stumbled in the way they should go;
    they no longer follow the old ways;
    they walk on unmarked paths.
16 They have made this land a thing of horror,
    to be despised forever.
All who pass by will be shocked at what they see;
    they will shake their heads in amazement.
17 I will scatter my people before their enemies,
    like dust blown by the east wind.
I will turn my back on them;
    I will not help them when the disaster comes.”

A Plot against Jeremiah

18 Then the people said, “Let's do something about Jeremiah! There will always be priests to instruct us, the wise to give us counsel, and prophets to proclaim God's message. Let's bring charges against him and stop listening to what he says.”

19 So I prayed, “Lord, hear what I am saying and listen to what my enemies are saying about me. 20 Is evil the payment for good? Yet they have dug a pit for me to fall in. Remember how I came to you and spoke on their behalf, so that you would not deal with them in anger. 21 But now, Lord, let their children starve to death; let them be killed in war. Let the women lose their husbands and children; let the men die of disease and the young men be killed in battle. 22 Send a mob to plunder their homes without warning; make them cry out in terror. They have dug a pit for me to fall in and have set traps to catch me. 23 But, Lord, you know all their plots to kill me. Do not forgive their evil or pardon their sin. Throw them down in defeat and deal with them while you are angry.”

1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3

A Life That Pleases God

Finally, our friends, you learned from us how you should live in order to please God. This is, of course, the way you have been living. And now we beg and urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to do even more. For you know the instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality. Each of you should know how to live with your wife[a] in a holy and honorable way, not with a lustful desire, like the heathen who do not know God. In this matter, then, none of you should do wrong to other Christians or take advantage of them. We have told you this before, and we strongly warned you that the Lord will punish those who do that. God did not call us to live in immorality, but in holiness. So then, whoever rejects this teaching is not rejecting a human being, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.

There is no need to write you about love for each other. You yourselves have been taught by God how you should love one another. 10 And you have, in fact, behaved like this toward all the believers in all of Macedonia. So we beg you, our friends, to do even more. 11 Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before. 12 In this way you will win the respect of those who are not believers, and you will not have to depend on anyone for what you need.

The Lord's Coming

13 Our friends, we want you to know the truth about those who have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have no hope. 14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in him.

15 (A)What we are teaching you now is the Lord's teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. 16 (B)There will be the shout of command, the archangel's voice, the sound of God's trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; 17 then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. 18 So then, encourage one another with these words.

Be Ready for the Lord's Coming

There is no need to write you, friends, about the times and occasions when these things will happen. (C)For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief comes at night. When people say, “Everything is quiet and safe,” then suddenly destruction will hit them! It will come as suddenly as the pains that come upon a woman in labor, and people will not escape.

Psalm 81

A Song for a Festival[a]

81 Shout for joy to God our defender;
    sing praise to the God of Jacob!
Start the music and beat the tambourines;
    play pleasant music on the harps and the lyres.
(A)Blow the trumpet for the festival,
    when the moon is new and when the moon is full.
This is the law in Israel,
    an order from the God of Jacob.
He gave it to the people of Israel
    when he attacked the land of Egypt.

I hear an unknown voice saying,
“I took the burdens off your backs;
    I let you put down your loads of bricks.
(B)When you were in trouble, you called to me, and I saved you.
    From my hiding place in the storm, I answered you.
    I put you to the test at the springs of Meribah.
Listen, my people, to my warning;
    Israel, how I wish you would listen to me!
(C)You must never worship another god.
10 I am the Lord your God,
    who brought you out of Egypt.
Open your mouth, and I will feed you.

11 “But my people would not listen to me;
    Israel would not obey me.
12 So I let them go their stubborn ways
    and do whatever they wanted.
13 How I wish my people would listen to me;
    how I wish they would obey me!
14 I would quickly defeat their enemies
    and conquer all their foes.
15 Those who hate me would bow in fear before me;
    their punishment would last forever.
16 But I would feed you with the finest wheat
    and satisfy you with wild honey.”

Proverbs 25:6-8

(A)When you stand before the king, don't try to impress him and pretend to be important. It is better to be asked to take a higher position than to be told to give your place to someone more important.

Don't be too quick to go to court about something you have seen. If another witness later proves you wrong, what will you do then?

Good News Translation (GNT)

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit and