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Read the Bible in the chronological order in which its stories and events occurred.
Duration: 365 days
Expanded Bible (EXB)
Ezekiel 28-31

Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

28 The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], say to the ruler of Tyre: ‘This is what the Lord God says:

Because ·you are [L your heart is] proud,
    you say, “I am a god.
I sit on the ·throne [seat] of a god
    in the ·middle [L heart] of the seas.”
You think you are as wise as a god,
    but you are a ·human [mortal; man], not a god.

[L Look; T Behold] You ·think you are [L are] wiser than Daniel [14:14].
·You think you can find out all secrets [L No secret is hidden from you].

Through your wisdom and understanding
    you have made yourself rich.
You have ·gained [gathered] gold and silver
    ·and have saved it in [L in] your ·storerooms [treasuries].

Through your great skill in trading,
    you have made your riches grow.
·You are too [L Your heart is] proud
    because of your riches.

“‘So this is what the Lord God says:

[L Because] You think you are wise
like a god,

·but [L therefore, look/behold] I will bring foreign people against you,
    the ·cruelest [most ruthless] nations.
They will draw their swords
    ·and destroy all that your wisdom has built [L against your beauty and wisdom],
and they will ·dishonor [defile] your ·greatness [splendor].

They will ·kill you [L bring you down to the pit];
    you will die a ·terrible [violent] death
·like those who are killed at sea [or in the heart of the sea].

·While they are killing you [L In the presence of those killing you],
    ·you will not [L will you…?] be able to say anymore, “I am a god.”
You will be only a human, not a god,
    ·when your murderers kill you [L in the hands of those who kill you].

10 You will die ·like an unclean person [L the death of the uncircumcised];
·foreigners will kill you [L …in the hands of strangers/foreigners].

I have spoken, says the Lord God.’”

11 The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: 12 “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], sing a ·funeral song [lament; dirge] for the king of Tyre. Say to him: ‘This is what the Lord God says:

You were ·an example [the seal/signet] of what was perfect,
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

13 You ·had a wonderful life,
    as if you were in Eden [L were in Eden], the garden of God [C like Adam; Gen. 1—2].
Every valuable gem ·was on [covered] you:
    ·ruby [or carnelian], ·topaz [or chysolite], and ·emerald [or diamond],
    ·yellow quartz [or chrysolite], onyx, and jasper,
    ·sapphire [or lapis lazuli], turquoise, and ·chrysolite [or beryl; or emerald].
Your ·jewelry [settings and mounts] was made of gold.
    It was prepared on the day you were created.

14 I appointed a ·living creature [L cherub] to guard you.
    I put you on the holy mountain of God.
You walked among the ·gems that shined like fire [fiery stones].

15 ·Your life was right and good [L You were blameless in your ways]
    from the day you were created,
until ·evil [wickedness; unrighteousness] was found in you.

16 Because you traded with countries ·far away [or in abundance],
    you ·learned to be cruel [L were filled with violence], and you sinned.
So I ·threw you down [banished you] in ·disgrace [or defilement] from the mountain of God.
    And the ·living creature [L cherub] who guarded you
·forced you out [expelled you] from among the ·gems that shined like fire [fiery stones].

17 ·You became too [L Your heart was] proud
    because of your beauty.
You ·ruined [corrupted] your wisdom
    because of your ·greatness [splendor].
I threw you down to the ground.
    ·Your example taught a lesson to [or I made a spectacle of you before] other kings.

18 You ·dishonored [desecrated; profaned; C ritually] your ·places of worship [sanctuaries]
    through your many sins and dishonest trade.
So I ·set on fire the place where you lived [L sent fire out from your midst],
    and the fire ·burned you up [consumed you].
I turned you into ashes on the ground
    ·for all those watching to see [L before the eyes of all who saw you].

19 All the nations who knew you
    are ·shocked [appalled; aghast] about you.
Your punishment was so terrible,
    and you are gone forever.’”

Prophecy Against Sidon

20 The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: 21 “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], ·look [L set your face] toward the city of Sidon and prophesy against her. 22 Say: ‘This is what the Lord God says:

I am against you, Sidon,
    and I will show my glory ·among [or within] you [C his manifest presence].
People will know that I am the Lord
    when I ·have punished Sidon [L execute judgments against her];
I will show my holiness ·by defeating [L in] her.

23 I will send ·diseases [a plague/pestilence] to Sidon,
    and blood will flow in her streets.
·Those who are wounded [or The slain] ·in Sidon will fall dead [L will fall in her midst],
    ·attacked from [L by the sword against it on] all sides.

Then they will know that I am the Lord.

God Will Help Israel

24 “‘No more will neighboring nations be like ·thorny branches [prickling briars] or sharp ·stickers [thorns] to ·hurt [L treat with contempt/scorn the house of] Israel. Then they will know that I am the Lord God.

25 “‘This is what the Lord God says: I will gather the ·people [L house] of Israel from the nations where they are scattered. I will show my holiness ·when the nations see what I do for my people [L in them in the sight of the nations]. Then they will live in their own land—the land I gave to my servant Jacob. 26 They will live safely in the land and will build houses and plant vineyards. They will live in safety after I have ·punished [executed judgments against] all the nations around who ·hate them [treat them with contempt; scorn them]. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.’”

Prophecy Against Egypt

29 It was the tenth year [C since King Jehoiachin’s exile (1:2)], in the tenth month, on the twelfth day of the month [C January 7, 587 bc]. The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], ·look [L set your face] toward the king of Egypt, and prophesy against him and all Egypt. Say: ‘This is what the Lord God says:

[L Look; T Behold] I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
    You are like a great ·crocodile [or monster; or dragon] that lies in the Nile River.
You say, “The Nile is mine;
    I made it for myself.”

But I will put hooks in your jaws,
    and I will make the fish of the Nile stick to your ·sides [scales].
I will pull you up out of your ·rivers [streams],
    with all the fish of your streams sticking to your ·sides [scales].

I will leave you in the ·desert [wilderness] ,
    you and all the fish from your ·rivers [streams].
You will fall onto the ·ground [open field];
    you will not be picked up or ·buried [L gathered].
I have given you to the ·wild animals [L beasts of the earth]
    and to the birds of the sky for food.

Then all the people who live in Egypt will know that I am the Lord.

“‘·Israel tried to lean on you for help, but you were like a crutch made out of a weak stalk of grass [L Because you were a reed staff for the house of Israel…; Is. 36:6]. When their hands grabbed you, you ·splintered [broke] and tore open their shoulders. When they leaned on you, you ·broke [splintered] and made all their ·backs twist [or legs go wobbly; or loins shake].

“‘So this is what the Lord God says: I will ·cause an enemy to attack [L bring a sword against] you and kill your people and animals. Egypt will become an ·empty desert [desolate wasteland]. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

“‘Because you said, “The Nile River is mine, and I have made it,” 10 I am against you and your ·rivers [streams]. I will destroy the land of Egypt and make it an ·empty desert [desolate wasteland] from Migdol [C in the north] to Aswan [C in the south], all the way to the border of Cush [C Ethiopia]. 11 No ·person or animal will walk [L foot of man shall pass through it and no foot of beast will pass] through it, and no one will live in Egypt for forty years. 12 I will make the land of Egypt ·the most deserted country of all [L a desolation among desolate lands]. Her cities will be ·the most deserted of all [a desolation among] ruined cities for forty years. I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, spreading them among the countries.

13 “‘This is what the Lord God says: After forty years I will gather Egypt from the nations where they have been scattered. 14 I will ·bring back the Egyptian captives [restore the fortunes of Egypt] and make them return to ·southern Egypt [L the land of Pathros], to the land ·they came from [of their ancestry/origin]. They will become a ·weak [lowly; insignificant] kingdom there. 15 It will be the ·weakest [most lowly/insignificant] kingdom, and it will never again ·rule [L exalt itself over] other nations. I will make it so ·weak [small] it will never again rule over the nations. 16 The Israelites will never again ·depend on [rely on; have confidence in] Egypt. Instead, ·Egypt’s punishment [L it] will remind the Israelites of their sin in turning to Egypt for help. Then they will know that I am the Lord God.’”

Egypt Is Given to Babylon

17 It was the twenty-seventh year [C since King Jehoiachin’s exile (1:2)], in the first month, on the first day of the month [C April 26, 571 bc]. The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: 18 “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army ·fight [L labor] hard against Tyre. Every soldier’s head was rubbed bare, and every shoulder was rubbed raw. But Nebuchadnezzar and his army gained ·nothing [or no wages] from ·fighting Tyre [L the labor he performed against her]. 19 So this is what the Lord God says: I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. He will ·take away Egypt’s people and its wealth and its treasures [L carry off its wealth and loot and plunder it] as pay for his army. 20 I am giving Nebuchadnezzar the land of Egypt as ·a reward [compensation] for working hard for me, says the Lord God.

21 “·At that time [L On that day] I will ·make Israel grow strong again [L cause a horn to sprout for the house of Israel; Ps. 132:17], and I will ·let you, Ezekiel, speak to them [L give you an open mouth among them]. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

Egypt Will Be Punished

30 The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], prophesy and say, ‘This is what the Lord God says:

·Cry [Wail] ·and say [Alas; L Hah],
“·The terrible day is coming [L …for the day].”

[L For] The day is near;
    the ·Lord’s day of judging [L Day of the Lord] is near.
It is a ·cloudy day [day of clouds; C perhaps storm clouds, or indicating the presence of God; Joel 2:2; Ex. 19:9]
    and a time ·when the nations will be judged [L for the nations].

An ·enemy will attack [L sword will come against] Egypt,
    and Cush [C Ethiopia] will ·tremble with fear [be in anguish].
When the ·killing begins [L slain fall] in Egypt,
    her wealth will be ·taken away [carried off],
and her foundations will be torn down.

Cush, Put, ·Lydia [L Lud; 27:10], all ·Arabia [or all the foreigners; or all the mercenaries], ·Libya [L Kub], and ·some of my people who had made an agreement with Egypt [or the people of allied lands; L the sons of the land of the covenant] will fall ·dead in war [L by the sword with them].

“‘This is what the Lord says:

·Those who fight on Egypt’s side [Egypt’s supporters] will fall.
    The power she is proud of will ·be lost [collapse; come down].
From Migdol [C in northern Egypt] to ·Aswan [L Syene; C in southern Egypt],
    the people will fall ·dead in war [L by the sword]
says the Lord God.

They will be ·the most deserted [L desolate in the midst of desolate] lands.
Egypt’s cities will be ·the worst [L in the midst] of cities that lie in ruins.

Then they will know that I am the Lord
    when I set fire to Egypt
and when all ·those nations on her side [her helpers/allies] are crushed.

“‘·At that time [L On that day] I will send messengers in ships to frighten Cush [C Ethiopia], which ·now feels safe [is over-confident; or is complacent]. ·The people of Cush will tremble with fear [L Anguish will come upon them] ·when Egypt is punished [L in the day of Egypt]. And [L look; T behold] that time is sure to come.

10 “‘This is what the Lord God says:

I will destroy ·great numbers of people in [L the hordes of] Egypt
·through the power [L by the hand] of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.

11 Nebuchadnezzar and his ·army [or people],
    the ·cruelest army [most ruthless] of any nation,
    will be brought in to destroy the land.
They will draw their swords against Egypt
    and will fill the land with ·those they kill [the slain].

12 I will make the streams of the Nile River become dry land,
    and then I will sell the land to evil people.
I will ·destroy [desolate] the land and everything in it
    through the ·power [L hand] of foreigners.

I, the Lord, have spoken.

Egypt’s Idols Are Destroyed

13 “‘This is what the Lord God says:
I will destroy the idols
    and ·take away [put an end to] the ·statues of gods from the city of [L images in] Memphis.
There will no longer be a ·leader [prince] in the land of Egypt,
    and I will spread fear through the land of Egypt.

14 I will make ·southern Egypt [L Pathros] ·empty [a desolation]
    and ·start a fire in [or set fire to] Zoan
and ·punish [execute judgment on] Thebes.

15 And I will pour out my anger against Pelusium [C a fortess in the eastern delta of the Nile River],
    the ·strong place [stronghold] of Egypt.
I will ·destroy [cut off] ·great numbers of people in [the hordes/armies of] Thebes.

16 I will set fire to Egypt.
    Pelusium [v. 15] will ·be in great pain [writhe in agony].
·The walls of Thebes will be broken open [Thebes will be breached],
    and Memphis will ·have troubles [or face enemies] every day.

17 The young men of ·Heliopolis [L On; C six miles northeast of Cairo] and Bubastis [C the capital of northern Egypt; forty miles northeast of Cairo]
    will fall dead ·in war [L by the sword],
and ·the people [or the cities; L they] will be taken away as captives.

18 In Tahpanhes [C in northeast Egypt] the day will be dark
    when I break ·Egypt’s power [L the yoke of Egypt].
    Then ·she will no longer be proud of her power [her proud strength will cease].
A cloud will cover Egypt,
    and her ·villages [L daughters] will be captured and taken away.

19 So I will ·punish [execute judgments on] Egypt,
and they will know I am the Lord.’”

Egypt Becomes Weak

20 It was in the eleventh year [C since King Jehoiachin’s exile (1:2)], in the first month, on the seventh day of the month [C April 29, 587 bc]. The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: 21 “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], I have broken the ·powerful arm [L arm] of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. It has not been ·tied [bound] up, so it will not get well. It has not been wrapped with a bandage, so it will not be strong enough to hold a sword in war. 22 So this is what the Lord God says: [L Look; T Behold] I am against Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. I will break his arms, both the strong arm and the broken arm, and I will make the sword fall from his hand. 23 I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, spreading them among the countries. 24 I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong and put my sword in his hand. But I will break the arms of Pharaoh. Then ·when he faces the king of Babylon [L before him] he will ·cry out in pain [groan] like a ·dying [mortally wounded] person. 25 So I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, but the arms of the king of Egypt will ·fall [become limp]. Then people will know that I am the Lord when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and he ·uses it in war [wields it; extends it] against the land of Egypt. 26 Then I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, spreading them among the countries. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

A Cedar Tree

31 It was in the eleventh year [C since King Jehoiachin’s exile (1:2)], in the third month, on the first day of the month [C June 21, 587 bc]. The ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], say to the king of Egypt and his people:

‘·No one [L Who…?] is like you in your greatness.
[L Look; T Behold] Assyria was once like a cedar tree in Lebanon
    with beautiful branches that shaded the forest.
It was ·very tall [a towering height];
    its top was among the clouds.

Much water made the tree grow;
    the deep springs made it tall.
Rivers flowed
    around ·the bottom of the tree [its place of planting]
and sent their ·streams [channels]
    to all other trees ·in the countryside [of the field].

So the tree was taller
    than all the other trees ·in the countryside [of the field].
Its ·limbs [boughs] became large and its branches long
    because of ·so much [abundant] water.

All the birds of the ·sky [heavens]
    made their nests in the tree’s ·limbs [boughs; Dan. 4:12, 21].
And all the ·wild animals [beasts of the field]
    gave birth under its branches.
All great nations
    lived in the tree’s shade.

So the tree was great and beautiful,
    with its long branches,
because its roots reached down to ·much [abundant] water.

The cedar trees in the garden of God [C Eden]
    were not as great as it was.
The ·pine [fir; juniper] trees
    ·did not have such great [could not equal its] ·limbs [boughs].
The plane trees
    did not have such branches.
No tree in the garden of God
    was as beautiful as this tree.

I made it beautiful
    with many branches,
and all the trees of Eden in the garden of God
    ·wanted to be like [envied] it.

10 “‘So this is what the Lord God says: The tree grew tall. Its top reached the clouds, and it became proud of its height. 11 So I handed it ·over to [L into the hand of] a mighty ruler of the nations for him to ·punish [deal with] it. Because it was ·evil [wicked], I ·got rid of it [threw it out; cast it aside]. 12 The ·cruelest [most ruthless] foreign nation cut it down and left it. The tree’s branches fell on the mountains and in all the valleys, and its ·broken limbs [boughs] were in all the ravines of the land. All the nations of the earth left the shade of that tree. 13 The birds of the ·sky [heavens] live on the fallen tree. The wild animals live among the tree’s fallen branches. 14 So the trees that grow by the water will not ·be proud to be [or grow so] tall; they will not put their tops among the clouds. None of the trees that are watered well will grow that tall, because they all are ·meant [appointed; consigned] to die and go ·under the ground [or to the underworld; to the depths of the earth]. They will be with ·people who have died [mortals; L sons of men] and ·have gone down [those who descend] to the ·place of the dead [L pit].

15 “‘This is what the Lord God says: On the day ·when the tree [L it; C Assyria] went down to ·the place of the dead [L Sheol], I ·made the deep springs cry loudly [or caused mourning]. I ·covered them [or closed the deep over it] and held back their rivers, and the great waters ·stopped flowing [were restrained]. I dressed Lebanon ·in black [or with gloom; C in mourning for the great tree], and all the trees in the countryside ·were sad about it [wilted; fainted]. 16 I made the nations ·shake with fear [tremble; quake] at the sound of the tree falling when I brought it down to ·the place of the dead [Sheol]. It went to join those who ·have gone down [descend] to the ·grave [pit; C the trees represent other great nations that have fallen]. Then all the trees of Eden and the best and ·most beautiful [choicest] trees of Lebanon, all the well-watered trees, were comforted in the ·place of the dead below the earth [underworld; world below]. 17 These trees had also gone down with the great tree to ·the place of the dead [L Sheol]. They joined those who were killed ·in war [L by the sword] and those among the nations who had lived under the great tree’s shade.

18 “‘·So no tree [L Which of the trees…?] in Eden is equal to you [C Egypt], in ·greatness [glory; splendor] and ·honor [greatness; majesty], but you will go down to join the trees of Eden in the ·place below the earth [underworld]. You will lie among ·unclean people [L the uncircumcised], with those who were killed ·in war [L by the sword].

“‘This is about Pharaoh and all his ·people [hordes; armies], says the Lord God.’”

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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