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Read the Bible from start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation.
Duration: 365 days
Common English Bible (CEB)
Psalm 46-50

Psalm 46

For the music leader. Of the Korahites. According to Alamoth.[a] A song.

46 God is our refuge and strength,
    a help always near in times of great trouble.
That’s why we won’t be afraid when the world falls apart,
    when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea,
    when its waters roar and rage,
    when the mountains shake because of its surging waves. Selah

There is a river whose streams gladden God’s city,
    the holiest dwelling of the Most High.
God is in that city. It will never crumble.
    God will help it when morning dawns.
Nations roar; kingdoms crumble.
    God utters his voice; the earth melts.
The Lord of heavenly forces is with us!
    The God of Jacob is our place of safety. Selah

Come, see the Lord’s deeds,
    what devastation he has imposed on the earth—
    bringing wars to an end in every corner of the world,
    breaking the bow and shattering the spear,
        burning chariots with fire.

10 “That’s enough! Now know that I am God!
    I am exalted among all nations; I am exalted throughout the world!”

11 The Lord of heavenly forces is with us!
    The God of Jacob is our place of safety. Selah

Psalm 47

For the music leader. A psalm of the Korahites.

47 Clap your hands, all you people!
    Shout joyfully to God with a joyous shout!
Because the Lord Most High is awesome,
    he is the great king of the whole world.
He subdues the nations under us,
    subdues all people beneath our feet.
He chooses our inheritance for us:
    the heights of Jacob, which he loves. Selah

God has gone up with a joyous shout—
    the Lord with the blast of the ram’s horn.
Sing praises to God! Sing praises!
    Sing praises to our king! Sing praises
    because God is king of the whole world!
    Sing praises with a song of instruction![b]

God is king over the nations.
    God sits on his holy throne.
The leaders of all people are gathered
    with the people of Abraham’s God
    because the earth’s guardians belong to God;
        God is exalted beyond all.

Psalm 48

A song. A psalm of the Korahites.

48 In the city belonging to our God,
    the Lord is great and so worthy of praise!
His holy mountain is a beautiful summit,
    the joy of the whole world.
    Mount Zion, in the far north,
    is the city of the great king.
God is in its fortifications,
    revealing himself as a place of safety.

Look: the kings assembled themselves,
    advancing all together—
    when they saw it, they were stunned;
    they panicked and ran away frightened.
Trembling took hold of them right there—
    like a woman giving birth,
    or like the east wind when it smashes
    the ships of Tarshish.
Just like we had heard,
    now we’ve seen it for ourselves
    in the city of the Lord of heavenly forces,
    in the city of our God.
        May God make it secure forever! Selah

We dwell on your faithful love, God,
    in your temple.
10 Your praise, God, just like your reputation,
    extends to the far corners of the earth.
        Your strong hand is filled with righteousness.
11 Let Mount Zion be glad;
    let the towns of Judah rejoice
        because of your acts of justice!

12 Walk around Zion;
    go all the way around it;
    count its towers.
13 Examine its defenses closely;
    tour its fortifications
    so that you may tell future generations:
14 “This is God,
    our God, forever and always!
    He is the one who will lead us
    even to the very end.”[c]

Psalm 49

For the music leader. A psalm of the Korahites.

49 Listen to this, all you people!
    Listen closely, all you citizens of the world—
    people of every kind,
    rich and poor alike!
My mouth speaks wisdom;
    my heart’s meditation is full of insight.
I will pay close attention to a proverb;
    I will explain my riddle on the lyre.

Why should I be afraid in times of trouble,
    when the wrongdoing of my bullies engulfs me—
        those people who trust in their fortunes
        and boast of their fantastic wealth?
Wealth? It can’t save a single person!
    It can’t pay a life’s ransom-price to God.
The price to save someone’s life is too high—
    wealth will never be enough—
        no one can live forever
        without experiencing the pit.

10 Everyone knows that the wise die too,
    just like foolish and stupid people do,
        all of them leaving their fortunes to others.
11 Their graves[d] are their eternal homes,
    the place they live for all generations,
        even if they had counties named after them!
12 People won’t live any longer because of wealth;
    they’re just like the animals that pass away.

13 That’s how it goes for those who are foolish,
    as well as for those who follow their lead, pleased with their talk.
14 Like sheep, they’re headed straight for the grave.[e]
    Death will be their shepherd—
    but those who do right in their hearts will rule over them come morning!—
    their forms wasting away in the grave
    rather than having some dignified residence.[f]
15 But God will save my life from the power of the grave,
    because he will take me. Selah

16 Don’t be overly impressed when someone becomes rich,
    their house swelling to fantastic proportions,
17     because when they die, they won’t take any of it with them.
    Their fantastic things won’t accompany them down under.
18 Though they consider themselves blessed during their lives,
    and even thank you when you deal well with them,[g]
19     they too will join the ancestors who’ve gone ahead;
    they too will never see the light again.
20 Wealthy people? They just don’t understand;
    they’re just like the animals
    that pass away.

Psalm 50

A psalm of Asaph.

50 From the rising of the sun to where it sets,
    God, the Lord God, speaks,
        calling out to the earth.
From Zion, perfect in beauty,
    God shines brightly.
Our God is coming;
    he won’t keep quiet.
A devouring fire is before him;
    a storm rages all around him.
God calls out to the skies above
    and to the earth in order to judge his people:
“Bring my faithful to me,
    those who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.”
The skies proclaim his righteousness
    because God himself is the judge. Selah

“Listen, my people, I will now speak;
    Israel, I will now testify against you.
    I am God—your God!
I’m not punishing you for your sacrifices
    or for your entirely burned offerings,
    which are always before me.
I won’t accept bulls from your house
    or goats from your corrals
10     because every forest animal already belongs to me,
    as do the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every mountain bird;
    even the insects in the fields are mine.
12 Even if I were hungry, I wouldn’t tell you
    because the whole world and everything in it already belong to me.
13 Do I eat bulls’ meat?
    Do I drink goats’ blood?
14 Offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving!
    Fulfill the promises you made to the Most High!
15 Cry out to me whenever you are in trouble;
    I will deliver you, then you will honor me.”

16 But to the wicked God says,
“Why do you talk about my laws?
    Why do you even mention my covenant?
17 You hate discipline, and
    you toss my words behind your back.
18 You make friends with thieves whenever you see one;
    you spend your time with adulterers.
19 You set your mouth free to do evil,
    then harness your tongue to tell lies.
20 You sit around, talking about your own siblings;
    you find fault with the children of your very own mother.
21 You’ve done these things and I’ve kept quiet.
    You thought I was just like you!
        But now I’m punishing you;
        I’m laying it all out, right in front of your face.
22 So consider this carefully, all you who forget God,
    or I’ll rip you to pieces with no one to deliver you:
23 The one who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving is the one who honors me.
    And it is to the one who charts the correct path that I will show divine salvation.”

Common English Bible (CEB)

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