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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 16-17

(A special psalm by David.)

The Best Choice

Protect me, Lord God!
    I run to you for safety,
and I have said,
    “Only you are my Lord!
Every good thing I have
    is a gift from you.”

Your people are wonderful,
    and they make me happy,[a]
but worshipers of other gods
    will have much sorrow.[b]
I refuse to offer sacrifices
of blood to those gods
    or worship in their name.

You, Lord, are all I want!
You are my choice,
    and you keep me safe.
You make my life pleasant,
    and my future is bright.

I praise you, Lord,
    for being my guide.
Even in the darkest night,
    your teachings fill my mind.
(A) I will always look to you,
as you stand beside me
    and protect me from fear.
With all my heart,
I will celebrate,
    and I can safely rest.

10 (B) I am your chosen one.
You won't leave me in the grave
    or let my body decay.
11 You have shown me
    the path to life,
and you make me glad
    by being near to me.
Sitting at your right side,[c]
    I will always be joyful.

(A prayer by David.)

The Prayer of an Innocent Person

I am innocent, Lord!
Won't you listen as I pray
    and beg for help?
I am honest!
    Please hear my prayer.
Only you can say
    that I am innocent,
because only your eyes
    can see the truth.

You know my heart,
    and even during the night
you have tested me
    and found me innocent.
I have made up my mind
    never to tell a lie.
I don't do like others.
I obey your teachings
    and am not cruel.
I have followed you,
    without ever stumbling.

I pray to you, God,
    because you will help me.
Listen and answer my prayer!
    Show your wonderful love.
Your mighty arm protects those
who run to you for safety
    from their enemies.
Protect me as you would
    your very own eyes;
hide me in the shadow
    of your wings.

Don't let my brutal enemies
attack from all sides
    and kill me.
10 They refuse to show mercy,
    and they keep bragging.

11 They have caught up with me!
    My enemies are everywhere,
eagerly hoping to smear me
    in the dirt.
12 They are like hungry lions
    hunting for food,
or like young lions
    hiding in ambush.

13 Do something, Lord!
    Attack and defeat them.
Take your sword and save me
    from those evil people.
14 Use your powerful arm
    and rescue me
from the hands of mere humans
    whose world won't last.[d]

You provide food
    for those you love.
Their children have plenty,
and their grandchildren
    will have more than enough.

15 I am innocent, Lord,
    and I will see your face!
When I awake, all I want
    is to see you as you are.

Psalm 22

(A psalm by David for the music leader. To the tune “A Deer at Dawn.”)

Suffering and Praise

(A) My God, my God, why have you
    deserted me?
Why are you so far away?
Won't you listen to my groans
    and come to my rescue?
I cry out day and night,
but you don't answer,
    and I can never rest.

Yet you are the holy God,
ruling from your throne
    and praised by Israel.
(B) Our ancestors trusted you,
    and you rescued them.
When they cried out for help,
    you saved them,
and you did not let them down
    when they depended on you.

But I am merely a worm,
    far less than human,
and I am hated and rejected
    by people everywhere.
(C) Everyone who sees me
    makes fun and sneers.
They shake their heads,
    (D) and say, “Trust the Lord!
If you are his favorite,
let him protect you
    and keep you safe.”

You, Lord, brought me
    safely through birth,
and you protected me
when I was a baby
    at my mother's breast.
10 From the day I was born,
    I have been in your care,
and from the time of my birth,
    you have been my God.

11 Don't stay far off
when I am in trouble
    with no one to help me.
12 Enemies are all around
    like a herd of wild bulls.
Powerful bulls from Bashan[a]
    are everywhere.
13 My enemies are like lions
roaring and attacking
    with jaws open wide.

14 I have no more strength
    than a few drops of water.
All my bones are out of joint;
    my heart is like melted wax.
15 My strength has dried up
    like a broken clay pot,
and my tongue sticks
    to the roof of my mouth.
You, God, have left me
    to die in the dirt.

16 Brutal enemies attack me
    like a pack of dogs,
tearing at[b] my hands
    and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones,
and my enemies just stare
    and sneer at me.
18 (E) They took my clothes
    and gambled for them.

19 Don't stay far away, Lord!
My strength comes from you,
    so hurry and help.
20 Rescue me from enemy swords
and save me from those dogs.
21     Don't let lions eat me.

You rescued me from the horns
    of wild bulls,
22 (F) and when your people meet,
    I will praise you, Lord.

23 All who worship the Lord,
    now praise him!
You belong to Jacob's family
and to the people of Israel,
    so fear and honor the Lord!
24 The Lord doesn't hate
or despise the helpless
    in all of their troubles.
When I cried out, he listened
    and did not turn away.

25 When your people meet,
you will fill my heart
    with your praises, Lord,
and everyone will see me
    keep my promises to you.
26 The poor will eat and be full,
and all who worship you
    will be thankful
    and live in hope.

27 Everyone on this earth
    will remember you, Lord.
People all over the world
    will turn and worship you,
28 because you are in control,
    the ruler of all nations.

29 All who are rich
and have more than enough
    will bow down to you, Lord.
Even those who are dying
and almost in the grave
    will come and bow down.
30 In the future, everyone
will worship and learn
    about you, our Lord.
31 People not yet born
will be told,
    “The Lord has saved us!”

Proverbs 8:1-21

In Praise of Wisdom

(A) With great understanding,
    Wisdom[a] is calling out
as she stands at the crossroads
    and on every hill.
She stands by the city gate
where everyone enters the city,
    and she shouts:
“I am calling out
    to each one of you!
Good sense and sound judgment
    can be yours.
Listen, because what I say
    is worthwhile and right.
I always speak the truth
    and refuse to tell a lie.
Every word I speak is honest,
not one is misleading
    or deceptive.

“If you have understanding,
you will see that my words
    are just what you need.
10 Let instruction and knowledge
mean more to you than silver
    or the finest gold.
11 (B) Wisdom is worth much more
than precious jewels
    or anything else you desire.”

Wisdom Speaks

12 I am Wisdom[b]—Common Sense
    is my closest friend;
I possess knowledge
    and sound judgment.
13 If you respect the Lord,
    you will hate evil.
I hate pride and conceit
    and deceitful lies.
14 I am strong, and I offer
sensible advice
    and sound judgment.
15 By my power kings govern,
and rulers make laws
    that are fair.
16 Every honest leader rules
    with help from me.

17 I love everyone who loves me,
and I will be found by all
    who honestly search.
18 I can make you rich and famous,
    important and successful.
19 What you receive from me
    is more valuable
than even the finest gold
    or the purest silver.
20 I always do what is right,
21 and I give great riches
    to everyone who loves me.

2 John

From the church leader.[a]

To a very special woman and her children.[b] I truly love all of you, and so does everyone else who knows the truth. We love you because the truth is now in our hearts, and it will be there forever.

I pray that God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son will be kind and merciful to us! May they give us peace and truth and love.

Truth and Love

I was very glad to learn that some of your children are obeying the truth, as the Father told us to do. (A) Dear friend, I am not writing to tell you and your children to do something you have not done before. I am writing to tell you to love each other, which is the first thing you were told to do. Love means we do what God tells us. And from the beginning, he told you to love him.

Many liars have gone out into the world. These deceitful liars are saying Jesus Christ did not have a truly human body. But they are liars and the enemies of Christ. So be sure not to lose what we[c] have worked for. If you do, you won't be given your full reward. Don't keep changing what you were taught about Christ, or else God will no longer be with you. But if you hold firmly to what you were taught, both the Father and the Son will be with you. 10 (B) If people won't agree to this teaching, don't welcome them into your home or even greet them. 11 Greeting them is the same as taking part in their evil deeds.

Final Greetings

12 I have much more to tell you, but I don't want to write it with pen and ink. I want to come and talk to you in person, because this will make us[d] really happy.

13 Greetings from the children of your very special sister.[e]

Matthew 12:1-14

A Question about the Sabbath

(Mark 2.23-28; Luke 6.1-5)

12 (A) One Sabbath, Jesus and his disciples were walking through some wheat fields.[a] His disciples were hungry and began picking and eating grains of wheat. Some Pharisees noticed this and said to Jesus, “Why are your disciples picking grain on the Sabbath? They are not supposed to do this!”

(B) Jesus answered:

You surely must have read what David did when he and his followers were hungry. (C) He went into the house of God, and then they ate the sacred loaves of bread that only priests are supposed to eat. (D) Haven't you read in the Law of Moses that the priests are allowed to work in the temple on the Sabbath? But no one says they are guilty of breaking the law of the Sabbath. I tell you there is something here greater than the temple. (E) Don't you know what the Scriptures mean when they say, “Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to be merciful to others?” If you knew what this means, you would not condemn these innocent disciples of mine. So the Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath.

A Man with a Paralyzed Hand

(Mark 3.1-6; Luke 6.6-11)

Jesus left and went into one of their synagogues, 10 where there was a man whose hand was paralyzed. Some Pharisees wanted to accuse Jesus of doing something wrong, so they asked him, “Is it right to heal someone on the Sabbath?”

11 (F) Jesus answered, “If one of your sheep fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn't you lift it out? 12 People are worth much more than sheep, and so it is right to do good on the Sabbath.” 13 Then Jesus told the man, “Hold out your hand.” The man did, and it became as healthy as the other one.

14 The Pharisees left and started making plans to kill Jesus.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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