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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 18

(For the music leader. A psalm by David, the Lord's servant. David sang this to the Lord after the Lord had rescued him from his enemies, but especially from Saul.)

David's Song of Thanks

I love you, Lord God,
    and you make me strong.
You are my mighty rock,[a]
    my fortress, my protector,
the rock where I am safe,
my shield, my powerful weapon,[b]
    and my place of shelter.

I praise you, Lord!
I prayed, and you rescued me
    from my enemies.
Death had wrapped
    its ropes around me,
and I was almost swallowed
    by its flooding waters.

Ropes from the world
of the dead
    had coiled around me,
and death had set a trap
    in my path.
I was in terrible trouble
    when I called out to you,
but from your temple
you heard me
    and answered my prayer.

The earth shook and shivered,
and the mountains trembled
    down to their roots.
You were angry
    and breathed out smoke.
Scorching heat and fiery flames
    spewed from your mouth.

You opened the heavens
    like curtains,
and you came down
with storm clouds
    under your feet.
10 You rode on the backs
    of flying creatures
and swooped down
    with the wind as wings.
11 Darkness was your robe;
thunderclouds filled the sky,
    hiding you from sight.
12 Hailstones and fiery coals
lit up the sky
    in front of you.

13 Lord Most High, your voice
    thundered from the heavens,
as hailstones and fiery coals
    poured down like rain.
14 You scattered your enemies
    with arrows of lightning.
15 You roared at the sea,
and its deepest channels
    could be seen.
You snorted,
and the earth shook
    to its foundations.

16 You reached down from heaven,
and you lifted me
    from deep in the ocean.
17 You rescued me from enemies,
who were hateful
    and too powerful for me.
18 On the day disaster struck,
they came and attacked,
    but you defended me.
19 When I was fenced in,
you freed and rescued me
    because you love me.

20 You are good to me, Lord,
    because I do right,
and you reward me
    because I am innocent.
21 I do what you want
    and never turn to do evil.
22 I keep your laws in mind
and never look away
    from your teachings.
23 I obey you completely
    and guard against sin.
24 You have been good to me
    because I do right;
you have rewarded me
for being innocent
    by your standards.

25 You are always loyal
    to your loyal people,
and you are faithful
    to the faithful.
26 With all who are sincere,
    you are sincere,
but you treat the unfaithful
    as their deeds deserve.
27 You rescue the humble,
but you put down all
    who are proud.

28 You, the Lord God,
keep my lamp burning
    and turn darkness to light.
29 You help me defeat armies
    and capture cities.

30 Your way is perfect, Lord,
    and your word is correct.
You are a shield for those
    who run to you for help.
31 You alone are God!
    Only you are a mighty rock.[c]
32 You give me strength
    and guide me right.
33 (A) You make my feet run as fast
    as those of a deer,
and you help me stand
    on the mountains.

34 You teach my hands to fight
and my arms to use
    a bow of bronze.
35 You alone are my shield.
    Your right hand supports me,
and by coming to help me,
    you have made me famous.
36 You clear the way for me,
    and now I won't stumble.

37 I kept chasing my enemies,
until I caught them
    and destroyed them.
38 I stuck my sword
    through my enemies,
and they were crushed
    under my feet.
39 You helped me win victories,
and you forced my attackers
    to fall victim to me.

40 You made my enemies run,
    and I killed them.
41 They cried out for help,
    but no one saved them;
they called out to you,
    but there was no answer.
42 I ground them to dust
    blown by the wind,
and I poured them out
    like mud in the streets.

43 You rescued me
    from stubborn people,
and you made me the leader
of foreign nations,
    who are now my slaves.
44 They obey and come crawling.
45     They have lost all courage,
and from their fortresses,
    they come trembling.

46 You are the living Lord!
    I will praise you.
You are a mighty rock.[d]
I will honor you
    for keeping me safe.
47 You took revenge for me,
and you put nations
    in my power.
48 You protected me
    from violent enemies
and made me much greater
    than all of them.

49 (B) I will praise you, Lord,
and I will honor you
    among the nations.
50 You give glorious victories
    to your chosen king.
Your faithful love for David
and for his descendants
    will never end.

Proverbs 7

The Foolishness of Unfaithfulness

My son, pay close attention
and don't forget
    what I tell you to do.
Obey me, and you will live!
Let my instructions be
    your greatest treasure.
Keep them at your fingertips
and write them
    in your mind.
Let wisdom be your sister
and make common sense
    your closest friend.
They will protect you
from the flattering words
    of someone else's wife.

From the window of my house,
I once happened to see
    some foolish young men.
It was late in the evening,
    sometime after dark.
One of these young men
    turned the corner
and was walking by the house
    of an unfaithful wife.
10 She was dressed fancy
like a woman of the street
    with only one thing in mind.
11 She was one of those women
who are loud and restless
    and never stay at home,
12 who walk street after street,
    waiting to trap a man.

13 She grabbed him and kissed him,
and with no sense of shame,
    she said:
14 “I had to offer a sacrifice,
and there is enough meat
    left over for a feast.
15 So I came looking for you,
    and here you are!
16 The sheets on my bed
are bright-colored cloth
    from Egypt.
17 And I have covered it
with perfume made of myrrh,
    aloes, and cinnamon.

18 “Let's go there
    and make love all night.
19 My husband is traveling,
    and he's far away.
20 He took a lot of money along,
    and he won't be back home
before the middle
    of the month.”

21 And so, she tricked him
with all of her sweet talk
    and her flattery.
22 At once he followed her
like an ox on the way
    to be slaughtered,
or like a fool on the way
to be punished[a]
23     and killed with arrows.
He was no more than a bird
    rushing into a trap,
without knowing
    it would cost him his life.

24 My son, pay close attention
    to what I have said.
25 Don't even think about
    that kind of woman
or let yourself be misled
    by someone like her.
26 Such a woman has caused
the downfall and destruction
    of a lot of men.
27 Her house is a one-way street
leading straight down
    to the world of the dead.

1 John 5:13-21

Knowing about Eternal Life

13 All of you have faith in the Son of God, and I have written to let you know you have eternal life. 14 We are certain God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him. 15 And if we know God listens when we pray, we are sure our prayers have already been answered.

16 Suppose you see one of our people commit a sin that isn't a deadly sin. You can pray, and this person will be given eternal life. But the sin must not be one that is deadly. 17 Everything that is wrong is sin, but not all sins are deadly.

18 We are sure God's children do not keep on sinning. God's own Son protects them, and the devil cannot harm them.

19 We are certain we come from God and the rest of the world is under the power of the devil.

20 We know that Jesus Christ the Son of God has come and has shown us the true God. And because of Jesus, we now belong to the true God who gives eternal life.

21 Children, you must stay away from idols.

Matthew 11:25-30

Come to Me and Rest

(Luke 10.21,22)

25 At that moment Jesus said:

My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people. 26 Yes, Father, this is what pleased you.

27 (A) My Father has given me everything, and he is the only one who knows the Son. The only one who truly knows the Father is the Son. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so they can know him too.

28 (B) If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29 (C) Take the yoke[a] I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. 30 This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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