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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 119:1-24

In Praise of the Law of the Lord

Our Lord, you bless everyone
who lives right
    and obeys your Law.
You bless all those
who follow your commands
    from deep in their hearts
and who never do wrong
    or turn from you.
You have ordered us always
    to obey your teachings;
I don't ever want to stray
    from your laws.
Thinking about your commands
will keep me from doing
    some foolish thing.
I will do right and praise you
by learning to respect
    your perfect laws.
I will obey all of them!
    Don't turn your back on me.

Young people can live
a clean life
    by obeying your word.
10 I worship you
    with all my heart.
Don't let me walk away
    from your commands.
11 I treasure your word
    above all else;
it keeps me from sinning
    against you.
12 I praise you, Lord!
    Teach me your laws.
13 With my own mouth,
I tell others the laws
    that you have spoken.
14 Obeying your instructions
brings as much happiness
    as being rich.
15 I will study your teachings
    and follow your footsteps.
16 I will take pleasure
in your laws
    and remember your words.

17 Treat me with kindness, Lord,
so that I may live
    and do what you say.
18 Open my mind
and let me discover
    the wonders of your Law.
19 I live here as a stranger.
Don't keep me from knowing
    your commands.
20 What I want most
and at all times
    is to honor your laws.
21 You punish those boastful,
worthless nobodies who turn
    from your commands.
22 Don't let them sneer
and insult me
    for following you.
23 I keep thinking about
    your teachings, Lord,
even if rulers plot
    against me.
24 Your laws are my greatest joy!
    I follow their advice.

Psalm 12-14

(A psalm by David for the music leader.[a])

A Prayer for Help

Please help me, Lord!
    All who were faithful
and all who were loyal
    have disappeared.
Everyone tells lies,
    and no one is sincere.
Won't you chop off
all flattering tongues
    that brag so loudly?
They say to themselves,
“We are great speakers.
    No one else has a chance.”

But you, Lord, tell them,
    “I will do something!
The poor are mistreated
and helpless people moan.
    I'll rescue all who suffer.”

Our Lord, you are true
    to your promises,
and your word is like silver
heated seven times
    in a fiery furnace.[b]
You will protect us
and always keep us safe
    from those people.
But all who are wicked
    will keep on strutting,
while everyone praises
    their shameless deeds.[c]

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

A Prayer for the Lord's Help

How much longer, Lord,
    will you forget about me?
Will it be forever?
    How long will you hide?
How long must I be confused
    and miserable all day?
How long will my enemies
    keep beating me down?

Please listen, Lord God,
    and answer my prayers.
Make my eyes sparkle again,
or else I will fall
    into the sleep of death.
My enemies will say,
    “Now we've won!”
They will be greatly pleased
    when I am defeated.

I trust your love,
and I feel like celebrating
    because you rescued me.
You have been good to me, Lord,
    and I will sing about you.

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

No One Can Ignore the Lord

(A) Only a fool would say,
    “There is no God!”
People like that are worthless;
they are heartless and cruel
    and never do right.

From heaven the Lord
    looks down to see
if anyone is wise enough
    to search for him.
But all of them are corrupt;
    no one does right.

Won't you evil people learn?
    You refuse to pray,
and you gobble up
    the Lord's people.
But you will be frightened,
because God is on the side
    of every good person.
You may spoil the plans
of the poor,
    but the Lord protects them.

I long for someone from Zion
    to come and save Israel!
Our Lord, when you bless
    your people again,
Jacob's family will be glad,
    and Israel will celebrate.

Proverbs 6:1-19

Don't Be Foolish

(A) My child, suppose you agree
to pay the debt of someone,
    who cannot repay a loan.
Then you are trapped
    by your own words,
and you are now in the power
    of someone else.
Here is what you should do:
Go and beg for permission
    to call off the agreement.
Do this before you fall asleep
    or even get sleepy.
Save yourself, just as a deer
or a bird tries to escape
    from a hunter.

You lazy people can learn
    by watching an anthill.
Ants don't have leaders,
but they store up food
    during harvest season.
How long will you lie there
    doing nothing at all?
When are you going to get up
    and stop sleeping?
10 (B) Sleep a little. Doze a little.
Fold your hands
    and twiddle your thumbs.
11 Suddenly, everything is gone,
as though it had been taken
    by an armed robber.

12 Worthless liars go around
13 (C) winking and giving signals
    to deceive others.
14 They are always thinking up
something cruel and evil,
    and they stir up trouble.
15 But they will be struck
by sudden disaster
    and left without a hope.

16 There are six or seven
kinds of people
    the Lord doesn't like:
17 Those who are too proud
    or tell lies or murder,
18 those who make evil plans
    or are quick to do wrong,
19 those who tell lies in court
or stir up trouble
    in a family.

1 John 5:1-12

Victory over the World

If we believe Jesus is truly Christ, we are God's children. Everyone who loves the Father will also love his children. If we love and obey God, we know we will love his children. (A) We show our love for God by obeying his commandments, and they are not hard to follow.

Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.

Who Jesus Is

Water and blood came out from the side of Jesus Christ. It wasn't just water, but water and blood.[a] The Spirit tells about this, because the Spirit is truthful. In fact, there are three who tell about it. They are the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and they all agree.

We believe what people tell us. But we can trust what God says even more, and God is the one who has spoken about his Son. 10 If we have faith in God's Son, we have believed what God has said. But if we don't believe what God has said about his Son, it is the same as calling God a liar. 11 (B) God has also said he gave us eternal life and this life comes to us from his Son. 12 And so, if we have God's Son, we have this life. But if we don't have the Son, we don't have this life.

Matthew 11:16-24

16 You people are like children sitting in the market and shouting to each other,

17 “We played the flute,
    but you would not dance!
We sang a funeral song,
    but you would not mourn!”

18 John the Baptist did not go around eating and drinking, and you said, “That man has a demon in him!” 19 But the Son of Man goes around eating and drinking, and you say, “That man eats and drinks too much! He is even a friend of tax collectors[a] and sinners.” Yet Wisdom is shown to be right by what it does.

The Unbelieving Towns

(Luke 10.13-15)

20 In the towns where Jesus had worked most of his miracles, the people refused to turn to God. So Jesus was upset with them and said:

21 (A) You people of Chorazin are in for trouble! You people of Bethsaida are in for trouble too! If the miracles that took place here had happened in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have turned to God long ago. They would have dressed in sackcloth and put ashes on their heads.[b] 22 I tell you on the day of judgment the people of Tyre and Sidon will get off easier than you will.

23 (B) People of Capernaum, do you think you will be honored in heaven? You will go down to hell! If the miracles that took place in your town had happened in Sodom, it would still be standing. 24 (C) So I tell you on the day of judgment the people of Sodom will get off easier than you.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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