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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 66-67

(A song and a psalm for the music leader.)

Shout Praises to God

Tell everyone on this earth
    to shout praises to God!
Sing about his glorious name.
    Honor him with praises.
Say to God, “Everything you do
    is fearsome,
and your mighty power makes
    your enemies come crawling.
You are worshiped by everyone!
    We all sing praises to you.”

Come and see the fearsome things
    our God has done!
(A) When God made the sea dry up,
    our people walked across,
and because of him,
    we celebrated there.
His mighty power rules forever,
    and nothing the nations do
can be hidden from him.
    So don't turn against God.

All of you people,
come praise our God!
    Let his praises be heard.
God protects us from death
    and keeps us steady.

10 Our God, you tested us,
    just as silver is tested.
11 You trapped us in a net
    and gave us heavy burdens.
12 You sent war chariots
    to crush our skulls.
We traveled through fire
    and through floods,
but you brought us
    to a land of plenty.

13 I will bring sacrifices
    into your house, my God,
and I will do what I promised
14     when I was in trouble.
15 I will sacrifice my best sheep
and offer bulls and goats
    on your altar.

16 All who worship God,
    come here and listen;
I will tell you everything
    God has done for me.
17 I prayed to the Lord,
    and I praised him.
18 If my thoughts had been sinful,
he would have refused
    to hear me.
19 But God did listen
    and answered my prayer.
20 Let's praise God!
He listened when I prayed,
    and he is always kind.

(A psalm and a song for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)

Tell the Nations To Praise God

Our God, be kind and bless us!
    Be pleased and smile.
Then everyone on earth
    will learn to follow you,
and all nations will see
    your power to save us.

Make everyone praise you
    and shout your praises.
Let the nations celebrate
    with joyful songs,
because you judge fairly
    and guide all nations.
Make everyone praise you, God,
    and shout your praises.

Our God has blessed the earth
    with a wonderful harvest!
Pray for his blessings
    to continue
and for everyone on earth
    to worship our God.

Psalm 19

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

The Wonders of God and the Goodness of His Law

The heavens keep telling
    the wonders of God,
and the skies declare
    what he has done.
Each day informs
    the following day;
each night announces
    to the next.
They don't speak a word,
and there is never
    the sound of a voice.
(A) Yet their message reaches
    all the earth,
and it travels
    around the world.

In the heavens a tent
    is set up for the sun.
It rises like a bridegroom
and gets ready like a hero
    eager to run a race.
It travels all the way
across the sky.
    Nothing hides from its heat.

(B) The Law of the Lord is perfect;
    it gives us new life.
His teachings last forever,
and they give wisdom
    to ordinary people.
The Lord's instruction is right;
    it makes our hearts glad.
His commands shine brightly,
    and they give us light.

Worshiping the Lord is sacred;
    he will always be worshiped.
All his decisions
    are correct and fair.
10 They are worth more
    than the finest gold
and are sweeter than honey
    from a honeycomb.

11 By your teachings, Lord,
    I am warned;
by obeying them,
    I am greatly rewarded.
12 None of us know our faults.
Forgive me when I sin
    without knowing it.
13 Don't let me do wrong
    on purpose, Lord,
or let sin have control
    over my life.
Then I will be innocent,
and not guilty
    of some terrible fault.

14 Let my words and my thoughts
    be pleasing to you, Lord,
because you are my mighty rock[a]
    and my protector.

Psalm 46

(A special song by the clan of Korah and for the music leader.)

God Is Our Mighty Fortress

God is our mighty fortress,
always ready to help
    in times of trouble.
And so, we won't be afraid!
Let the earth tremble
and the mountains tumble
    into the deepest sea.
Let the ocean roar and foam,
and its raging waves
    shake the mountains.

A river and its streams
    bring joy to the city,
which is the sacred home
    of God Most High.
God is in that city,
and it won't be shaken.
    He will help it at dawn.

Nations rage! Kingdoms fall!
But at the voice of God
    the earth itself melts.
The Lord All-Powerful
    is with us.
The God of Jacob
    is our fortress.

Come! See the fearsome things
    the Lord has done on earth.
God brings wars to an end
    all over the world.
He breaks the arrows,
shatters the spears,
    and burns the shields.[a]
10 Our God says, “Calm down,
    and learn that I am God!
All nations on earth
    will honor me.”

11 The Lord All-Powerful
    is with us.
The God of Jacob
    is our fortress.

Exodus 3:1-12

God Speaks to Moses

One day, Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, and Moses decided to lead them across the desert to Sinai,[a] the holy mountain. (A) There an angel of the Lord appeared to him from a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up. “This is strange!” he said to himself. “I'll go over and see why the bush isn't burning up.”

When the Lord saw Moses coming near, he called him by name from the bush, and Moses answered, “Here I am.”

God replied, “Don't come any closer. Take off your sandals—the ground where you are standing is holy. I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face.

The Lord said:

I have seen how my people are suffering as slaves in Egypt, and I have heard them beg for my help because of the way they are being mistreated. I feel sorry for them, and I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians.

I will bring my people out of Egypt into a country where there is a lot of good land, rich with milk and honey. I will give them the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live. My people have begged for my help, and I have seen how cruel the Egyptians are to them. 10 Now go to the king! I am sending you to lead my people out of his country.

11 But Moses said, “Who am I to go to the king and lead your people out of Egypt?”

12 God replied, “I will be with you. And you will know that I am the one who sent you, when you worship me on this mountain after you have led my people out of Egypt.”[b]

Hebrews 12:18-29

18 (A) You have not come to a place like Mount Sinai[a] that can be seen and touched. There is no flaming fire or dark cloud or storm 19 or trumpet sound. The people of Israel heard a voice speak. But they begged it to stop, 20 (B) because they could not obey its commands. They were even told to kill any animal that touched the mountain. 21 The sight was so frightening that Moses said he shook with fear.

22 You have now come to Mount Zion and to the heavenly Jerusalem. This is the city of the living God, where thousands and thousands of angels have come to celebrate. 23 Here you will find all of God's dearest children,[b] whose names are written in heaven. And you will find God himself, who judges everyone. Here also are the spirits of those good people who have been made perfect. 24 (C) And Jesus is here! He is the one who makes God's new agreement with us, and his sprinkled blood says much better things than the blood of Abel.[c]

25 (D) Make sure you obey the one who speaks to you. The people did not escape, when they refused to obey the one who spoke to them at Mount Sinai. Do you think you can possibly escape, if you refuse to obey the one who speaks to you from heaven? 26 (E) When God spoke the first time, his voice shook only the earth. This time he has promised to shake the earth once again, and heaven too.

27 The words “once again” mean that these created things will someday be shaken and removed. Then what cannot be shaken will last. 28 We should be grateful we were given a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And in this kingdom we please God by worshiping him and by showing him great honor and respect. 29 (F) Our God is like a destructive fire!

Luke 10:17-24

The Return of the Seventy-Two

17 When the 72[a] followers returned, they were excited and said, “Lord, even the demons obeyed when we spoke in your name!”

18 Jesus told them:

I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. 19 (A) I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you. 20 But don't be happy because evil spirits obey you. Be happy that your names are written in heaven!

Jesus Thanks His Father

(Matthew 11.25-27; 13.16,17)

21 At that same time, Jesus felt the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit,[b] and he said:

My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people. Yes, Father, this is what pleased you.

22 (B) My Father has given me everything, and he is the only one who knows the Son. The only one who really knows the Father is the Son. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so they can know him too.

23 Jesus then turned to his disciples and said to them in private, “You are really blessed to see what you see! 24 Many prophets and kings were eager to see what you see and to hear what you hear. But I tell you they did not see or hear.”

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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