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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 68:1-20

(A psalm and a song by David for the music leader.)

God Will Win the Battle

Do something, God!
Scatter your hateful enemies.
    Make them turn and run.
Scatter them like smoke!
When you come near,
    make them melt
    like wax in a fire.
But let your people be happy
    and celebrate because of you.

Our God, you are the one
who rides on the clouds,[a]
    and we praise you.
Your name is the Lord,
and we celebrate
    as we worship you.

Our God, from your sacred home
you take care of orphans
    and protect widows.
You find families
    for those who are lonely.
You set prisoners free
    and let them prosper,[b]
but all who rebel will live
    in a scorching desert.

You set your people free,
and you led them
    through the desert.
(A) God of Israel,
the earth trembled,
    and rain poured down.
You alone are the God
    who rules from Mount Sinai.
When your land was thirsty,
you sent showers
    to refresh it.
10 Your people settled there,
and you were generous
    to everyone in need.

11 You gave the command, Lord,
and a chorus of women told
    what had happened:
12 “Kings and their armies
    retreated and ran,
and everything they left
    is now being divided.
13 And for those who stayed back
    to guard the sheep,
there are metal doves
with silver-coated wings
    and shiny gold feathers.”

14 God All-Powerful, you scattered
the kings like snow falling
    on Mount Zalmon.[c]

15 Our Lord and our God,
Bashan is a mighty mountain
    covered with peaks.
16 Why is it jealous of Zion,
the mountain you chose
    as your home forever?

17 When you, Lord God, appeared
    to your people[d] at Sinai,
you came with thousands
    of mighty chariots.
18 (B) When you climbed
    the high mountain,
you took prisoners with you
    and were given gifts.
Your enemies didn't want you
to live there,
    but they gave you gifts.

19 We praise you, Lord God!
You treat us with kindness
    day after day,
    and you rescue us.
20 You always protect us
    and save us from death.

2 Kings 2:1-15

The Lord Takes Elijah Away

Not long before the Lord took Elijah up into heaven in a strong wind, Elijah and Elisha were leaving Gilgal. Elijah said to Elisha, “The Lord wants me to go to Bethel, but you must stay here.”

Elisha replied, “I swear by the living Lord and by your own life that I will stay with you no matter what!” And he went with Elijah to Bethel.

A group of prophets who lived there asked Elisha, “Do you know that today the Lord is going to take away your master?”

“Yes, I do,” Elisha answered. “But don't remind me of it.”

Elijah then said, “Elisha, now the Lord wants me to go to Jericho, but you must stay here.”

Elisha replied, “I swear by the living Lord and by your own life, that I will stay with you no matter what!” And he went with Elijah to Jericho.

A group of prophets who lived there asked Elisha, “Do you know that today the Lord is going to take away your master?”

“Yes, I do,” Elisha answered. “But don't remind me of it.”

Elijah then said to Elisha, “Now the Lord wants me to go to the Jordan River, but you must stay here.”

Elisha replied, “I swear by the living Lord and by your own life that I will never leave you!” So the two of them walked on together.

Fifty prophets followed Elijah and Elisha from Jericho, then stood at a distance and watched as the two men walked toward the river. When they got there, Elijah took off his coat, then he rolled it up and struck the water with it. At once a path opened up through the river, and the two of them walked across on dry ground.

(A) After they had reached the other side, Elijah said, “Elisha, the Lord will soon take me away. What can I do for you before that happens?”

Elisha answered, “Please give me twice as much of your power as you give the other prophets, so I can be the one who takes your place as their leader.”

10 “It won't be easy,” Elijah answered. “It can happen only if you see me as I am being taken away.”

11 Elijah and Elisha were walking along and talking, when suddenly there appeared between them a flaming chariot pulled by fiery horses. At once, a strong wind took Elijah up into heaven. 12 (B) Elisha saw this and shouted, “Israel's cavalry and chariots have taken my master away!”[a] After Elijah had gone, Elisha tore his clothes in sorrow.

13 Elijah's coat had fallen off, so Elisha picked it up and walked back to the Jordan River. 14 He struck the water with the coat and wondered, “Will the Lord perform miracles for me as he did for Elijah?” As soon as Elisha did this, a dry path opened up through the water, and he walked across.

15 When the prophets from Jericho saw what happened, they said to each other, “Elisha now has Elijah's power.”

They walked over to him, bowed down,

Revelation 5

The Scroll and the Lamb

(A) In the right hand of the one sitting on the throne I saw a scroll[a] that had writing on the inside and on the outside. And it was sealed in seven places. I saw a mighty angel ask with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or look inside it.

I cried hard because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside it. (B) Then one of the elders said to me, “Stop crying and look! The one who is called both the ‘Lion from the Tribe of Judah’[b] and ‘King David's Great Descendant’[c] has won the victory. He will open the scroll and its seven seals.”

(C) Then I looked and saw a Lamb standing in the center of the throne surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb looked as if it had once been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[d] of God, sent out to all the earth.

The Lamb went over and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. (D) After he had taken it, the four living creatures and the 24 elders knelt down before him. Each of them had a harp and a gold bowl full of incense,[e] which are the prayers of God's people. (E) Then they sang a new song,

“You are worthy
    to receive the scroll
and open its seals,
    because you were killed.
And with your own blood
    you bought for God
people from every tribe,
    language, nation, and race.
10 (F) You let them become kings
    and serve God as priests,
and they will rule on earth.”

11 (G) As I looked, I heard the voices of a large number of angels around the throne and the voices of the living creatures and of the elders. There were millions and millions of them, 12 and they were saying in a loud voice,

“The Lamb who was killed
    is worthy to receive power,
riches, wisdom, strength,
    honor, glory, and praise.”

13 Then I heard all beings in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea offer praise. Together, all of them were saying,

“Praise, honor, glory,
and strength
    forever and ever
to the one who sits
on the throne
    and to the Lamb!”

14 The four living creatures said “Amen,” while the elders knelt down and worshiped.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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