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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 106

A Nation Asks for Forgiveness

(A) We will celebrate
    and praise you, Lord!
You are good to us,
    and your love never fails.
No one can praise you enough
for all the mighty things
    you have done.
You bless those people
who are honest and fair
    in everything they do.

Remember me, Lord,
when you show kindness
    by saving your people.
Let me prosper with the rest
    of your chosen ones,
as they celebrate with pride
    because they belong to you.

We and our ancestors
    have sinned terribly.
(B) When they were in Egypt,
    they paid no attention
to your marvelous deeds
    or your wonderful love.
And they turned against you
    at the Red Sea.[a]

But you were true to your name,
and you rescued them to prove
    how mighty you are.
(C) You said to the Red Sea,[b]
    “Dry up!”
Then you led your people across
    on land as dry as a desert.
10 You saved all of them
11 and drowned every one
    of their enemies.
12 (D) Then your people trusted you
    and sang your praises.

13 But they soon forgot
what you had done
    and rejected your advice.
14 (E) They became greedy for food
and tested you there
    in the desert.
15 So you gave them
    what they wanted,
but later you destroyed them
    with a horrible disease.

16 (F) Everyone in camp was jealous
of Moses and of Aaron,
    your chosen priest.
17 Dathan and Abiram rebelled,
and the earth opened up
    and swallowed them.
18 Then fire broke out
and destroyed all
    of their followers.

19 (G) At Horeb your people
made and worshiped the statue
20     of a bull, instead of you,
    their glorious God.
21 You worked powerful miracles
    to save them from Egypt,
but they forgot about you
22 and the fearsome things
    you did at the Red Sea.[c]
23 You were angry and started
    to destroy them,
but Moses, your chosen leader,
    begged you not to do it.

24 (H) They would not trust
    you, Lord,
and they did not like
    the promised land.
25 They would not obey you,
and they grumbled
    in their tents.
26 So you threatened them
by saying, “I'll kill you
    out here in the desert!
27 (I) I'll scatter your children
    everywhere in the world.”

28 (J) Your people became followers
    of a god named Baal Peor,
and they ate sacrifices
    offered to the dead.[d]
29 They did such terrible things
that you punished them
    with a deadly disease.
30 But Phinehas[e] helped them,
    and the sickness stopped.
31 Now he will always
    be highly honored.

32 (K) At Meribah Spring[f]
they turned against you
    and made you furious.
33 Then Moses got into trouble
    for speaking in anger.

34 (L) Our Lord, they disobeyed you
by refusing to destroy
    the nations.
35 Instead they were friendly
with those foreigners
    and followed their customs.
36 Then they fell into the trap
    of worshiping idols.
37 (M) They sacrificed their sons
and their daughters to demons
38     (N) and to the gods of Canaan.
Then they poured out the blood
of these innocent children
    and made the land filthy.
39 By doing such gruesome things,
    they also became filthy.

40 (O) Finally, Lord, you were angry
and terribly disgusted
    with your people.
41 So you put them in the power
    of nations that hated them.
42 They were mistreated and abused
    by their enemies,
43 but you saved them
    time after time.
They were determined to rebel,
and their sins caused
    their downfall.

44 You answered their prayers
    when they were in trouble.
45 You kept your agreement
    and were so merciful
46 that their enemies
    had pity on them.

47 (P) Save us, Lord God!
Bring us back
    from among the nations.
Let us celebrate and shout
    in praise of your holy name.

48 Lord God of Israel,
you deserve to be praised
    forever and ever.
Let everyone say, “Amen!
    Shout praises to the Lord!”

Leviticus 23:1-22

Religious Festivals

23 The Lord told Moses to say to the community of Israel:

I have chosen certain times for you to come together and worship me.

(A) You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week is holy because it belongs to me. No matter where you live, you must rest on the Sabbath and come together for worship. This law will never change.

Passover and the Festival of Thin Bread

(Numbers 28.16-25)

The Lord said:

4-5 (B) Passover is another time when you must come together to worship me, and it must be celebrated on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month[a] of each year.

(C) The Festival of Thin Bread begins on the fifteenth day of that same month; it lasts seven days, and during this time you must honor me by eating bread made without yeast. On the first day of this festival you must rest from your work and come together for worship. Each day of this festival you must offer sacrifices. Then on the final day you must once again rest from your work and come together for worship.

Offering the First Part of the Harvest

The Lord told Moses 10 to say to the community of Israel:

After you enter the land I am giving you, the first bundle of wheat from each crop must be given to me. So bring it to a priest 11 on the day after the Sabbath. He will lift it up[b] in dedication to me, and I will accept you. 12 You must also offer a sacrifice to please me.[c] So bring the priest a one-year-old lamb that has nothing wrong with it 13 and two kilograms of your finest flour mixed with olive oil. Then he will place these on the bronze altar and send them up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. Together with these, you must bring a liter of wine as a drink offering. 14 I am your God, and I forbid you to eat any new grain or anything made from it until you have brought these offerings. This law will never change.

The Harvest Festival

(Numbers 28.26-31)

The Lord said:

15 (D) Seven weeks after you offer this bundle of grain, each family must bring another offering of new grain. 16 Do this exactly 50 days later, which is the day following the seventh Sabbath. 17 Bring two loaves of bread to be lifted up[d] in dedication to me. Each loaf is to be made with yeast and with two kilograms of the finest flour from the first part of your harvest.

18 At this same time, the entire community of Israel must bring seven lambs that are a year old, a young bull, and two rams. These animals must have nothing wrong with them, and they must be offered as a sacrifice to please me.[e] You must also offer the proper grain and wine sacrifices with each animal.[f] 19 Offer a goat[g] as a sacrifice for sin, and two rams a year old as a sacrifice to ask my blessing.[h] 20 The priest will lift up[i] the rams together with the bread in dedication to me. These offerings are holy and are my gift to the priest. 21 This is a day of celebration and worship, a time of rest from your work. You and your descendants must obey this law.

22 (E) When you harvest your grain, always leave some of it standing around the edges of your fields and don't pick up what falls on the ground. Leave it for the poor and for those foreigners who live among you. I am the Lord your God!

2 Thessalonians 2

The Lord's Return

(A) When our Lord Jesus returns, we will be gathered up to meet him. So I ask you, my friends, not to be easily upset or disturbed by people who claim the Lord[a] has already come. They may say they heard this directly from the Holy Spirit, or from someone else, or even that they read it in one of our letters. But don't be fooled! People will rebel against God. Then before the Lord returns, the wicked[b] one who is doomed to be destroyed will appear. (B) He will brag and oppose everything holy or sacred. He will even sit in God's temple and claim to be God. Don't you remember I told you this while I was still with you?

You already know what is holding this wicked one back until it is time for him to come. His mysterious power is already at work, but someone is holding him back. And the wicked one won't appear until this someone is out of the way. (C) Then he will appear, but the Lord Jesus will kill him simply by breathing on him. He will be completely destroyed by the Lord's glorious return.

(D) When the wicked one appears, Satan will pretend to work all kinds of miracles, wonders, and signs. 10 Lost people will be fooled by his evil deeds. They could be saved, but they will refuse to love the truth and accept it. 11 So God will make sure they are fooled into believing a lie. 12 All of them will be punished, because they would rather do evil than believe the truth.

Be Faithful

13 My friends, the Lord loves you, and it is only natural for us to thank God for you. God chose you to be the first ones to be saved.[c] His Spirit made you holy, and you put your faith in the truth. 14 God used our preaching as his way of inviting you to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 My friends, this is why you must remain faithful and follow closely what we taught you in person and by our letters.

16 God our Father loves us. He treats us with undeserved grace and has given us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope. We pray that our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father 17 will encourage you and help you always to do and say the right thing.

Matthew 7:1-12

Judging Others

(Luke 6.37,38,41,42)

Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. (A) God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.

You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don't see the log in your own eye? You're nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend's eye.

Don't give to dogs what belongs to God. They will only turn and attack you. Don't throw pearls down in front of pigs. They will trample all over them.

Ask, Search, Knock

(Luke 11.9-13)

(B) Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks.

Would any of you give your hungry child a stone, if the child asked for some bread? 10 Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask.

12 (C) Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets[a] are all about.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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