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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 87

(A psalm and a song by the clan of Korah.)

The Glory of Mount Zion

Zion was built by the Lord
    on the holy mountain,
and he loves that city
more than any other place
    in all of Israel.
Zion, you are the city of God,
and wonderful things
    are told about you.

Egypt,[a] Babylonia, Philistia,
    Phoenicia,[b] and Ethiopia[c]
are some of those nations
    that know you,
and their people all say,
    “I was born in Zion.”

God Most High will strengthen
    the city of Zion.
Then everyone will say,
    “We were born here too.”
The Lord will make a list
    of his people,
and all who were born here
    will be included.

All who sing or dance will say,
    “I too am from Zion.”

Psalm 90


(Psalms 90–106)

(A prayer by Moses, the man of God.)

God Is Eternal

Our Lord, in all generations
    you have been our home.
You have always been God—
long before the birth
    of the mountains,
even before you created
    the earth and the world.

At your command we die
    and turn back to dust,
(A) but a thousand years
    mean nothing to you!
They are merely a day gone by
    or a few hours in the night.

You bring our lives to an end
    just like a dream.
We are merely tender grass
    that sprouts and grows
in the morning,
    but dries up by evening.
Your furious anger frightens
    and destroys us,
and you know all our sins,
    even those we do in secret.

Your anger is a burden
each day we live,
    then life ends like a sigh.
10 (B) We can expect seventy years,
or maybe eighty,
    if we are healthy,
but even our best years
    bring trouble and sorrow.
Suddenly our time is up,
    and we disappear.
11 No one knows the full power
    of your furious anger,
but it is as great as the fear
    that we owe to you.
12 Teach us to use wisely
    all the time we have.

13 Help us, Lord! Don't wait!
    Pity your servants.
14 When morning comes,
let your love satisfy
    all our needs.
Then we can celebrate
and be glad for what time
    we have left.
15 Make us happy for as long
as you caused us trouble
    and sorrow.
16 Do wonderful things for us,
    your servants,
and show your mighty power
    to our children.
17 Our Lord and our God,
    treat us with kindness
and let all go well for us.
    Please let all go well!

Psalm 136

God's Love Never Fails

(A) Praise the Lord! He is good.
    God's love never fails.
Praise the God of all gods.
    God's love never fails.
Praise the Lord of lords.
    God's love never fails.

Only God works great miracles.[a]
    God's love never fails.
(B) With wisdom he made the sky.
    God's love never fails.
(C) The Lord stretched the earth
over the ocean.
    God's love never fails.
(D) He made the bright lights
in the sky.
    God's love never fails.
He lets the sun rule each day.
    God's love never fails.
He lets the moon and the stars
rule each night.
    God's love never fails.

10 (E) God struck down the first-born
in every Egyptian family.
    God's love never fails.
11 (F) He rescued Israel from Egypt.
    God's love never fails.
12 God used his great strength
and his powerful arm.
    God's love never fails.
13 (G) He split the Red Sea[b] apart.
    God's love never fails.

14 The Lord brought Israel safely
through the sea.
    God's love never fails.
15 He destroyed the Egyptian king
and his army there.
    God's love never fails.
16 The Lord led his people
through the desert.
    God's love never fails.

17 Our God defeated mighty kings.
    God's love never fails.
18 And he killed famous kings.
    God's love never fails.
19 (H) One of them was Sihon,
king of the Amorites.
    God's love never fails.
20 (I) Another was King Og of Bashan.
    God's love never fails.
21 God took away their land.
    God's love never fails.
22 He gave their land to Israel,
the people who serve him.
    God's love never fails.

23 God saw the trouble we were in.
    God's love never fails.
24 He rescued us from our enemies.
    God's love never fails.
25 He gives food to all who live.
    God's love never fails.

26 Praise God in heaven!
    God's love never fails.

1 Samuel 4:1-11

Then Samuel would speak to the whole nation of Israel.

The Philistines Capture the Sacred Chest

One day the Israelites went out to fight the Philistines. They set up camp near Ebenezer, and the Philistines camped at Aphek. The Philistines made a fierce attack. They defeated the Israelites and killed about 4,000 of them.

The Israelite army returned to their camp, and the leaders said, “Why did the Lord let us lose to the Philistines today? Let's get the sacred chest where the Lord's agreement with Israel is kept. Then the Lord[a] will help us and rescue us from our enemies.”

(A) The army sent some soldiers to bring back the sacred chest from Shiloh, because the Lord All-Powerful has his throne on the winged creatures on top of the chest.

As Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, brought the chest into camp, the army cheered so loudly that the ground shook. The Philistines heard the noise and said, “What are those Hebrews shouting about?”

When the Philistines learned that the sacred chest had been brought into the camp, they were scared to death and said:

The gods have come into their camp. Now we're in real trouble! Nothing like this has ever happened to us before. We're in big trouble! Who can save us from these powerful gods? They're the same gods who made all those horrible things happen to the Egyptians in the desert.

Philistines, be brave and fight hard! If you don't, those Hebrews will rule us, just as we've been ruling them. Fight and don't be afraid.

10 The Philistines did fight. They killed 30,000 Israelite soldiers, and all the rest ran off to their homes. 11 Hophni and Phinehas were killed, and the sacred chest was captured.

Acts 4:32-5:11

Sharing Possessions

32 (A) The group of followers all felt the same way about everything. None of them claimed that their possessions were their own, and they shared everything they had with each other. 33 In a powerful way the apostles told everyone that the Lord Jesus was now alive. God greatly blessed his followers,[a] 34 and no one went in need of anything. Everyone who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money 35 to the apostles. Then they would give the money to anyone in need.

36-37 Joseph was one of the followers who had sold a piece of property and brought the money to the apostles. He was a Levite from Cyprus, and the apostles called him Barnabas, which means “one who encourages others.”

Peter Condemns Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias and his wife Sapphira also sold a piece of property. But they agreed to cheat and keep some of the money for themselves.

So when Ananias took the rest of the money to the apostles, Peter said, “Why has Satan made you keep back some of the money from the sale of the property? Why have you lied to the Holy Spirit? The property was yours before you sold it, and even after you sold it, the money was still yours. What made you do such a thing? You didn't lie to people. You lied to God!”

(B) As soon as Ananias heard this, he dropped dead, and everyone who heard about it was frightened. Some young men came in and wrapped up his body. Then they took it out and buried it.

Three hours later Sapphira came in, but she did not know what had happened to her husband. Peter asked her, “Tell me, did you sell the property for this amount?”

“Yes,” she answered, “that's the amount.”

Then Peter said, “Why did the two of you agree to test the Lord's Spirit? The men who buried Ananias are by the door, and they will carry you out!” 10 At once she fell at Peter's feet and died.

When the young men came back in, they found Sapphira lying there dead. So they carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 The church members were afraid, and so was everyone else who heard what had happened.

Luke 21:20-28

Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed

(Matthew 24.15-21; Mark 13.14-19)

20 When you see Jerusalem surrounded by soldiers, you will know that it will soon be destroyed. 21 If you are living in Judea at this time, run to the mountains. If you are in the city, leave it. And if you are out in the country, don't go back into the city. 22 (A) This time of punishment is what is written about in the Scriptures. 23 It will be an awful time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children! Everywhere in the land people will suffer horribly and be punished. 24 Some of them will be killed by swords. Others will be carried off to foreign countries. Jerusalem will be overrun by foreign nations until their time comes to an end.

When the Son of Man Appears

(Matthew 24.29-31; Mark 13.24-27)

25 (B) Strange things will happen to the sun, moon, and stars. The nations on earth will be afraid of the roaring sea and tides, and they won't know what to do. 26 People will be so frightened that they will faint because of what is happening to the world. Every power in the sky will be shaken.[a] 27 (C) Then the Son of Man will be seen, coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When all of this starts happening, stand up straight and be brave. You will soon be set free.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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