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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 93

The Lord Is King

Our Lord, you are King!
Majesty and power
    are your royal robes.
You put the world in place,
    and it will never be moved.
You have always ruled,
    and you are eternal.

The ocean is roaring, Lord!
    The sea is pounding hard.
Its mighty waves are majestic,
but you are even more majestic,
    and you rule over all.
Your decisions are firm,
and your temple will always
    be beautiful and holy.

Psalm 96

Sing a New Song to the Lord

Sing a new song to the Lord!
Everyone on this earth,
    sing praises to the Lord,
    sing and praise his name.

Day after day announce,
    “The Lord has saved us!”
Tell every nation on earth,
“The Lord is wonderful
    and does marvelous things!
The Lord is great and deserves
    our greatest praise!
He is the only God
    worthy of our worship.
Other nations worship idols,
but the Lord created
    the heavens.
Give honor and praise
    to the Lord,
whose power and beauty
    fill his holy temple.”

(A) Tell everyone of every nation,
“Praise the glorious power
    of the Lord.
He is wonderful! Praise him
and bring an offering
    into his temple.
Everyone on earth, now tremble
and worship the Lord,
    majestic and holy.”

10 Announce to the nations,
    “The Lord is King!
The world stands firm,
    never to be shaken,
and he will judge its people
    with fairness.”

11 Tell the heavens and the earth
    to be glad and celebrate!
Command the ocean to roar
    with all its creatures
12 and the fields to rejoice
    with all their crops.
Then every tree in the forest
will sing joyful songs
13     to the Lord.
He is coming to judge
all people on earth
    with fairness and truth.

Psalm 34

(Written by David when he pretended to be crazy in front of Abimelech, so that Abimelech would send him away, and David could leave.)

Honor the Lord

(A) I will always praise the Lord.
With all my heart,
    I will praise the Lord.
Let all who are helpless,
    listen and be glad.
Honor the Lord with me!
    Celebrate his great name.

I asked the Lord for help,
and he saved me
    from all my fears.
Keep your eyes on the Lord!
You will shine like the sun
    and never blush with shame.
I was a nobody, but I prayed,
and the Lord saved me
    from all my troubles.

If you honor the Lord,
    his angel will protect you.
(B) Discover for yourself
    that the Lord is kind.
Come to him for protection,
    and you will be glad.

Honor the Lord!
    You are his special people.
No one who honors the Lord
    will ever be in need.
10 Young lions[a] may go hungry
    or even starve,
but if you trust the Lord,
you will never miss out
    on anything good.

11 Come, my children, listen
as I teach you
    to respect the Lord.
12 (C) Do you want to live
    and enjoy a long life?
13 Then don't say cruel things
    and don't tell lies.
14 Do good instead of evil
    and try to live at peace.

15 If you obey the Lord,
he will watch over you
    and answer your prayers.
16 But God despises evil people,
    and he will wipe them all
from the earth,
    till they are forgotten.
17 When his people pray for help,
he listens and rescues them
    from their troubles.
18 The Lord is there to rescue
    who are discouraged
    and have given up hope.

19 The Lord's people
    may suffer a lot,
but he will always
    bring them safely through.
20 (D) Not one of their bones
    will ever be broken.

21 Wicked people are killed
    by their own evil deeds,
and if you hate God's people
    you will be punished.
22 The Lord saves the lives
    of his servants.
Run to him for protection,
    and you won't be punished.

Error: 'Sirach 46:11-20' not found for the version: Contemporary English Version
Revelation 15

The Last of the Terrible Troubles

15 After this, I looked at the sky and saw something else that was strange and important. Seven angels were bringing the seven last terrible troubles. When these are ended, God will no longer be angry.

Then I saw something that looked like a glass sea mixed with fire, and people were standing on it. They were the ones who had defeated the beast and the idol and the number that tells the name of the beast. God had given them harps, (A) and they were singing the song his servant Moses and the Lamb had sung. They were singing,

“Lord God All-Powerful,
you have done great
    and marvelous things.
You are the ruler
    of all nations,
and you do what is
    right and fair.
(B) Lord, who doesn't honor
    and praise your name?
You alone are holy,
and all nations will come
    and worship you,
because you have shown
that you judge
    with fairness.”

(C) After this, I noticed something else in heaven. The sacred tent used for a temple was open. And the seven angels who were bringing the terrible troubles were coming out of it. They were dressed in robes of pure white linen and wore belts made of pure gold. One of the four living creatures gave each of the seven angels a bowl made of gold. These bowls were filled with the anger of God who lives forever and ever. (D) The temple quickly filled with smoke from the glory and power of God. No one could enter it until the seven angels had finished pouring out the seven last troubles.

Matthew 18:1-14

Who Is the Greatest?

(Mark 9.33-37; Luke 9.46-48)

18 (A) About this time the disciples came to Jesus and asked him who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus called for a child to come over and stand near him. (B) Then he said:

I promise you this. If you don't change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven. But if you are as humble as this child, you are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And when you welcome one of these children because of me, you welcome me.

Temptations To Sin

(Mark 9.42-48; Luke 17.1,2)

It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. Those people would be better off thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their necks! The world is in for trouble because of the way it causes people to sin. There will always be something to cause people to sin, but anyone who does this will be in for trouble.

(C) If your hand or foot causes you to sin, chop it off and throw it away! You would be better off to go into life paralyzed or lame than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into the fire that never goes out. (D) If your eye causes you to sin, poke it out and get rid of it. You would be better off to go into life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fires of hell.

The Lost Sheep

(Luke 15.3-7)

10-11 (E) Don't be cruel to any of these little ones! I promise you their angels are always with my Father in heaven.[a] 12 Let me ask you this. What would you do if you had 100 sheep and one of them wandered off? Wouldn't you leave the 99 on the hillside and go look for the one that had wandered away? 13 I am sure that finding it would make you happier than having the 99 that never wandered off. 14 That's how it is with your Father in heaven. He doesn't want any of these little ones to be lost.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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