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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 50

(A psalm by Asaph.)

What Pleases God

From east to west,
    the powerful Lord God
has been calling together
    everyone on earth.
God shines brightly from Zion,
    the most beautiful city.

Our God approaches,
    but not silently;
a flaming fire comes first,
    and a storm surrounds him.
God comes to judge his people.
He shouts to the heavens
    and to the earth,
“Call my followers together!
They offered me a sacrifice,
    and we made an agreement.”

The heavens announce,
“God is the judge,
    and he is always honest.”

My people, I am God!
    Israel, I am your God.
Listen to my charges
    against you.
Although you offer sacrifices
    and always bring gifts,
I won't accept your offerings
    of bulls and goats.

10 Every animal in the forest
    belongs to me,
and so do the cattle
    on a thousand hills.
11 I know all the birds
    in the mountains,
and every wild creature
    is in my care.

12 If I were hungry,
    I wouldn't tell you,
because I own the world
    and everything in it.
13 I don't eat the meat of bulls
    or drink the blood of goats.
14 I am God Most High!
    The only sacrifice I want
is for you to be thankful
    and to keep your word.
15 Pray to me in time of trouble.
I will rescue you,
    and you will honor me.

16 But to the wicked I say:
    “You don't have the right
to mention my laws or claim
    to keep our agreement!
17 You refused correction
    and rejected my commands.
18 You made friends
    with every crook you met,
and you liked people who break
    their wedding vows.
19 You talked only about violence
    and told nothing but lies;
20 you sat around gossiping,
ruining the reputation
    of your own relatives.”

21 When you did all this,
I didn't say a word,
    and you thought,
“God is just like us!”
    But now I will accuse you.
22 You have ignored me!
    So pay close attention
or I will tear you apart,
    and no one can help you.

23 The sacrifice that honors me
    is a thankful heart.
Obey me,[a] and I, your God,
    will show my power to save.

Psalm 59-60

(For the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.”[a] A special psalm by David when Saul had David's house watched so that he could kill him.)

A Prayer for Protection

(A) Save me, God! Protect me
    from enemy attacks!
Keep me safe from brutal people
    who want to kill me.

Merciless enemies, Lord,
are hiding and plotting,
    hoping to kill me.
I have not hurt them
    in any way at all.
But they are ready to attack.
Do something! Help me!
    Look at what's happening.
Lord God All-Powerful,
    you are the God of Israel.
Punish the other nations
and don't pity those terrible
    and rebellious people.

My enemies return at evening,
growling like dogs
    roaming the city.
They curse, and their words
    cut like swords,
as they say to themselves,
    “No one can hear us!”

You, Lord, laugh at them
    and sneer at the nations.
You are my mighty fortress,
    and I depend on you.
10 You love me and will let me
    see my enemies defeated.
11 Don't kill them,
    or everyone may forget!
Just use your mighty power
to make them tremble
    and fall.

You are a shield
    for your people.
12 My enemies are liars!
So let them be trapped
    by their boastful lies.
13 Get angry and destroy them.
    Leave them in ruin.
Then all the nations will know
    that you rule in Israel.

14 Those liars return at evening,
growling like dogs
    roaming the city.
15 They search for scraps of food,
and they snarl
    until they are stuffed.

16 But I will sing about
    your strength, my God,
and I will celebrate
    because of your love.
You are my fortress,
my place of protection
    in times of trouble.
17 I will sing your praises!
You are my mighty fortress,
    and you love me.

(For the music leader. To the tune “Lily of the Promise.” A special psalm by David for teaching. He wrote it during his wars with the Arameans of northern Syria,[b] when Joab came back and killed twelve thousand Edomites[c] in Salt Valley.)

You Can Depend on God

(B) You, God, are angry with us!
We are rejected and crushed.
    Make us strong again!
You made the earth shake
    and split wide open;
now heal its wounds
    and stop its trembling.
You brought hard times
    on your people,
and you gave us wine
    that made us stagger.

You gave a signal to those
    who worship you,
so they could escape
    from enemy arrows.[d]
Answer our prayers, God!
Use your powerful arm
    and give us victory.
Then the people you love
    will be safe.

Our God, you solemnly promised,
“I would gladly divide up
    the city of Shechem
and give away Succoth Valley
    piece by piece.
The lands of Gilead
    and Manasseh are mine.
Ephraim is my war helmet,
and Judah is the symbol
    of my royal power.
Moab is merely my washbasin.
    Edom belongs to me,
and I shout in triumph
    over the Philistines.”

Our God, who will bring me
to the fortress,
    or lead me to Edom?
10 Have you rejected us
    and deserted our armies?
11 Help us defeat our enemies!
    No one else can rescue us.
12 You will give us victory
    and crush our enemies.

Psalm 8

(A psalm by David for the music leader.[a])

The Wonderful Name of the Lord

Our Lord and Ruler,
your name is wonderful
    everywhere on earth!
You let your glory be seen[b]
    in the heavens above.
(A) With praises from children
and from tiny infants,
    you have built a fortress.
It makes your enemies silent,
and all who turn against you
    are left speechless.

I often think of the heavens
    your hands have made,
and of the moon and stars
    you put in place.
(B) Then I ask, “Why do you care
    about us humans?
Why are you concerned
    for us weaklings?”
(C) You made us a little lower
    than you yourself,[c]
and you have crowned us
    with glory and honor.

(D) You let us rule everything
    your hands have made.
And you put all of it
    under our power—
the sheep and the cattle,
    and every wild animal,
the birds in the sky,
the fish in the sea,
    and all ocean creatures.

Our Lord and Ruler,
your name is wonderful
    everywhere on earth!

Psalm 84

(For the music leader.[a] A psalm by the clan of Korah.)

The Joy of Worship

Lord God All-Powerful,
    your temple is so lovely!
Deep in my heart I long
    for your temple,
and with all that I am
    I sing joyful songs to you.

Lord God All-Powerful,
    my King and my God,
sparrows find a home
    near your altars;
swallows build nests there
    to raise their young.

You bless everyone
who lives in your house,
    and they sing your praises.
You bless all who depend
    on you for their strength
and all who deeply desire
    to visit your temple.
When they reach Dry Valley,[b]
    springs start flowing,
and the autumn rain fills it
    with pools of water.[c]
Your people grow stronger,
and you, the God of gods,
    will be seen in Zion.

Lord God All-Powerful,
the God of Jacob,
    please answer my prayer!
You are the shield
    that protects your people,
and I am your chosen one.
    Won't you smile on me?

10 One day in your temple
is better than a thousand
    anywhere else.
I would rather serve
    in your house,
than live in the homes
    of the wicked.

11 Our Lord and our God,
you are like the sun
    and also like a shield.
You treat us with kindness
    and with honor,
never denying any good thing
    to those who live right.

12 Lord God All-Powerful,
you bless everyone
    who trusts you.

Deuteronomy 16:18-20

Treat Everyone with Justice

Moses said to Israel:

18-19 (A) After you are settled in the towns that you will receive from the Lord your God, the people in each town must appoint judges and other officers. Those of you that become judges must be completely fair when you make legal decisions, even if someone important is involved. Don't take bribes to give unfair decisions. Bribes keep people who are wise from seeing the truth and turn honest people into liars.[a]

20 People of Israel, if you want to enjoy a long and successful life, make sure that everyone is treated with justice in the land the Lord is giving you.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

The King

Moses said:

14 (A) People of Israel, after you capture the land the Lord your God is giving you, and after you settle on it, you will say, “We want a king, just like the nations around us.”

15 Go ahead and appoint a king, but make sure that he is an Israelite and that he is the one the Lord has chosen.

16 (B) The king should not have many horses, especially those from Egypt. The Lord has said never to go back there again. 17 (C) And the king must not have a lot of wives—they might tempt him to be unfaithful to the Lord.[a] Finally, the king must not try to get huge amounts of silver and gold.

18 The official copy of God's laws[b] will be kept by the priests of the Levi tribe. So, as soon as anyone becomes king, he must go to the priests and write out a copy of these laws while they watch. 19 Each day the king must read and obey these laws, so that he will learn to worship the Lord with fear and trembling 20 and not think that he's better than everyone else.

If the king completely obeys the Lord's commands, he and his descendants will rule Israel for many years.

2 Corinthians 8:1-16

Generous Giving

(A) My friends, we want you to know that the churches in Macedonia[a] have shown others God's gift of undeserved grace. Although they were going through hard times and were very poor, they were glad to give generously. They gave as much as they could afford and even more, simply because they wanted to. They even asked and begged us to let them have the joy of giving their money for God's people. And they did more than we had hoped. They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us, just as God wanted them to do.

Titus was the one who got you started doing this good thing, so we begged him to help you finish what you had begun. You do everything better than anyone else. You have stronger faith. You speak better and know more. You are eager to give, and you love us better.[b] Now you must give more generously than anyone else.

I am not ordering you to do this. I am simply testing how real your love is by comparing it with the concern that others have shown. You know our Lord Jesus Christ treated us with undeserved grace by giving up all his riches, so you could become rich.

10 A year ago you were the first ones to give, and you gave because you wanted to. So listen to my advice. 11 I think you should finish what you started. If you give according to what you have, you will prove you are as eager to give as you were to think about giving. 12 It doesn't matter how much you have. What matters is how much you are willing to give from what you have.

13 I am not trying to make life easier for others by making life harder for you. But it is only fair 14 for you to share with them when you have so much, and they have so little. Later, when they have more than enough, and you are in need, they can share with you. Then everyone will have a fair share, 15 (B) just as the Scriptures say,

“Those who gathered
too much
    had nothing left.
Those who gathered
only a little
    had all they needed.”

Titus and His Friends

16 I am grateful that God made Titus care as much about you as we do.

Luke 18:1-8

A Widow and a Judge

18 Jesus told his disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up:

In a town there was once a judge who didn't fear God or care about people. In that same town there was a widow who kept going to the judge and saying, “Make sure that I get fair treatment in court.”

For a while the judge refused to do anything. Finally, he said to himself, “Even though I don't fear God or care about people, I will help this widow because she keeps on bothering me. If I don't help her, she will wear me out.”

The Lord said:

Think about what that crooked judge said. (A) Won't God protect his chosen ones who pray to him day and night? Won't he be concerned for them? He will surely hurry and help them. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find on this earth anyone with faith?

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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