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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 137

A Prayer for Revenge

Beside the rivers of Babylon
we thought about Jerusalem,
    and we sat down and cried.
We hung our small harps
    on the willow[a] trees.
Our enemies had brought us here
    as their prisoners;
now they wanted us to sing
    and entertain them.
They insulted us and shouted,
    “Sing about Zion!”

Here in a foreign land,
how can we sing
    about the Lord?
Jerusalem, if I forget you,
    let my right hand go limp.
Let my tongue stick
    to the roof of my mouth,
if I don't think about you
    above all else.

Our Lord, punish the Edomites!
On the day Jerusalem fell,
    they shouted,
“Completely destroy the city!
    Tear down every building!”

(A) Babylon, you are doomed!
    I pray the Lord's blessings
on anyone who punishes you
    for what you did to us.
May the Lord bless everyone
who beats your children
    against the rocks!

Psalm 144

(By David.)

A Prayer for the Nation

I praise you, Lord!
    You are my mighty rock,[a]
and you teach me
    how to fight my battles.
You are my friend, my fortress,
    where I am safe.
You are my shield,
and you made me the ruler
    of our people.[b]

(A) Why do we humans mean anything
to you, our Lord?
    Why do you care about us?
We disappear like a breath;
we last no longer
    than a faint shadow.

Open the heavens like a curtain
    and come down, Lord.
Touch the mountains
    and make them send up smoke.
Use your lightning as arrows
to scatter my enemies
    and make them run away.
Reach down from heaven
    and set me free.
Save me from the mighty flood
of those lying foreigners
    who never tell the truth.

In praise of you, our God,
I will sing a new song,
    while playing my harp.
10 By your power, kings win wars,
and your servant David is saved
    from deadly swords.
11 Won't you keep me safe
from those lying foreigners
    who never tell the truth?

12 Let's pray that our young sons
    will grow like strong plants
and that our daughters
will be as lovely as columns
    in the corner of a palace.
13 May our barns be filled
    with all kinds of crops.
May our fields be covered
with sheep by the thousands,
14     and every cow have calves.[c]
Don't let our city be captured
    or any of us be taken away,
and don't let cries of sorrow
    be heard in our streets.

15 Our Lord and our God,
you give these blessings
    to all who worship you.

Psalm 104

The Lord Takes Care of His Creation

I praise you, Lord God,
    with all my heart.
You are glorious and majestic,
dressed in royal robes
    and surrounded by light.
You spread out the sky
    like a tent,
and you built your home
    over the mighty ocean.
The clouds are your chariot
    with the wind as its wings.
(A) The winds are your messengers,
and flames of fire
    are your servants.

You built foundations
for the earth, and it
    will never be shaken.
You covered the earth
with the ocean that rose
    above the mountains.
Then your voice thundered!
And the water flowed
    down the mountains
and through the valleys
    to the place you prepared.
Now you have set boundaries,
so that the water will never
    flood the earth again.

10 You provide streams of water
    in the hills and valleys,
11 so that the donkeys
and other wild animals
    can satisfy their thirst.
12 Birds build their nests nearby
    and sing in the trees.
13 From your home above
you send rain on the hills
    and water the earth.
14 You let the earth produce
    grass for cattle,
    plants for our food,
15     wine to cheer us up,
    olive oil for our skin,
    and grain for our health.

16 Our Lord, your trees
    always have water,
and so do the cedars
    you planted in Lebanon.
17 Birds nest in those trees,
and storks make their home
    in the fir trees.
18 Wild goats find a home
    in the tall mountains,
and small animals can hide
    between the rocks.

19 You created the moon
    to tell us the seasons.
The sun knows when to set,
20     and you made the darkness,
so the animals in the forest
    could come out at night.
21 Lions roar as they hunt
    for the food you provide.
22 But when morning comes,
    they return to their dens,
23 then we go out to work
    until the end of day.

24 Our Lord, by your wisdom
    you made so many things;
the whole earth is covered
    with your living creatures.
25 But what about the ocean
    so big and wide?
It is alive with creatures,
    large and small.
26 (B) And there are the ships,
    as well as Leviathan,[a]
the monster you created
    to splash in the sea.

27 All of these depend on you
    to provide them with food,
28 and you feed each one
with your own hand,
    until they are full.
29 But when you turn away,
    they are terrified;
when you end their life,
    they die and rot.
30 You created all of them
    by your Spirit,
and you give new life
    to the earth.

31 Our Lord, we pray
that your glory
    will last forever
and that you will be pleased
    with what you have done.
32 You look at the earth,
    and it trembles.
You touch the mountains,
    and smoke goes up.
33 As long as I live,
I will sing and praise you,
    the Lord God.
34 I hope my thoughts
    will please you,
because you are the one
    who makes me glad.

35 Destroy all wicked sinners
from the earth
    once and for all.
With all my heart
I praise you, Lord!
    I praise you!

Zechariah 14:12-21

12 Here is what the Lord will do to those who attack Jerusalem: While they are standing there, he will make their flesh rot and their eyes fall from their sockets and their tongues drop out. 13 The Lord will make them go into a frenzy and start attacking each other, 14-15 until even the people of Judah turn against those in Jerusalem.[a] This same terrible disaster will also strike every animal nearby, including horses, mules, camels, and donkeys. Finally, everything of value in the surrounding nations will be collected and brought to Jerusalem—gold, silver, and piles of clothing.

16 (A) Afterwards, the survivors from those nations that attacked Jerusalem will go there each year to worship the King, the Lord All-Powerful, and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters. 17 No rain will fall on the land of anyone in any country who refuses to go to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord All-Powerful. 18-19 This horrible disaster will strike the Egyptians and everyone else who refuses to go there for the celebration.

20-21 At that time the words “Dedicated to the Lord” will be engraved on the bells worn by horses. In fact, every ordinary cooking pot in Jerusalem will be just as sacred to the Lord All-Powerful as the bowls used at the altar. Any one of them will be acceptable for boiling the meat of sacrificed animals, and there will no longer be a need to sell special pots and bowls.[b]

Philippians 2:1-11

True Humility

Christ encourages you, and his love comforts you. God's Spirit unites you, and you are concerned for others. Now make me completely happy! Live in harmony by showing love for each other. Be united in what you think, as if you were only one person. Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. Care about them as much as you care about yourselves and think the same way that Christ Jesus thought:[a]

Christ was truly God.
But he did not try to remain[b]
    equal with God.
Instead he gave up everything[c]
    and became a slave,
when he became
    like one of us.

Christ was humble.
He obeyed God and even died
    on a cross.
Then God gave Christ
    the highest place
and honored his name
    above all others.

10 (A) So at the name of Jesus
    everyone will bow down,
those in heaven, on earth,
    and under the earth.
11 And to the glory
    of God the Father
everyone will openly agree,
    “Jesus Christ is Lord!”

Luke 19:41-48

41 When Jesus came closer and could see Jerusalem, he cried 42 and said:

It is too bad that today your people don't know what will bring them peace! Now it is hidden from them. 43 Jerusalem, the time will come when your enemies will build walls around you to attack you. Armies will surround you and close in on you from every side. 44 They will level you to the ground and kill your people. Not one stone in your buildings will be left on top of another. This will happen because you did not see that God had come to save you.[a]

Jesus in the Temple

(Matthew 21.12-17; Mark 11.15-19; John 2.13-22)

45 When Jesus entered the temple, he started chasing out the people who were selling things. 46 (A) He told them, “The Scriptures say, ‘My house should be a place of worship.’ But you have made it a place where robbers hide!”

47 (B) Each day, Jesus kept on teaching in the temple. So the chief priests, the teachers of the Law of Moses, and some other important people tried to have him killed. 48 But they could not find a way to do it, because everyone else was eager to listen to him.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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