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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 131-135

(A song by David for worship.)

Trust the Lord!

I am not conceited, Lord,
and I don't waste my time
    on impossible schemes.
But I have learned to feel safe
    and satisfied,
like a young child
    in its mother's arms.

People of Israel,
you must trust the Lord
    now and forever.

(A song for worship.)

The Lord Is Always with His People

Our Lord, don't forget David
    and how he suffered.
Mighty God of Jacob,
    remember how he promised:
“I won't go home
or crawl into bed
    or close my eyelids,
until I find a home for you,
the mighty Lord God of Jacob.”

(A) When we were in Ephrath,
we heard that the sacred chest
    was somewhere near Jaar.
Then we said, “Let's go
to the throne of the Lord
    and worship at his feet.”

Come to your new home, Lord,
you and the sacred chest
    with all its power.
Let victory be like robes
    for the priests;
let your faithful people
    celebrate and shout.
10 David is your chosen one,
    so don't reject him.
11 (B) You made a solemn promise
    to David, when you said,
“I, the Lord, promise
that someone in your family
    will always be king.
12 If they keep our agreement
    and follow my teachings,
then someone in your family
    will rule forever.”

13 You have gladly chosen Zion
    as your home, our Lord.
14 You said, “This is my home!
    I will live here forever.
15 I will bless Zion with food,
and even the poor will eat
    until they are full.
16 Victory will be like robes
    for the priests,
and its faithful people
    will celebrate and shout.
17 (C) I will give mighty power
    to the kingdom of David.
Each of my chosen kings
will shine like a lamp
18     and wear a sparkling crown.
But I will disgrace
    their enemies.”

(A song for worship.)

Living Together in Peace

It is truly wonderful
when the people of God
    live together in peace.
It is as beautiful as olive oil
    poured on Aaron's head[a]
and running down his beard
    and the collar of his robe.
It is like the dew
from Mount Hermon,
    falling on Zion's mountains,
where the Lord has promised
to bless his people
    with life forevermore.

(A song for worship.)

Praising the Lord at Night

Everyone who serves the Lord,
    come and offer praises.
Everyone who has gathered
    in his temple tonight,
lift your hands in prayer
toward his holy place
    and praise the Lord.

The Lord is the Creator
    of heaven and earth,
and I pray that the Lord
    will bless you from Zion.

In Praise of the Lord's Kindness

Shout praises to the Lord!
You are his servants,
    so praise his name.
All who serve in the temple
of the Lord our God,
    come and shout praises.
Praise the name of the Lord!
    He is kind and good.
He chose the family of Jacob
and the people of Israel
    for his very own.

The Lord is much greater
    than any other god.
He does as he chooses
in heaven and on earth
    and deep in the sea.
The Lord makes the clouds rise
    from far across the earth,
and he makes lightning
    to go with the rain.
Then from his secret place
    he sends out the wind.

The Lord killed the first-born
of people and animals
    in the land of Egypt.
God used miracles and wonders
to fight the king of Egypt
    and all of his officials.
10 He destroyed many nations
    and killed powerful kings,
11 including King Sihon
of the Amorites
    and King Og of Bashan.
He conquered every kingdom
    in the land of Canaan
12 and gave their property
    to his people Israel.

13 The name of the Lord
    will be remembered forever,
and he will be famous
    for all time to come.
14 The Lord will bring justice
and show mercy to all
    who serve him.

15 (D) Idols of silver and gold
are made and worshiped
    in other nations.
16 They have a mouth and eyes,
    but they can't speak or see.
17 They are completely deaf,
    and they can't breathe.
18 Everyone who makes idols
    and all who trust them
will end up as helpless
    as their idols.

19 Everyone in Israel,
    come praise the Lord!
All the family of Aaron
20 and all the tribe of Levi,[b]
    come praise the Lord!
All of his worshipers,
    come praise the Lord.
21 Praise the Lord from Zion!
He lives here in Jerusalem.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Zechariah 13

Getting Rid of Idols and False Prophets

13 In the future there will be a fountain, where David's descendants and the people of Jerusalem can wash away their sin and guilt.

The Lord All-Powerful says:

When that time comes, I will get rid of every idol in the country, and they will be forgotten forever. I will also do away with their prophets and those evil spirits that control them. If any such prophets ever appear again, their own parents must warn them that they will die for telling lies in my name—the name of the Lord. If those prophets don't stop speaking, their parents must then kill them with a sword.

Those prophets will be ashamed of their so-called visions, and they won't deceive anyone by dressing like a true prophet. Instead, they will say, “I'm no prophet. I've been a farmer all my life.”[a]

And if any of them are asked why they are wounded,[b] they will answer, “It happened at the house of some friends.”

A Wounded Shepherd and Scattered Sheep

(A) The Lord All-Powerful said:

My sword, wake up! Attack
    my shepherd and friend.
Strike down the shepherd!
Scatter the little sheep,
    and I will destroy them.
Nowhere in the land
will more than a third of them
    be left alive.
Then I will purify them
    and put them to the test,
just as gold and silver
    are purified and tested.
They will pray in my name,
    and I will answer them.
I will say, “You are my people,”
and they will reply,
    “You, Lord, are our God!”

Ephesians 1:15-23

Paul's Prayer

15 I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people. 16 So I never stop being grateful for you, as I mention you in my prayers. 17 I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God. 18 My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and you will understand the hope given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all God's people.

19 I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used 20 (A) when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side[a] in heaven. 21 There Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. 22 (B)(C) God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything. 23 The church is the body of Christ and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything.[b]

Luke 19:11-27

A Story about Ten Servants

(Matthew 25.14-30)

11 (A) The crowd was still listening to Jesus as he was getting close to Jerusalem. Many of them thought that God's kingdom would soon appear, 12 and Jesus told them this story:

A prince once went to a foreign country to be crowned king and then to return. 13 But before leaving, he called in ten servants and gave each of them some money. He told them, “Use this to earn more money until I get back.”

14 But the people of his country hated him, and they sent messengers to the foreign country to say, “We don't want this man to be our king.”

15 After the prince had been made king, he returned and called in his servants. He asked them how much they had earned with the money they had been given.

16 The first servant came and said, “Sir, with the money you gave me I have earned ten times as much.”

17 “That's fine, my good servant!” the king said. “Since you have shown that you can be trusted with a small amount, you will be given ten cities to rule.”

18 The second one came and said, “Sir, with the money you gave me, I have earned five times as much.”

19 The king said, “You will be given five cities.”

20 Another servant came and said, “Sir, here is your money. I kept it safe in a handkerchief. 21 You are a hard man, and I was afraid of you. You take what isn't yours, and you harvest crops you didn't plant.”

22 “You worthless servant!” the king told him. “You have condemned yourself by what you have just said. You knew I am a hard man, taking what isn't mine and harvesting what I've not planted. 23 Why didn't you put my money in the bank? On my return, I could have had the money together with interest.”

24 Then he said to some other servants standing there, “Take the money away from him and give it to the servant who earned ten times as much.”

25 But they said, “Sir, he already has ten times as much!”

26 (B) The king replied, “Those who have something will be given more. But everything will be taken away from those who don't have anything. 27 Now bring me the enemies who didn't want me to be their king. Kill them while I watch!”

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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