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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 97

The Lord Brings Justice

The Lord is King!
Tell the earth to celebrate
    and all islands to shout.
Dark clouds surround him,
and his throne is supported
    by justice and fairness.
Fire leaps from his throne,
    destroying his enemies,
and his lightning is so bright
that the earth sees it
    and trembles.
Mountains melt away like wax
in the presence of the Lord
    of all the earth.

The heavens announce,
“The Lord brings justice!”
    Everyone sees God's glory.
Those who brag about
the useless idols they worship
    are terribly ashamed,
and all the false gods
    bow down to the Lord.

When the people of Zion
    and of the towns of Judah
hear that God brings justice,
    they will celebrate.
The Lord rules the whole earth,
and he is more glorious
    than all the false gods.

10 Love the Lord
    and hate evil!
God protects his loyal people
and rescues them
    from violence.
11 If you obey and do right,
a light will show you the way
    and fill you with happiness.
12 You are the Lord's people!
So celebrate and praise
    the only God.

Psalm 99-100

Our Lord Is King

(A) Our Lord, you are King!
    You rule from your throne
above the winged creatures,[a]
    as people tremble
    and the earth shakes.
You are praised in Zion,
    and you control all nations.
Only you are God!
    And your power alone,
so great and fearsome,
    is worthy of praise.
You are our mighty King,[b]
    a lover of fairness,
who sees that justice is done
    everywhere in Israel.
Our Lord and our God,
    we praise you
and kneel down to worship you,
    the God of holiness!

Moses and Aaron were two
    of your priests.
Samuel was also one of those
    who prayed in your name,
and you, our Lord,
    answered their prayers.
(B) You spoke to them
from a thick cloud,
    and they obeyed your laws.

Our Lord and our God,
you answered their prayers
    and forgave their sins,
but when they did wrong,
    you punished them.
We praise you, Lord God,
    and we worship you
at your sacred mountain.
    Only you are God!

(A psalm of praise.)

The Lord Is God

Shout praises to the Lord,
    everyone on this earth.
Be joyful and sing
as you come in
    to worship the Lord!

You know the Lord is God!
He created us,
    and we belong to him;
we are his people,
    the sheep in his pasture.

Be thankful and praise the Lord
    as you enter his temple.
(C) The Lord is good!
His love and faithfulness
    will last forever.

Psalm 94-95

The Lord Punishes the Guilty

Lord God, you punish
    the guilty.
Show what you are like
    and punish them now.
You judge the earth.
    Come and help us!
Pay back those proud people
    for what they have done.
How long will the wicked
    celebrate and be glad?

All of those cruel people
    strut and boast,
and they crush and wound
    your chosen nation, Lord.
They murder widows,
    foreigners, and orphans.
Then they say,
“The Lord God of Jacob
    doesn't see or know.”

Can't you fools see?
    Won't you ever learn?
God gave us ears and eyes!
    Can't he hear and see?
10 God instructs the nations
and gives knowledge to us all.
    Won't he also correct us?
11 (A) The Lord knows how useless
    our plans really are.

12 Our Lord, you bless everyone
that you instruct and teach
    by using your Law.
13 You give them rest
    from their troubles,
until a pit can be dug
    for the wicked.
14 You won't turn your back
    on your chosen nation.
15 Justice and fairness
    will go hand in hand,
and all who do right
    will follow along.

16 Who will stand up for me
    against those cruel people?
17 If you had not helped me, Lord,
I would soon have gone
    to the land of silence.[a]
18 When I felt my feet slipping,
you came with your love
    and kept me steady.
19 And when I was burdened
    with worries,
you comforted me
    and made me feel secure.
20 But you are opposed
    to dishonest lawmakers
21 who gang up to murder
    innocent victims.

22 You, Lord God, are my fortress,
that mighty rock[b]
    where I am safe.
23 You will pay back my enemies,
and you will wipe them out
    for the evil they did.

Worship and Obey the Lord

Sing joyful songs to the Lord!
Praise the mighty rock[c]
    where we are safe.
Come to worship him
with thankful hearts
    and songs of praise.

The Lord is the greatest God,
    king over all other gods.
He holds the deepest part
    of the earth in his hands,
and the mountain peaks
    also belong to him.
The ocean is the Lord's
    because he made it,
and with his own hands
    he formed the dry land.

Bow down and worship
    the Lord our Creator!
(B)(C) The Lord is our God,
    and we are his people,
the sheep he takes care of
    in his own pasture.

Listen to God's voice today!
(D) Don't be stubborn and rebel
    as your ancestors did
at Meribah and Massah[d]
    out in the desert.
For forty years
they tested God and saw
    the things he did.
10 Then God got tired of them
    and said,
“You never show good sense,
and you don't understand
    what I want you to do.”
11 (E) In his anger, God told them,
“You people will never enter
    my place of rest.”

Habakkuk 3:1-18

Habakkuk's Prayer

This is my prayer:[a]
    I know your reputation, Lord,
and I am amazed
    at what you have done.
Please turn from your anger
    and be merciful;
do for us what you did
    for our ancestors.

You are the same Holy God
who came from Teman
    and Paran[b] to help us.
The brightness of your glory
    covered the heavens,
and your praises were heard
    everywhere on earth.
Your glory shone like the sun,
and light flashed from your hands,
    hiding your mighty power.
Dreadful diseases and plagues
marched in front
    and followed behind.
When you stopped,
    the earth shook;
when you stared,
    nations trembled;
when you walked
    along your ancient paths,
eternal mountains and hills
    crumbled and collapsed.
The tents of desert tribes
in Cushan and Midian[c]
    were ripped apart.

Our Lord, were you angry
with the monsters
    of the deep?[d]
You attacked in your chariot
    and wiped them out.
Your arrows were ready
    and obeyed your commands.[e]

You split the earth apart
    with rivers and streams;
10 mountains trembled
    at the sight of you;
rain poured from the clouds;
    ocean waves roared and rose.
11 The sun and moon stood still,
while your arrows and spears
    flashed like lightning.

12 In your furious anger,
    you trampled on nations
13 to rescue your people
    and save your chosen one.[f]
You crushed a nation's ruler
and stripped his evil kingdom
    of its power.[g]
14 His troops had come like a storm,
hoping to scatter us
    and glad to gobble us up.
To them we were refugees
    in hiding—
but you smashed their heads
    with their own weapons.[h]
15 Then your chariots churned
    the waters of the sea.

Habakkuk's Response to God's Message

16 When I heard this message,[i]
I felt weak from fear,
    and my lips quivered.
My bones seemed to melt,
    and I stumbled around.
But I will patiently wait.
Someday those vicious enemies
    will be struck by disaster.[j]

Trust in a Time of Trouble

17 Fig trees may no longer bloom,
    or vineyards produce grapes;
olive trees may be fruitless,
    and harvest time a failure;
sheep pens may be empty,
    and cattle stalls vacant—
18 but I will still celebrate
because the Lord God
    is my Savior.

James 3:1-12

The Tongue

My friends, we should not all try to become teachers. In fact, teachers will be judged more strictly than others. (A) All of us do many wrong things. But if you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body.

By putting a bit into the mouth of a horse, we can turn the horse in different directions. It takes strong winds to move a large sailing ship, but the captain uses only a small rudder to make it go in any direction. Our tongues are small too, and yet they brag about big things.

It takes only a spark to start a forest fire! (B) The tongue is like a spark. It is an evil power that dirties the rest of the body and sets a person's entire life on fire with flames that come from hell itself. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and sea creatures can be tamed and have been tamed. But our tongues get out of control. They are restless and evil, and always spreading deadly poison.

9-10 (C) My dear friends, with our tongues we speak both praises and curses. We praise our Lord and Father, and we curse people who were created to be like God, and this isn't right. 11 Can clean water and dirty water both flow from the same spring? 12 Can a fig tree produce olives or a grapevine produce figs? Does fresh water come from a well full of salt water?

Luke 17:1-10

Faith and Service

(Matthew 18.6,7,21,22; Mark 9.42)

17 Jesus said to his disciples:

There will always be something that causes people to sin. But anyone who causes them to sin is in for trouble. A person who causes even one of my little followers to sin would be better off thrown into the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their neck. (A) So be careful what you do.

Correct any followers[a] of mine who sin, and forgive the ones who say they are sorry. Even if one of them mistreats you seven times in one day and says, “I am sorry,” you should still forgive that person.

The apostles said to the Lord, “Make our faith stronger!”

Jesus replied:

If you had faith no bigger than a tiny mustard seed, you could tell this mulberry tree to pull itself up, roots and all, and to plant itself in the ocean. And it would!

If your servant comes in from plowing or from taking care of the sheep, would you say, “Welcome! Come on in and have something to eat”? No, you wouldn't say that. You would say, “Prepare me something to eat. Get ready to serve me, so I can have my meal. Then later on you can eat and drink.” Servants don't deserve special thanks for doing what they are supposed to do. 10 And that's how it should be with you. When you've done all you should, then say, “We are merely servants, and we have simply done our duty.”

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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