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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 89

(A special psalm by Ethan the Ezrahite.)

The Lord's Agreement with David

(A) Our Lord, I will sing
    of your love forever.
Everyone yet to be born
will hear me praise
    your faithfulness.
I will tell them, “God's love
    can always be trusted,
and his faithfulness lasts
    as long as the heavens.”

You said, “David, my servant,
    is my chosen one,
and this is the agreement
    I made with him:
(B) David, one of your descendants
    will always be king.”

Our Lord, let the heavens
    now praise your miracles,
and let all your angels
    praise your faithfulness.

None who live in the heavens
    can compare with you.
You are the most fearsome
    of all who live in heaven;
all the others fear
    and greatly honor you.
You are Lord God All-Powerful!
No one is as loving
    and faithful as you are.
You rule the roaring sea
    and calm its waves.
10 You crushed the monster Rahab,[a]
and with your powerful arm
    you scattered your enemies.
11 The heavens and the earth
    belong to you.
And so does the world
    with all its people
because you created them
12     and everything else.[b]

Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon
    gladly praise you.
13 You are strong and mighty!
14 Your kingdom is ruled
    by justice and fairness
with love and faithfulness
    leading the way.

15 Our Lord, you bless those
    who join in the festival
and walk in the brightness
    of your presence.
16 We are happy all day
    because of you,
and your saving power
    brings honor to us.
17 Your own glorious power
    makes us strong,
and because of your kindness,
    our strength increases.
18 Our Lord and our King,
the Holy One of Israel,
    you are truly our shield.

19 In a vision, you once said
    to your faithful followers:
“I have helped a mighty hero.
I chose him from my people
    and made him famous.
20 (C) David, my servant, is the one
    I chose to be king,
21 and I will always be there
    to help and strengthen him.

22 “No enemy will outsmart David,
and he won't be defeated
    by any hateful people.
23 I will strike down and crush
    his troublesome enemies.
24 He will always be able
    to depend on my love,
and I will make him strong
    with my own power.
25 I will let him rule the lands
    across the rivers and seas.
26 He will say to me,
‘You are my Father
    and my God,
as well as the mighty rock[c]
    where I am safe.’

27 (D) “I have chosen David
    as my first-born son,
and he will be the ruler
    of all kings on earth.
28 My love for him will last,
and my agreement with him
    will never be broken.

29 “One of David's descendants
    will always be king,
and his family will rule
    until the sky disappears.
30 Suppose some of his children
should reject my Law
    and refuse my instructions.
31 Or suppose they should disobey
    all of my teachings.
32 Then I will correct
and punish them
    because of their sins.
33 But I will always love David
and faithfully keep all
    of my promises to him.

34 “I won't break my agreement
    or go back on my word.
35 I have sworn once and for all
by my own holy name,
    and I won't lie to David.
36 His family will always rule.
    I will let his kingdom last
as long as the sun 37 and moon
    appear in the sky.”

38 You are now angry, Lord,
and you have turned your back
    on your chosen king.
39 You broke off your agreement
    with your servant, the king,
and you completely destroyed
    his kingdom.
40 The walls of his city
    have been broken through,
and every fortress
    now lies in ruins.
41 All who pass by
    take what they want,
and nations everywhere
    joke about the king.

42 You made his enemies powerful
    and let them celebrate.
43 But you forced him to retreat
because you did not fight
    on his side.
44 You took his crown[d]
and threw his throne
    in the dirt.
45 You made an old man of him
    and put him to shame.

46 How much longer, Lord?
    Will you hide forever?
How long will your anger
    keep burning like fire?
47 Remember, life is short![e]
Why did you empty our lives
    of all meaning?
48 No one can escape the power
    of death and the grave.

49 Our Lord, where is the love
    you have always shown
and that you promised
    so faithfully to David?
50 Remember your servant, Lord!
People make jokes about me,
    and I suffer many insults.
51 I am your chosen one,
but your enemies chase
    and make fun of me.

52 Our Lord, we praise you
    forever. Amen and amen.

Hosea 2:14-23

The Lord Will Help Israel

14 Israel, I, the Lord,
will lure you into the desert
    and speak gently to you.
15 (A) I will return your vineyards,
and then Trouble Valley[a]
    will become Hopeful Valley.
You will say “Yes” to me
as you did in your youth,
    when leaving Egypt.

16 I promise from that day on, you will call me your husband instead of your master.[b] 17 I will no longer even let you mention the names of those pagan gods that you called “Master.” 18 And I will agree to let you live in peace—you will no longer be attacked by wild animals and birds or by weapons of war. 19 I will accept you as my wife forever, and instead of a bride price[c] I will give you justice, fairness, love, kindness, 20 and faithfulness. Then you will truly know who I am.

21 I will command the sky to send rain on the earth, 22 and it will produce grain, grapes, and olives in Jezreel Valley. 23 (B) I will scatter the seeds and show mercy to Lo-Ruhamah.[d] I will say to Lo-Ammi,[e] “You are my people,” and they will answer, “You are our God.”

Acts 20:17-38

Paul Says Goodbye to the Church Leaders of Ephesus

17 From Miletus, Paul sent a message for the church leaders at Ephesus to come and meet with him. 18 When they got there, he said:

You know everything I did during the time I was with you when I first came to Asia. 19 Some of the Jews plotted against me and caused me a lot of sorrow and trouble. But I served the Lord and was humble. 20 When I preached in public or taught in your homes, I didn't hold back from telling anything that would help you. 21 I told Jews and Gentiles to turn to God and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

22 I don't know what will happen to me in Jerusalem, but I must obey God's Spirit and go there. 23 In every city I visit, I am told by the Holy Spirit that I will be put in jail and will be in trouble in Jerusalem. 24 (A) But I don't care what happens to me, as long as I finish the work the Lord Jesus gave me to do. And this work is to tell the good news about God's gift of undeserved grace.

25 I have gone from place to place, preaching to you about God's kingdom, but now I know that none of you will ever see me again. 26 I tell you today I am no longer responsible for any of you! 27 I have told you everything God wants you to know. 28 Look after yourselves and everyone the Holy Spirit has placed in your care. Be like shepherds to God's church. It is the flock he bought with the blood of his own Son.[a]

29 I know that after I am gone, others will come like fierce wolves to attack you. 30 Some of your own people will tell lies to win over the Lord's followers. 31 Be on your guard! Remember how day and night for three years I kept warning you with tears in my eyes.

32 I now place you in God's care. Remember the message about his gift of undeserved grace! This message can help you and give you what belongs to you as God's people. 33 I have never wanted anyone's money or clothes. 34 You know how I have worked with my own hands to make a living for myself and my friends. 35 By everything I did, I showed how you should work to help everyone who is weak. Remember that our Lord Jesus said, “More blessings come from giving than from receiving.”

36 After Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. 37 Everyone cried and hugged and kissed him. 38 They were especially sad because Paul had told them, “You will never see me again.”

Then they went with him to the ship.

Luke 5:1-11

Jesus Chooses His First Disciples

(Matthew 4.18-22; Mark 1.16-20)

(A) Jesus was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret,[a] teaching the people as they crowded around him to hear God's message. Near the shore he saw two boats left there by some fishermen who had gone to wash their nets. Jesus got into the boat that belonged to Simon and asked him to row it out a little way from the shore. Then Jesus sat down[b] in the boat to teach the crowd.

When Jesus had finished speaking, he told Simon, “Row the boat out into the deep water and let your nets down to catch some fish.”

(B) “Master,” Simon answered, “we have worked hard all night long and have not caught a thing. But if you tell me to, I will let the nets down.” (C) They did this and caught so many fish that their nets began ripping apart. Then they signaled for their partners in the other boat to come and help them. The men came, and together they filled the two boats so full that they both began to sink.

When Simon Peter saw this happen, he knelt down in front of Jesus and said, “Lord, don't come near me! I am a sinner.” Peter and everyone with him were completely surprised at all the fish they had caught. 10 His partners James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were surprised too.

Jesus told Simon, “Don't be afraid! From now on you will bring in people instead of fish.” 11 The men pulled their boats up on the shore. Then they left everything and went with Jesus.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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