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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 55

(A special psalm by David for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)

Betrayed by a Friend

Listen, God, to my prayer!
    Don't reject my request.
Please listen and help me.
My thoughts are troubled,
    and I keep groaning
because my enemies attack
    with loud shouts.
They treat me terribly
    and hold angry grudges.
My heart is racing fast,
    and I am afraid of dying.
I am trembling with fear,
    completely terrified.

I wish I had wings
    like a dove,
so I could fly far away
    and be at peace.
I would go and live
    in some distant desert.
I would quickly find shelter
from howling winds
    and raging storms.

Confuse my enemies, Lord!
    Upset their plans.
Cruelty and violence
    are all I see in the city,
10 and they are like guards
    on patrol day and night.
The city is full of trouble,
evil, 11     and corruption.
Troublemakers and liars
    freely roam the streets.

12 My enemies are not the ones
    who sneer and make fun.
I could put up with that
    or even hide from them.
13 But it was my closest friend,
    the one I trusted most.
14 We enjoyed being together,
when we went with others
    to your house, our God.

15 All who hate me are controlled
    by the power of evil.
Sentence them to death
and send them down alive
    to the world of the dead.

16 I ask for your help, Lord God,
    and you will keep me safe.
17 Morning, noon, and night
you hear my concerns
    and my complaints.
18 I am attacked from all sides,
but you will rescue me
    unharmed by the battle.
19 You have always ruled,
    and you will hear me.
You will defeat my enemies
because they won't turn
    and worship you.

20 My friend turned against me
    and broke his promise.
21 His words were smoother
than butter, and softer
    than olive oil.
But hatred filled his heart,
and he was ready to attack
    with a sword.

22 Our Lord, we belong to you.
We tell you what worries us,
    and you won't let us fall.
23 But what about those people
    who are cruel and brutal?
You will throw them down
    into the deepest pit
long before their time.
    I trust you, Lord!

Psalm 138:1-139:23

(By David.)

Praise the Lord with All Your Heart

With all my heart
    I praise you, Lord.
In the presence of angels[a]
    I sing your praises.
I worship at your holy temple
and praise you for your love
    and your faithfulness.
You were true to your word
and made yourself more famous
    than ever before.[b]
When I asked for your help,
you answered my prayer
    and gave me courage.[c]

All kings on this earth
have heard your promises, Lord,
    and they will praise you.
You are so famous
that they will sing about
    the things you have done.
Though you are above us all,
    you care for humble people,
and you keep a close watch
    on everyone who is proud.

I am surrounded by trouble,
but you protect me
    against my angry enemies.
With your own powerful arm
    you keep me safe.

You, Lord, will always
treat me with kindness.
    Your love never fails.
You have made us what we are.
    Don't give up on us now![d]

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

The Lord Is Always Near

You have looked deep
into my heart, Lord,
    and you know all about me.
You know when I am resting
    or when I am working,
and from heaven
    you discover my thoughts.

You notice everything I do
    and everywhere I go.
Before I even speak a word,
    you know what I will say,
and with your powerful arm
you protect me
    from every side.
I can't understand all of this!
Such wonderful knowledge
    is far above me.

Where could I go to escape
from your Spirit
    or from your sight?
If I were to climb up
to the highest heavens,
    you would be there.
If I were to dig down
to the world of the dead
    you would also be there.

Suppose I had wings
like the dawning day
    and flew across the ocean.
10 Even then your powerful arm
    would guide and protect me.
11 Or suppose I said, “I'll hide
in the dark until night comes
    to cover me over.”
12 But you see in the dark
because daylight and dark
    are all the same to you.

13 You are the one
who put me together
    inside my mother's body,
14 and I praise you because of
the wonderful way
    you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous!
    Of this I have no doubt.

15 Nothing about me
    is hidden from you!
I was secretly woven together
    out of human sight,
16 but with your own eyes you saw
    my body being formed.
Even before I was born,
you had written in your book
    everything about me.

17 (A) Your thoughts are far beyond
    my understanding,
much more than I
    could ever imagine.
18 I try to count your thoughts,
but they outnumber the grains
    of sand on the beach.
And when I awake,
    I will find you nearby.

19 How I wish that you would kill
all cruel and heartless people
    and protect me from them!
20 They are always rebelling
    and speaking evil of you.[e]
21 You know I hate anyone
who hates you, Lord,
    and refuses to obey.
22 They are my enemies too,
    and I truly hate them.

23 Look deep into my heart, God,
and find out everything
    I am thinking.

Job 38:1-17

The Lord Speaks

From Out of a Storm

38 From out of a storm,
    the Lord said to Job:
Why do you talk so much
    when you know so little?
Now get ready to face me!
Can you answer
    the questions I ask?
How did I lay the foundation
for the earth?
    Were you there?
Doubtless you know who decided
    its length and width.
What supports the foundation?
Who placed the cornerstone,
    (A) while morning stars sang,
    and angels rejoiced?

(B) When the ocean was born,
    I set its boundaries
and wrapped it in blankets
    of thickest fog.
10 Then I built a wall around it,
locked the gates, 11     and said,
“Your powerful waves stop here!
    They can go no farther.”

Did You Ever Tell the Sun To Rise?

12 Did you ever tell the sun to rise?
    And did it obey?
13 Did it take hold of the earth
and shake out the wicked
    like dust from a rug?
14 Early dawn outlines the hills
like stitches on clothing
    or sketches on clay.
15 But its light is too much
for those who are evil,
    and their power is broken.

16 Job, have you ever walked
    on the ocean floor?
17 Have you seen the gate
    to the world of the dead?

Acts 15:22-35

A Letter to Gentiles Who Had Faith in the Lord

22 The apostles, the leaders, and all the church members decided to send some men to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Silas and Judas Barsabbas,[a] who were two leaders of the Lord's followers. 23 They wrote a letter that said:

We apostles and leaders send friendly greetings to all of you Gentiles who are followers of the Lord in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia.

24 We have heard that some people from here have terribly upset you by what they said. But we did not send them! 25 So we met together and decided to choose some men and to send them to you along with our good friends Barnabas and Paul. 26 These men have risked their lives for our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are also sending Judas and Silas, who will tell you in person the same things that we are writing.

28 The Holy Spirit has shown us that we should not place any extra burden on you. 29 (A) But you should not eat anything offered to idols. You should not eat any meat that still has the blood in it or any meat of any animal that has been strangled. You must also not commit any terrible sexual sins. If you follow these instructions, you will do well.

We send our best wishes.

30 The four men left Jerusalem and went to Antioch. Then they called the church members together and gave them the letter. 31 When the letter was read, everyone was pleased and greatly encouraged. 32 Judas and Silas were prophets, and they spoke a long time, encouraging and helping the Lord's followers.

33 The men from Jerusalem stayed on in Antioch for a while. And when they left to return to the ones who had sent them, the followers wished them well. 34-35 But Paul and Barnabas stayed on in Antioch, where they and many others taught and preached about the Lord.[b]

John 11:45-54

The Plot To Kill Jesus

(Matthew 26.1-5; Mark 14.1,2; Luke 22.1,2)

45 Many of the people who had come to visit Mary saw the things Jesus did, and they put their faith in him. 46 Others went to the Pharisees and told what Jesus had done. 47 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called the council together and said, “What should we do? This man is working a lot of miracles.[a] 48 If we don't stop him now, everyone will put their faith in him. Then the Romans will come and destroy our temple and our nation.”[b]

49 One of the council members was Caiaphas, who was also high priest that year. He spoke up and said, “You people don't have any sense at all! 50 Don't you know it is better for one person to die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed?” 51 Caiaphas did not say this on his own. As high priest that year, he was prophesying that Jesus would die for the nation. 52 Yet Jesus would not die just for the Jewish nation. He would die to bring together all of God's scattered people. 53 From that day on, the council started making plans to put Jesus to death.

54 Because of this plot against him, Jesus stopped going around in public. He went to the town of Ephraim, which was near the desert, and he stayed there with his disciples.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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