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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 56-58

(For the music leader. To the tune “A Silent Dove in the Distance.”[a] A special psalm by David when the Philistines captured him in Gath.)

A Prayer of Trust in God

(A) Have pity, God Most High!
    My enemies chase me all day.
Many of them are pursuing
    and attacking me,
but even when I am afraid,
    I keep on trusting you.
I praise your promises!
I trust you and am not afraid.
    No one can harm me.

Enemies spend the whole day
    finding fault with me;
all they think about
    is how to do me harm.
They attack from ambush,
watching my every step
    and hoping to kill me.
They won't get away[b]
    with these crimes, God,
because when you get angry,
    you destroy people.

You have kept record
    of my days of wandering.
You have stored my tears
in your bottle
    and counted each of them.

When I pray, Lord God,
    my enemies will retreat,
because I know for certain
    that you are with me.
10 I praise your promises!
11 I trust you and am not afraid.
    No one can harm me.

12 I will keep my promises
to you, my God,
    and bring you gifts.
13 You protected me from death
    and kept me from stumbling,
so that I would please you
and follow the light
    that leads to life.

(For the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.”[c] A special psalm by David when he was in the cave while running from Saul.)

Praise and Trust in Times of Trouble

(B) God Most High, have pity on me!
Have mercy. I run to you
    for safety.
In the shadow of your wings,
I seek protection
    till danger dies down.
I pray to you, my protector.
You will send help from heaven
    and save me,
but you will bring trouble
    on my attackers.
You are faithful,
    and you can be trusted.

My enemies are fierce,
    much worse than lions!
They have spears and arrows
    instead of teeth,
and they have sharp swords
    instead of tongues.

May you, my God, be honored
    above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
    everywhere on earth.

(C) Enemies set traps for my feet
    and struck me down.
They dug a pit in my path,
    but fell in it themselves.
I am faithful to you,
    and you can trust me.
I will sing and play music
    for you, my God.
I feel wide awake!
I will wake up my harp
    and wake up the sun.
I will praise you, Lord,
    for everyone to hear,
and I will sing hymns to you
    in every nation.
10 Your love reaches higher
    than the heavens;
your loyalty extends
    beyond the clouds.

11 May you, my God, be honored
    above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
    everywhere on earth.

(A special psalm by David for the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.”[d])

A Prayer When All Goes Wrong

Do you mighty people[e] talk
only to oppose justice?[f]
    Don't you ever judge fairly?
You are always planning evil,
    and you are brutal.
You have done wrong and lied
    from the day you were born.
Your words spread poison
    like the bite of a cobra
that refuses to listen
    to the snake charmer.

My enemies are fierce
    as lions, Lord God!
Shatter their teeth.
    Snatch out their fangs.
Make them disappear
like leaking water,
    and make their arrows miss.
Let them dry up like snails
or be like a child that dies
    before seeing the sun.
Wipe them out quicker
than a pot can be heated
    by setting thorns on fire.[g]

10 Good people will be glad
when they see the wicked
    getting what they deserve,
and they will wash their feet
    in their enemies' blood.
11 Everyone will say, “It's true!
    Good people are rewarded.
God does indeed rule the earth
    with justice.”

Psalm 64-65

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

Celebrate because of the Lord

Listen to my concerns, God,
and protect me
    from my enemies' threats.
Keep me safe from secret plots
    of corrupt and evil gangs.
Their words cut like swords,
and their cruel remarks
    sting like sharp arrows.
They fearlessly ambush
    and shoot innocent people.

They are determined to do evil,
    and they tell themselves,
“Let's set traps!
    No one can see us.”[a]
They make evil plans and say,
“We'll commit a perfect crime.
    No one knows our thoughts.”[b]

But God will shoot his arrows
    and quickly wound them.
They will be destroyed
    by their own words,
and everyone who sees them
    will tremble with fear.[c]
They will be afraid and say,
“Look at what God has done
    and keep it all in mind.”

10 May the Lord bless his people
with peace and happiness
    and let them celebrate.

(A psalm by David and a song for the music leader.)

God Answers Prayer

Our God, you deserve[d] praise
in Zion, where we keep
    our promises to you.
Everyone will come to you
    because you answer prayer.
When our sins get us down,
    you forgive us.
You bless your chosen ones,
    and you invite them
to live near you
    in your temple.
We will enjoy your house,
    the sacred temple.

Our God, you save us,
and your fearsome deeds answer
    our prayers for justice!
You give hope to people
everywhere on earth,
    even those across the sea.
You are strong,
and your mighty power
    put the mountains in place.
You silence the roaring waves
and the noisy shouts
    of the nations.
People far away marvel
    at your fearsome deeds,
and all who live under the sun
celebrate and sing
    because of you.

You take care of the earth
and send rain to help the soil
    grow all kinds of crops.
Your rivers never run dry,
and you prepare the earth
    to produce abundant grain.
10 You water all its fields
    and level the lumpy ground.
You send showers of rain
to soften the soil
    and help the plants sprout.
11 Wherever your footsteps
touch the earth,
    a rich harvest is gathered.
12 Desert pastures blossom,
    and mountains celebrate.
13 Meadows are filled
    with sheep and goats;
valleys overflow with grain
    and echo with joyful songs.

Joshua 24:16-33

16 The people answered:

We could never worship other gods or stop worshiping the Lord. 17 The Lord is our God. We were slaves in Egypt as our ancestors had been, but we saw the Lord work miracles to set our people free and to bring us out of Egypt. Even though other nations were all around us, the Lord protected us wherever we went. 18 And when we fought the Amorites and the other nations that lived in this land, the Lord made them run away. Yes, we will worship and obey the Lord, because the Lord is our God.

19 Joshua said:

The Lord is fearsome; he is the one true God, and I don't think you are able to worship and obey him in the ways he demands. You would have to be completely faithful, and if you sin or rebel, he won't let you get away with it. 20 If you turn your backs on the Lord and worship the gods of other nations, the Lord will turn against you. He will make terrible things happen to you and wipe you out, even though he had been good to you before.

21 But the people shouted, “We won't worship any other gods. We will worship and obey only the Lord!”

22 Joshua said, “You have heard yourselves say that you will worship and obey the Lord. Isn't that true?”

“Yes, it's true,” they answered.

23 Joshua said, “But you still have some idols, like those the other nations worship. Get rid of your idols! You must decide once and for all that you really want to obey the Lord God of Israel.”

24 The people said, “The Lord is our God, and we will worship and obey only him.”

25 Joshua helped Israel make an agreement with the Lord that day at Shechem. Joshua made laws for Israel 26 and wrote them down in The Book of the Law of God.[a] Then he set up a large stone under the oak tree at the place of worship in Shechem 27 and told the people, “Look at this stone. It has heard everything that the Lord has said to us. Our God can call this stone as a witness if we ever reject him.”

28 Joshua sent everyone back to their homes.

Joshua, Joseph, and Eleazar Are Buried

29 Not long afterwards, the Lord's servant Joshua died at the age of 110. 30 (A) The Israelites buried him in his own land at Timnath-Serah, north of Mount Gaash in the hill country of Ephraim.

31 As long as Joshua lived, Israel worshiped and obeyed the Lord. There were other leaders old enough to remember everything that the Lord had done for Israel. And for as long as these men lived, Israel continued to worship and obey the Lord.

32 (B) When the people of Israel left Egypt, they brought the bones of Joseph along with them. They took the bones to the town of Shechem and buried them in the field that Jacob had bought for 100 pieces of silver[b] from Hamor, the founder of Shechem. The town and the field both[c] became part of the land belonging to the descendants of Joseph.

33 When Eleazar the priest[d] died, he was buried in the hill country of Ephraim on a hill that belonged to his son Phinehas.

Romans 16:1-16

Personal Greetings

16 I have good things to say about Phoebe, who is a leader in the church at Cenchreae. Welcome her in a way that is proper for someone who has faith in the Lord and is one of God's own people. Help her in any way you can. After all, she has proved to be a respected leader for many others, including me.

(A) Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila. They have not only served Christ Jesus together with me, but they have even risked their lives for me. I am grateful for them and so are all the Gentile churches. Greet the church that meets in their home.

Greet my dear friend Epaenetus, who was the first person in Asia to have faith in Christ.

Greet Mary, who has worked so hard for you.

Greet my relatives[a] Andronicus and Junia, who were in jail with me. They are highly respected by the apostles and were followers of Christ before I was.

Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend whose faith is in the Lord.

Greet Urbanus, who serves Christ along with us.

Greet my dear friend Stachys.

10 Greet Apelles, a faithful servant of Christ.

Greet Aristobulus and his family.

11 Greet Herodion, who is a relative[b] of mine.

Greet Narcissus and the others in his family, who have faith in the Lord.

12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who work hard for the Lord.

Greet my dear friend Persis. She also works hard for the Lord.

13 (B) Greet Rufus, that special servant of the Lord, and greet his mother, who has been like a mother to me.

14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, and Hermas, as well as our friends who are with them.

15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all of God's people who are with them.

16 Be sure to give each other a warm greeting.

All of Christ's churches greet you.

Matthew 27:24-31

24 (A) Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do and that the people were starting to riot. So he took some water and washed his hands[a] in front of them and said, “I won't have anything to do with killing this man. You are the ones doing it!”

25 Everyone answered, “We and our own families will take the blame for his death!”

26 Pilate set Barabbas free. Then he ordered his soldiers to beat Jesus with a whip and nail him to a cross.

Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus

(Mark 15.16-21; John 19.2,3)

27 The governor's soldiers led Jesus into the fortress[b] and brought together the rest of the troops. 28 They stripped off Jesus' clothes and put a scarlet robe[c] on him. 29 They made a crown out of thorn branches and placed it on his head, and they put a stick in his right hand. The soldiers knelt down and pretended to worship him. They made fun of him and shouted, “Hey, you king of the Jews!” 30 Then they spit on him. They took the stick from him and beat him on the head with it.

Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross

(Mark 15.22-32; Luke 23.27-43; John 19.17-27)

31 When the soldiers had finished making fun of Jesus, they took off the robe. They put his own clothes back on him and led him off to be nailed to a cross.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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