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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Psalm 25

(By David.)

A Prayer for Guidance and Help

I offer you my heart, Lord God,
    and I trust you.
Don't make me ashamed
    or let enemies defeat me.
Don't disappoint any
    of your worshipers,
but disappoint all
    deceitful liars.
Show me your paths
    and teach me to follow;
guide me by your truth
    and instruct me.
You keep me safe,
    and I always trust you.

Please, Lord, remember,
you have always
    been patient and kind.
Forget each wrong I did
    when I was young.
Show how truly kind you are
    and remember me.
You are honest and merciful,
and you teach sinners
    how to follow your path.

You lead humble people
to do what is right
    and to stay on your path.
10 In everything you do,
    you are kind and faithful
to everyone who keeps
    our agreement with you.

11 Be true to your name, Lord,
by forgiving each one
    of my terrible sins.
12 You will show the right path
    to all who worship you.
13 Then they will have plenty,
and their children
    will receive the land.

14 Our Lord, you are the friend
    of your worshipers,
and you make an agreement
    with all of us.
15 I always look to you,
because you rescue me
    from every trap.
16 I am lonely and troubled.
Show that you care
    and have pity on me.
17 My awful worries keep growing.
    Rescue me from sadness.
18 See my troubles and misery
    and forgive my sins.

19 Look at all my enemies!
    See how much they hate me.
20 I come to you for shelter.
Protect me, keep me safe,
    and don't disappoint me.
21 I obey you with all my heart,
and I trust you, knowing
    that you will save me.

22 Our God, please save Israel
    from all its troubles.

Psalm 9

(A psalm by David for the music leader. To the tune “The Death of the Son.”)

Sing Praises to the Lord

I will praise you, Lord,
    with all my heart
and tell about the wonders
    you have worked.
God Most High, I will rejoice;
I will celebrate and sing
    because of you.

When my enemies face you,
they run away and stumble
    and are destroyed.
You take your seat as judge,
and your fair decisions prove
    that I was in the right.
You warn the nations
    and destroy evil people;
you wipe out their names
    forever and ever.
Our enemies are destroyed
    completely for all time.
Their cities are torn down,
and they will never
    be remembered again.

You rule forever, Lord,
and you are on your throne,
    ready for judgment.
You judge the world fairly
and treat all nations
    with justice.
The poor can run to you
because you are a fortress
    in times of trouble.
10 Everyone who honors your name
    can trust you,
because you are faithful
    to all who depend on you.

11 You rule from Zion, Lord,
    and we sing about you
to let the nations know
    everything you have done.
12 You did not forget
    to punish the guilty
or listen to the cries
    of those in need.

13 (A) Please have mercy, Lord!
    My enemies mistreat me.
Keep me from the gates
    that lead to death,
14 and I will sing about you
    at the gate to Zion.
I will be happy there
    because you rescued me.

15 (B) Our Lord, the nations fell
    into their own pits,
and their feet were caught
    in their own traps.
16 You showed what you are like,
and you made certain
    that justice is done,
but evil people are trapped
    by their own evil deeds.
17 The wicked will go down
    to the world of the dead
to be with those nations
    that forgot about you.

18 The poor and the homeless
won't always be forgotten
    and without hope.

19 Do something, Lord!
    Don't let the nations win.
Make them stand trial
    in your court of law.
20 Make the nations afraid
and let them all discover
    just how weak they are.

Psalm 15

(A psalm by David.)

Who May Worship the Lord?

Who may stay in God's temple
or live on the holy mountain
    of the Lord?

Only those who obey God
    and do as they should.
They speak the truth
    and don't spread gossip;
they treat others fairly
    and don't say cruel things.

They hate worthless people,
but show respect for all
    who worship the Lord.
And they keep their promises,
    no matter what the cost.
They lend their money
    without charging interest,
and they don't take bribes
    to hurt the innocent.

Those who do these things
    will always stand firm.

Joshua 2:1-14

Rahab Helps the Israelite Spies

(A) Joshua chose two men as spies and sent them from their camp at Acacia with these instructions: “Go across the river and find out as much as you can about the whole region, especially about the town of Jericho.”

The two spies left the Israelite camp at Acacia and went to Jericho, where they decided to spend the night at the house of a prostitute[a] named Rahab.

But someone found out about them and told the king of Jericho, “Some Israelite men came here tonight, and they are spies.” 3-7 So the king sent soldiers to Rahab's house to arrest the spies.

Meanwhile, Rahab had taken the men up to the flat roof of her house and had hidden them under some piles of flax plants[b] that she had put there to dry.

The soldiers came to her door and demanded, “Let us have the men who are staying at your house. They are spies.”

She answered, “Some men did come to my house, but I didn't know where they had come from. They left about sunset, just before it was time to close the town gate.[c] I don't know where they were going, but if you hurry, maybe you can catch them.”

The guards at the town gate let the soldiers leave Jericho, but they closed the gate again as soon as the soldiers went through. Then the soldiers headed toward the Jordan River to look for the spies at the place where people cross the river.

Rahab went back up to her roof. The spies were still awake, so she told them:

I know that the Lord has given Israel this land. Everyone shakes with fear because of you. 10 (B) We heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea[d] so you could leave Egypt. And we heard how you destroyed Sihon and Og, those two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River. 11 We know that the Lord your God rules heaven and earth, and we've lost our courage and our will to fight.

12 Please promise me in the Lord's name that you will be as kind to my family as I have been to you. Do something to show 13 that you won't let your people kill my father and mother and my brothers and sisters and their families.

14 “Rahab,” the spies answered, “if you keep quiet about what we're doing, we promise to be kind to you when the Lord gives us this land. We pray that the Lord will kill us if we don't keep our promise!”[e]

Romans 11:1-12

God Has Not Rejected His People

11 (A) Am I saying that God has turned his back on his people? Certainly not! I am one of the people of Israel, and I myself am a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not turn his back on his chosen people. Don't you remember reading in the Scriptures how Elijah complained to God about the people of Israel? (B) He said, “Lord, they killed your prophets and destroyed your altars. I am the only one left, and now they want to kill me.”

(C) But the Lord told Elijah, “I still have 7,000 followers who have not worshiped Baal.” It is the same way now. God treated the people of Israel with undeserved grace, and so a few of them are still his followers. This happened because of God's undeserved kindness and not because of anything they have done. It could not have happened except for God's gift of undeserved grace.

This means that only a chosen few of the people of Israel found what all of them were searching for. And the rest of them were stubborn, (D) just as the Scriptures say,

“God made them so stupid
    that their eyes are blind,
and their ears
    are still deaf.”

(E) Then David said,

“Turn their meals
    into bait for a trap,
so that they will stumble
and be given
    what they deserve.
10 Blindfold their eyes!
    Don't let them see.
Bend their backs
beneath a burden
    that will never be lifted.”

Gentiles Will Be Saved

11 Do I mean that the people of Israel fell, never to get up again? Certainly not! Their failure made it possible for the Gentiles to be saved, and this will make the people of Israel jealous. 12 But if the rest of the world's people were helped so much by their sin and loss, they will be helped even more by their full return.

Matthew 25:1-13

A Story about Ten Young Women

25 (A) The kingdom of heaven is like what happened one night when ten young women took their oil lamps and went to a wedding to meet the groom.[a] Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps, but no extra oil. The ones who were wise took along extra oil for their lamps.

The groom was late arriving, and the young women became drowsy and fell asleep. Then in the middle of the night someone shouted, “Here's the groom! Come to meet him!”

When the women got up and started getting their lamps ready, the foolish ones said to the others, “Let us have some of your oil! Our lamps are going out.”

Those who were wise answered, “There's not enough oil for all of us! Go and buy some for yourselves.”

10 While the foolish ones were on their way to get some oil, the groom arrived. The five who were ready went into the wedding, and the doors were closed. 11 (B) Later the others returned and shouted, “Sir, sir! Open the door for us!”

12 But the groom replied, “I don't even know you!”

13 So, my disciples, always be ready! You don't know the day or the time when all this will happen.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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