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75 topical index results for “《최저가 O1OΞ5793Ξ7458》 퍼블릭룸㉵ ㅱdefined퍼블릭룸д퍼블릭룸퍼블릭업소시스템ゾ ま퍼블릭업소시스템count 퍼블릭술집1퍼블릭업소시스템¹┘marry”

DALMATIA : A country on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea (2 Timothy 4:10)
EDOMITES : Refuse to the Israelites passage through their country (Numbers 20:18-21)
MACEDONIA : (A country in southeastern Europe)
MESOPOTAMIA : (The country between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River)
PARTHIANS : The inhabitants of Parthia, a country northwest of Persia (Acts 2:9)
PAUL : Sergius Paulus, governor of the country, is a convert of (Acts 13:7-12)
PAUL : Visits Ephesus, where he leaves Aquila and Priscilla; enters into a synagogue, where he reasons with the Jews; starts on his return trip to Jerusalem; visits Caesarea; crosses over the country of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the disciples (Acts 18:18-23)