162 Bible results for “thank” from 
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  1. Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest

    At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;
  2. he took the seven loaves and the fish, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
  3. And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you,
  4. And he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground. And he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and they set them before the crowd.
  5. And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it.
  6. And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
  7. Jesus Rejoices in the Father's Will

    In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.
  8. Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded?
  9. and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan.
  10. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
  11. And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he said, “Take this, and divide it among yourselves.
  12. And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
  13. Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted.
  14. Other boats from Tiberias came near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
  15. So they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.
  16. And when he had said these things, he took bread, and giving thanks to God in the presence of all he broke it and began to eat.
  17. And the brothers there, when they heard about us, came as far as the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us. On seeing them, Paul thanked God and took courage.
  18. Longing to Go to Rome

    First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world.
  19. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
  20. But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed,
  21. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
  22. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.
  23. who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well.
  24. Thanksgiving

    I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus,
  25. I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,
English Standard Version (ESV)

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

21 topical index results for “thank”

SONG » Of thanksgiving
DAVID » King of Israel » Assembles thirty-thousand men to escort the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with music and thanksgiving (1 Samuel 6:1-5)
HEZEKIAH » King of Judah » His psalm of thanksgiving (Isaiah 38:9-22)

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